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Recreate Your Reality

  • Tue 12th Jan 2021, 2pm – Tue 2nd Feb 2021, 4pm EST (UTC -05:00)
  • Online
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Infinite Experience
Enquiries to
17+ people
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What is going on within you right now? 

Your innermost state of being is your answer to why your life is unfolding the way it is. 

Receive a special package to your door of ceremonial grade cacao infused with mantras, 7 types of organic mushrooms - Reishi, Chaga, Shiitake, Maitake, Lion's Mane, Cordyceps & Tremella and some surprise gifts to guide you through a deep process of release and reset to begin your year. 

What are the thoughts that are cycling through you throughout the day? The emotional baggage you’ve been carrying around with you that is informing your relationships and underpinning your entire experience?

What if we bought all that’s been lurking beneath unacknowledged and unexpressed into our present awareness, let go of that which we no longer choose and began the journey of realigning ourselves to that which we do want to experience? 

Working with 8 powerful plant medicines, we will dive deep within holding each other in community. Through meditation, shamanic practice, bodywork, breath work, QiGong and Neurolinguistic Programming, we will reassess our inner state and begin the creation of a new way of relating to ourselves and the world around us, creating a new reality from the inside out.

The Journey

Week 1 - Ceremony of release and reset 

Week 2 - Deep Enquiry and creation of daily practice

Week 3 - Connection and relationship to self and bodily wisdom

Week 4 - Recreate my reality

Week 1 - Drawing on Shamanic practice from the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon, we will begin our time together by entering into a ceremony of release with cacao. Entwined with embodiment techniques such as shaking, breath work and vocal opening, we will process and purge trauma and emotions routed in fear with the intention of deep bodily and energetic reset. 

Week 2 - Venturing deeper, we will connect to inner stillness through meditative techniques of inner observation to reveal what’s been running the show from the inside and develop a daily practice to guide us though the following 21 days to lead us up to our final day together. It takes 21 days to form a habitual pattern. This practice will seek to set a new foundation from which to live from, in greater awareness and connection, moment to moment with the assistance of powerful healing mushrooms from Asia.

Week 3 - Our relationship to ourselves is the relationship that informs all others. During this week we will tune into our deeper selves and our ability to access self love. Through meditation, inner child work and the 7 body wisdom areas, we will explore simple and practical techniques for deep listening, reconnection with our true worth, reprogramming of negative self talk and venturing into a deeper communion to the knowledge we contain within our cells. 

Week 4 - Where attention goes, energy flows 

During our final week, landing on the Celtic date of Imbolc (a time of magical beginnings when the seeds are beginning to stir for spring) we will ask our hearts what it is that we wish to create in our lives and sew the seeds within for the creation of this. 

Guided by cacao, we will create space to connect deeply within to our hearts, work with NLP (neurolinguistic programming), deep inquiry and QiGong, creating space to vision and voice our dreams in community. We will transition to a new way of seeing ourselves, connecting deeper to the understanding of our true power as the creators of reality. 

Why this course? 

This course is for anyone who wants to enter into a greater state of awareness within themselves and become the creator of their reality whilst being in greater touch with their inner guidance. 

Expect to develop tools in connecting more deeply to your body and soul’s inner guidance, to safely release trauma and live in a more connected way through introduction of daily practice and deep shifting in perspective about being enough just as you are. Delve deeper into the world of ceremony and plant medicine, regaining remembrance of your true power to recalibrate your life and mind as you choose.

Your Facilitator

Laura Reeves is creative director and founder of Infinite Experience, creating experiences designed to ignite oneness and release illusions of separation. She has designed and held workshops and interactive performances on physical release and heart connection all over the world and is excited to be back in London sharing the release space, a physical medicine for the body and soul.


  • Masters in Acting from East 15 (Alexandra technique; somatic practice & training; Meisner technique; physical theatre; body connection work)
  • TRE (trauma release exercise) trainee 
  • Feldenkrais 12 week course with Lavina Plonka 
  • Reclaiming your six body wisdom areas with Suzanne Scurlock
  • 13 years working with shamanic diets and plant medicine 
  • EFT/TFT certified practitioner
  • Diploma in Ayurvedic studies 
  • BA (Hons) Philosophy and Theology - consciousness studies/metaphysics - University of Nottingham and Melbourne 


“Absolutely incredible. complete shift in mindset in just one session. I was slowly climbing out of a cloud of anxiety but felt like i was catapulted out of it after this! Laura's amazing and does such a good job of reminding you that you are too.100% recommend and will be back, thank you Laura” ★★★★★

“For anyone who feels like their current efforts with self-care and emotional healing aren't quite going deep enough, this is for you. Laura is a brilliant facilitator who is very good at creating a calm, centered and non-judgmental space. Definitely the kind of emotional work I need to be doing! Will 100% attend again.” ★★★★★

“This the the best gift you can give yourself in these difficult times. Laura is a wonderfully gentle soul and will guide you to start feeling the love towards yourself you've denied for too long.” ★★★★★

“It was perfect, it healed my mind, my heart and my body. When is the next one as I need one of these weekly forever.” ★★★★★

“This session totally transformed how I was feeling. I was sad at the beginning of the session as everyone shared how anxious and overwhelmed they felt, filled with negative emotions…from the beginning Laura held the space so well and shared her expertise in such a loving, friendly way, giving us somatic practises that instantly changed how we felt. It was a very powerful experience and I feel like it brought up a lot for me that was moved through my body and out. If we all did this every day the world would be a much better place. Thanks Laura would love to do more work with you.” ★★★★★


Event Details

You’ll need to create a free zoom account which you can set up here:

DATES: Four consecutive Tuesdays starting 12 Jan. Each session is 7-9:OOpm

TICKET PRICES: £133-199 

DOORS OPEN: 18: 45

NO ENTRY AFTER: 19:00 To avoid disruption to the event, latecomers may not be admitted.

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns

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Select tickets

This event started about 4 years ago

Supporter £199
Standard £166
Low Income £133
Supporter £111 Sold out
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Laura, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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