SOUL PATH: A 6 Week Coaching Journey · Dandelion

SOUL PATH: A 6 Week Coaching Journey

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Soul Beam
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In this six week online group coaching journey, you will be guided on a magical mystery tour of self-discovery in which you’ll uncover your unique gifts, unburden yourself of limiting beliefs and open wider to play, pleasure and possibility.

Informed by Bonny’s practise as a psychosynthesis coach, each session will include meditation, visualisation, reflection, sharing and group discussion, and will be complemented by homework exercises to deepen the process.

This program will help you to:

  • Connect to and articulate your truth
  • Unpack the limiting beliefs and patterns of self-sabotage that compromise your freedom
  • Acknowledge the wounding that makes it difficult for you to live with an undefended heart 
  • Practise noticing, appreciating and creating beauty as a pathway to a more joyful and satisfying existence
  • Enter into a state of embodied presence in which you feel aligned to your truth and free to speak it, with an open heart, awakened senses and a willingness to play in the mystery


“Bonny is an incredibly smart and intuitive coach with a multilayered approach, dancing between the worlds of classic psychology, mythic poetic symbology, and somatic experience with expert flair that results in a coaching that feels both grounded and mystical.” - Gaia Harvey Jackson


Course Philosophy:

  • CLARITY on your unique essence and the gifts you have to bring into the world is the cornerstone in the cultivation of a joyful, meaningful life. 
  • CREATIVITY, PLAYFULNESS & HUMOUR help to untangle us from the rigid and controlling parts of ourselves that keep us stuck in patterns of defence. 
  • DISARMING yourself is delicate work that will require you to get intimate with your emotions. 
  • GIVING VOICE & FORM to the emotional depths and mental tensions of your interior world is what will enable you to work through your shadows and blocks. 
  • EXPRESSION is a powerful transformational tool, which is why creativity is such a strong ally in our evolution.


‘The course was beautifully crafted, flowing from one theme to the next with clear intention and direction, and the homework prompts really enriched the content by encouraging personal reflection and embodied practices - all of which were fresh, creative and profound. Bonny held the space with real care and clarity, sharing all sorts of wisdom from the world of psycho-spirituality that was both informative and playful.  Her meditations and visualisations were wonderful, completely transporting me to other dimensions with her beautiful, dulcet tones! Overall, the journey proved to be deeply inspiring, activating and downright juicy!' - Isla Macleod


Course Structure

We’ll meet weekly on Monday evenings from 7:00pm - 9:30pm on zoom. 

1.PLAY: Setting the Tone

If enlightened masters awaken to life as play, can we play ourselves awake?

Play is a wonderful tool for learning and catalyst for creativity. It disarms us, which helps us to be more receptive to receiving fresh insights. Taking the spirit of play into our psychological enquiry can assist us in opening to new ways of thinking and being. 

This session will explore play as a mode of interaction with the world and a lens through which to view existence. There is no need to separate the playful from the profound. The deepest truths are always paradoxical in nature, reminding us not to cling too tightly to anything, to relax and enjoy the ride!

2. TRUTH: Diving deep within

The pursuit of truth is an abiding human experience. It has shaped many lives and much of human history. Indeed the desire to uncover ‘truth’ is at the root of all philosophical and scientific endeavour. But what is truth? How do we know something to be true? 

This session will explore truth as a concept and a lived experience. Crucially, you’ll be endeavouring to clarify your personal truth as this underpins your capacity to create a life that is motivated by meaning and purpose.

The truth will set you free...

3. FREEDOM: Unburdening ourselves

Often, what gets in the way of us leading joyful, meaningful lives, are the programs we’re running about who we think we should be. 

This session is about untangling the madness that binds us to leading lives of duty and drudgery. We’ll explore the limiting beliefs and patterns of self-sabotage that obstruct our capacity to live in accordance with our truth, and keep us trapped in prisons of our own making.

Indeed, it is our defence mechanisms, which we developed to protect the most delicate parts of us, that end up constricting us as we grow.

True freedom is living with an undefended heart…

4. LOVE: Mending the broken Mirror

And so our journey leads us to our sacred wounding - the source of our pain and our unique power.

This session is about coming into relationship with the parts of ourselves that split off in response to suffering, and offering them the love they didn’t get in order to restore a sense of wholeness and safety.

This will help us to trust life more, and open to deeper encounter with it… An undefended heart is able to embrace life and be in love with it all.

5. BEAUTY: Drinking the Nectar

Beauty is arguably what makes life worth living. It is not just a source of joy and pleasure but a source of healing and meaning. To experience beauty is to commune with the soul and encounter the sublime. And yet… so many of us don’t pay attention to beauty - why?

This session is all about awakening to beauty - learning to notice it, to appreciate it and to create it. To be present to beauty is to be present to the wonders of the world - what could be more important?

6. NOW: Embodying your essence. 

This final session is our homecoming. Having ventured deep into ourselves, this will be an opportunity for us to share, embody and express what we learnt on our adventures.

The invitation is to present the jewels you have found on this sacred treasure hunt to the group in a creative way, that gives expression to the most essential part of you. In sharing our gifts, we part ways, mutually enriched.


About your facilitator 

Bonny is a psychosynthesis coach and multidimensional creative. In her coaching work with individuals and groups, she focuses on connection to and expression of soul essence, drawing on a range of wisdom and techniques to help people answer the questions, ‘Who am I? Why am I here? & Where am I going?’ in a way that is dynamic and creative

Her work draws on her extensive studies of the creative process and the patterns of human development, including her MA research into the relationship between play and personal transformation. She is passionate about self-enquiry and artistic expression and strives to create soul stirring experiences through her creative and therapeutic practises. 

Relevant education, training & experience:

  • MA - Psychosynthesis Psychology (in progress)
  • PG Dip - Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
  • MA - Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries - Central St Martins
  • BA Hons - History of Art & Visual Cultures - Goldsmiths
  • 12 Years practise Vedic meditation and study of Vedic philosophy

For more information check out: and

If you are unsure if this course is for you and would like to hear more, please feel free to email to arrange a call.



“The work we have done together has been life changing. Bonny’s playful and enlightening techniques of dealing with the different layers of my personality meant that even the dark, ugly traits became more approachable and I was able to understand and honour them. I now feel as though now I can deal with life and the many curve balls that it likes to throws with a calm, clear grounded sensibility.” - Zoe Wellman

I feel a freedom that wasn’t there before. It’s still a work in progress, but the fact I can now catch my negative thought patterns and choose to change how I react is really powerful for me.  This new perspective allows me to be more balanced which will ultimately let me live a fuller life.” - Jo Twyford

“Bonny reminded me of the necessity to let my desire be my north star. I now have a renewed sense of vitality, curiosity, and creativity. I was so ground down from day-to-day monotony, that I lost sight of the spice of life… Our sessions brought about a shift in my perception that I can only describe as volcanic. The thick, protective layer of muck I had unconsciously constructed to stifle my own desires began to crack and anger, lust, playfulness, creativity and passion erupted from deep within me… I'm now on the other side with a new light inside me and a clear vision towards the future.” - Erica Wolfe

What you will need:

  • A notepad, paper and coloured pencils
  • Time to engage in ‘homework’ exercises outside of our weekly meetings (20mins-2hr p/wk depending on what's possible for you)
  • A willingness to enquire into your own wounding, defence mechanisms and patterns of self-sabotage and to show up, share and be witnessed in your unfolding

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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This event started over 2 years ago

Abundant £200
Standard £175
Low Income £150
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Bonny, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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