Online Spring Equinox Breathwork Ceremony

breathwork ritual spirituality conscious connected breathwork ceremony and ritual personal development breath spring spring equinox breathwork journey ceremony heart opening ceremony new beginnings spring equinox workshop spring equinox ceremony
Hosted by Michelle Cadby Ceremonies
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Celebrate the arrival of Spring with this Spring Equinox breathwork ceremony. 

The Spring Equinox is the festival of balance and potential; when day and night are equal, flowers are blooming and Nature is bursting into life all around us. This is an opportunity to presence all that we have incubated through the Winter as it hatches into the light of Spring.

With the ripe potential Spring brings, this breathwork ceremony offers you the opportunity to:

  • integrate your lived experiences of the Winter months
  • harness this time of potential and balance
  • experience clarity and insights for the months ahead
  • be supported in birthing actions from a balanced place of wholeness
  • move forward into the year from your heart

Connect to the Spring spark of energy to support your positive actions for change for yourself, your community and the wider world.

You may simply want to come with an open intention of meeting whatever arises for you with your breath as your guide, and this is really welcome too!


The Celtic calendar/Wheel of the Year has eight festivals throughout the year with the solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarters. Michelle’s intention is to hold a seasonal breathwork ceremony for each festival, offering you the opportunity to connect to and honour both the wider and your own personal seasonal shifts throughout the year. Connecting to the wheel of the year can be a helpful way of making meaning; noticing, anchoring and grounding through the cycles and seasons of our wider body of nature and our interconnectedness.


A bit more about Conscious Connected Breathwork…

This form of breathwork  is a powerful and dynamic practice of open mouth circular breathing - meaning breathing continuously without pausing - usually done lying down with eyes closed to music. This can provide the opportunity for  releasing stress, integrating trauma and/or old patterns, gaining clarity and insights, relaxation, regulating your nervous system, connecting to your heart and higher self, and a variety of other possible experiences. Many experience a deep sense of calm and peace, becoming more open to joy and even bliss. 

Breathwork can significantly support the development of your relationship with your emotional body and nervous system, creating space for the body to process emotions you may be carrying. 

This practice is not about seeking a cathartic experience or pushing to reach an altered state, that might happen but it’s not the goal here. The invitation will be to go gently, with your breath as your guide.


Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness. Thich Nhat Hanh


Before booking your ticket for this ceremony please ensure you read the Breathwork Waiver and Release form below. By purchasing a ticket, you are agreeing that you have read the Waiver, and you are confirming that you will take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.

If you're not sure whether this ceremony is suitable for you at this time do please be in touch before booking. 

To stay up to date with my events & offerings, sign up here: 

And we can connect online here: 


“I had no previous experience of breathwork, and I was both nervous about what to expect and how it would work online. I felt at ease very quickly and was able to experience a deep sensation during the session which brought to the surface emotions and feelings that led to a warm wave of relief afterwards.” Daniel, 44, he/him, Business Development Director

"Michelle’s soft and gentle nature was the perfect cushioning for holding space during this ceremony. A safe and nurturing container is provided that allows for an unfolding of whatever is present. I felt a serene sense of peace and love and was grateful to be in such capable and generous facilitation.  I had a wonderful experience, thank you." Caroline, 46, she/her, Musician

“Michelle holds space beautifully with such care and grace.” Lore, 36, they/them, Administration Lead

"Michelle created a beautiful and lovingly held space. Being gentle and detailed in her explanations, I felt very safe." Jonny, 30, he/him, Illustrator

"I truly feel Michelle is an extraordinary space holder. I really appreciated the warm welcome and the clarity, strength, warmth, gentleness, safety and integrity which are all qualities very present in Michelle." Beth, 45, she/her, Musician, Facilitator and Company Director

“I find that Michelle holds space with real authenticity which I love.” Nick, 37, he/him, Carpenter

“I felt very safe in Michelle’s holding which was very solid and rooted,  allowing me to go to greater depths. I really appreciated the care to which Michelle held the process. Michelle strikes a beautiful balance of softness and strength, humour and seriousness. Thank you for the powerful medicine.” Beth F, 37, she/her, Psychotherapist 

Breathwork Waiver & Release form

I understand that if I am taking any medications or have any medical conditions such as, but not being limited to:

Schizophrenia, unmediated bipolar or psychosis, unmanaged PTSD, epilepsy or seizures, heart conditions or arrhythmia, COPD or pre-existing lung conditions, delicate and/or first trimester pregnancy, high blood pressure, very low blood pressure with fainting history, severe asthma,  glaucoma and/or detached retina, severe osteoporosis, or recent major surgery, that I must inform the facilitator of this session.

In any of these cases, modified practice options may be offered to you. The facilitator may on occasion advise that breathwork is not suitable for you. We also advise that people experiencing panic attacks and high anxiety levels use a modified practice.

Please let us know if you have recently been using micro-dosing protocols.

Whilst I have been accepted as a participant for this session, I accept responsibility for any consequence resulting from this practice. Your practitioner is not a substitute for consulting your GP or primary medical care provider.

In the event of any known medical conditions, I certify that I have consulted a health professional regarding any condition (physical, mental or emotional) that could interfere with my judgment or affect my health in any way during, or after the session.

By purchasing a ticket for this session I confirm I have read this waiver and confirm that I take full responsibility for my own health and wellbeing.

Select tickets

There is a sliding scale ticket price for these ceremonies as a form of mutual aid. It is up to you which price you pay, and you may find The Green Bottle System helpful in identifying where you sit on the sliding scale. I trust in your integrity to decide what you can afford. The intention here is to support this ceremony being as accessible as possible whilst also being sustainable.

Supported £11
Standard £16
Supporter £22
Abundant Supporter £26
Add a donation to Michelle Cadby Ceremonies
Infinite gratitude for your donations supporting me to continue holding these ceremonies in person and online.

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Michelle Cadby, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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