Pleasure Revolution - An Embodied Eros Retreat

Hosted by Anouska Zankhana & Taila Rose
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~ Somatic Practice ~ Self Love ~ Pleasure Reclamation ~ Nature Connection ~ Sacred Sexuality ~ Collective Liberation

Gather under the Taurus New Moon in the Valleys of Cymru (Wales) for 5 days & 4 nights with a powerful group of women and womb folk. 

Are you willing to meet what arises as you claim your desires as sacred and honour your boundaries as worthy and needed?

Do you wish to embody the change towards a pleasure-led and heart-centric world? 

Join us in acknowledging experiences of the past and rewriting these stories in the present so that we may we create a life rooted in Earth, love and pleasure 

We will journey in and through the body lovingly witnessing and nurturing the tender places, reclaiming that which has been shamed and outcast and remembering the wellspring of eros rippling through the core of your being. 

With guided ceremony, tools and practice you increase your capacity to be with what is,the art of being creates space for full bodied pleasure  and the strength to claim our truth


Voice of the Womb, Cae Mabon by @tailarose @womb.nectar @wild.echo_ 
Photographer: @therferalwonder


"Powerful, empowering, wild. The location was breathtaking, a heaven of wild peace in an ancient woodland. I am infinitely grateful for the space held, the vulnerability, the community of the beautiful womb folk with whom I shared this experience. Womb wisdom, heart connection, sacred sexuality and sensuality, so many beautiful, rich practices tailored into a transformative weekend."

Anais : Womb Mysteries Retreat (held by Taila Rose & Bryony Bee)


Themes & Topics;

Equal parts play & process, we'll be cultivating a wider range in your emotional literacy and increasing your capacity to feel it all - without losing yourself. Your ability to bare witness to the more challenging parts gives spaciousness for the play, pleasure & joy. 


To give you a taste, we will journey themes & topics such as: 

  • Sharing Circles, shame dissolving & unravelling
  • The Nervous System, with a particular focus on freeze & fawn / please
  • Restoring Sensitivity from Numbness and Disconnection
  • Pleasure Anatomy, meeting your p*ssy, yoni steams & self de-armoring
  • Self Pleasure Practices, to cultivate a loving self-connection
  • Exploring Consent, Desires & Boundaries and their practical application
  • Communication, Voicing your Truth
  • The Art of Surrender
  • Rewilding the Body to unlock your primal power
  • Reclaiming Exiled Parts of you due to cultural conditioning & oppression
  • Liberation of Feminine ~ Embodiment ~ Erotic Wisdom
  • Fireside Jams, storytelling, poetry, songs & nurture
  • Space to Be, listen and connect with the Welsh Wilds & Waters


Voice of the Womb, Cae Mabon by @tailarose @womb.nectar @wild.echo_ Photographer: @therferalwonder


Pleasure Revolution

Pleasure: “A state or feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment from experiencing the fullness of each moment”

Revolution: “Overthrowing a government or social order, in favour of a new system”

The current system is not there to serve us all. It depends on our dis-embodiment and dis-ease. The Earth on the other hand is here and serving us and it's about time we start to reciprocate that with receiving its love openly and giving back by being in pleasure, presence and awareness. It gets to start with us choosing to stand FOR pleasure, rather than fight AGAINST a crumbling system. 

The moment you decide that you are enough, when you bask in all you are and you feel the pulse of life moving through you, wanting to express itself through you… you realise that you don't need to run around, worry, or stress. That you don't need to seek, you become. Resting into the knowing that pleasure is all around you and WITHIN you. A slowing down, a presencing, a sinking into, listening and re-membering. 

This Pleasure Revolution is a change in the system internally and simultaneously externally. Change IS possible, it is the only constant, and so it is possible in our life time. When we reclaim our truth and pleasure within, it anchors us more fully into our embodied experience of life: giving us greater capacity to be in deep relationship with ourselves, each other and nature. From here, our felt-sense of truth naturally ripples out and expresses; in our way of being, our actions and our communication.

What we are sharing and creating over these days are tools so that you can become deeply resourced, know that you are worthy to unfurl into the wisdom and medicine of your Body & Eros. Making these changes is part of the (un)learning journey in which we rewrite old stories and deeply remember that life is pleasurable, that everything we need to feel and experience a state of pleasure is already within us, in reciprocity with Mother Earth and the Earth of our Body. When we gaze into the dominant cultural narrative, we can see we are being sold shells on a seashore. We are not lacking, nor do we need to push, pull, stretch ourselves to attain pleasure and stand in our power.  

Reclaim your power and say yes to a way of being rooted in body wisdom & pleasure. 

Voice of the Womb, Cae Mabon by @tailarose @womb.nectar @wild.echo_ Photographer: @therferalwonder

The Schedule;

Overview of our Journey, full schedule coming soon.

Wednesday 8th May from 2pm

Thursday 9th May: 

Friday 10th May

Saturday 11th May

Sunday 12th May, departure by 1pm

The Facilitators;

Anouska is a Sacred Sexuality Body-Worker, an inner child therapist, a trainee in NLP therapy and Embodiment Counselling who is also trained in trauma informed care and is the creator of The Ethereal Red Tent Collective and Bleeding space. She is an experienced space holder who has previously held womens retreats called ‘Wild & Nourishing Weekend Retreats’ and holds womens circles and workshops such as Embodied Eros & Cacao and Rope Release. 

‘It has been a dream of mine to create a retreat that allows all the spaciousness to drop deeply into our bodies, emotions and our pleasure. A whole retreat dedicated to reclamation of our truth where we can really learn our bodies language, together.  Through many of my own struggles I wished and hoped for spaces like this, for safe, nourishing, expansive spaces to hold me in all I was carrying. From shame, guilt and fear I held so much in, not knowing who could hold the weight of my truth and trauma. Through much support and finding the right tools for me I have navigated my way into a place where I can hear my body speak, where I create nurturing patience within myself for all the parts that still need tending to, to this day. I have learnt how to know and voice my boundaries, wants and needs with confidence, knowing that if someone can't meet them then its OK. Because I have me, my pleasure and my love. I have finally stopped repeating old patterns, seeking love and distractions in all the wrong places and am following the path of my heart, womb and pussy
Not only does leading this pleasure led life open you up to receive more connection to self and full bodied juicy orgasms… it creates more space to receive and magnetize to you; people who align with you and bring you even more pleasure, clarity, truth and growth, the jobs you desire, the lifestyle you desire and  a deep connection and awareness to Earth and her erotic pulse and so much more. I look forward to deepening this journey with you. ’

See more of her on Instagram @anouska.zankhana 

or on her website here. Find more Testimonials from previous retreats she's held here


‘The wild goddess retreat, held in a castle on the outskirts of Glastonbury will be a weekend, I will never forget. Thank you Noushie for sharing your medicine, your energy + your gifts in a space which was truly held in nourishment + safety. I was able to go deep within myself in the holding of yourself + other sisters to witness parts of myself I hadn't yet fully seen. The weekend brought healing, expansion, joy + tears through so many powerful workshops + offerings.

A beautiful space with delicious vegan food. I am honestly so grateful, I really felt the depth of your wisdom, the strength + warmth of your heart + your unwavering intuition. I cannot wait for us to gather again. Thank you.'

Bec Wallis, UK , 2022


Taila Rose believes that coming home to body and eros, tending the pathways of aliveness and remembering our wholeness are the antidotes to the crisis of belonging we currently find ourselves in.

She is a somatic sexologist, earth & pleasure advocate and relationship mentor; supporting rewilding our relationships with self, other and nature.

Taila holds loving spaces to unravel, reveal & reimagine ourselves as wild nature; cyclical eco-systems with erotic innocence, pleasure and the capacity for gratitude, reciprocity and reverence for all life.

Take a peak at what else she's up to here: taila.rose

‘My journey and quest for truth and justice left me noticing something was missing, incomplete, in the places and spaces I found myself in. Through vision quests & community exploration, I came to realise that Eros is the missing piece, so I dove deeper into exploring this current that flows between and through all life. It led me on a journey into pleasure activism, sexuality and healing disconnection & depression. For me, Eros represents the energetic field of love that exists between all of life. Reconnection with this primordial life principle is key to change Systems of Oppression into Systems of Freedom.

I believe that Love, Sexuality and Community are foundational pillars for systems change in our time.’ - Taila Rose 


Taila provided a nurturing, open, non-judgemental and safe space for me to explore deep into my sexuality and sexual experiences. She helped me to see clearly that what I experience is not weird or scary but wonderful, magical, erotic and deeply connected to the elements. I felt more relaxed, grounded and accepted in my sexuality after her workshop. I have never met anyone who is able to relate to me and understand my sexuality without projections of shame, dismissal or jealousy, then I was fortunate enough to meet and work with Taila. Taila is a rare gift, compassionate, incredible listener and powerfully connected to the Earth and to spirit. Jump at the opportunity to work with her.”

- Jenny Asha Lily Wilde : Self Pleasure Circle



Our Intention;

Together our intention is for everyone who attends this retreat to leave with a deep reclamation of inner power. To feel empowered with the deepening connection to self, nature and community. We desire to create a space that allows you to access deep pleasure to harness resilience, power, creativity and sex magic. We will support you to release shame, stigma and old limiting stories that are holding you back from feeling your ultimate fullness, reclaiming exiled parts and supporting your unfurling into embodied eros and a revolution rooted in pleasure.


Who is this for;

We have created this event for Women and Womb folk due to the retreat focusing on female pleasure anatomy, wombs and the conditioning experienced by those socialised as girls - e.g. to be a ‘good girl’. We are always striving to create a diverse environment with inclusive language within our spaces, whilst also honouring our limitations. Please do get in contact with Taila or Anouska if you wish to explore if this is for you.  


The Food & Chef;

Peter "Chippy" Grant, a passionate vegan chef, is the heart and soul behind "Trewhitts Food", an award-winning catering company that celebrates local, seasonal, and organic ingredients that nourish the body and the soul. His expertise in nutrition and herbalism is reflected in every dish he creates.

A dedicated forager and mushroom aficionado, Peter incorporates these elements into his food in a sustainable manner, showcasing his deep respect for nature and the environment. His culinary journey has taken him around the world, catering at various retreats and collaborating with renowned figures in the Retreat and Wellness World.

His commitment to promoting food as the foundation of community is evident in his work at Medicine Festival, where he has crafted a food ideology that harmonizes with nature, the seasons, and holistic well-being. For Peter, food is not just sustenance—it is a source of connection and vitality, a reflection of our relationship with the earth and each other.


The Location; 

The gorgeous Penquoit Centre Lawrenny Road, Kilgetty SA68 0PL

Located adjacent to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and the beautiful Cresswell River with some of the most spectacular scenery and diverse wildlife in Britain, The Penquoit Centre can be found nestled amongst un-spoilt natural countryside.

There are two dorm rooms, allowing for a real community feel of co-habiting over the time shared together. 

By Car:

M4 to Carmarthen, A40 towards Haverfordwest. At Canaston Bridge (just after Robeston Wathem) take A4075 for Pembroke. At Cresselly (6 miles) turn right, then right again at T junction. After small bridge turn left uphill towards Lawrenny, the Centre is on right (½ mile).

By Public Transport:

Trains and National Express stop at Kilgetty or Tenby (7 miles). Irish Ferry and Pembroke (6 miles). We can collect you from the train station which is 7 miles away.


Further Information

If you wish to get in touch, please message Taila or Anouska.


Email: | Instagram: taila.rose


Email: |  Instagram :@anouska.zankhana 


THERAPEUTIC PROCESS: While this may retreat may have benefits for your health and wellbeing, it is not intended as a form of therapy. If you are currently experiencing active trauma or significant mental health challenges we suggest that you seek 1-1 support and resource yourself before participating in a group experience such as this. Please do reach out if you are unsure and would like to explore whether this retreat is right for you at this time. 

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note that we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. This is largely due to the high costs involved for running a retreat. Do get in touch with us if you can no longer attend, it may be possible for you to sell your ticket on to someone if there is a waitlist. 

Select tickets

This event started 3 months ago

Earlybird Tickets £580 Sold out
Available until March 10th. A lower price to say thank you for your early YES! Bed in Dorm Room.
Standard Ticket £680
Bed in Dorm Room.
Supporter Ticket £780
Bed in Dorm Room.
Friend Ticket - Ticket for 2! £990
Discounted price when you and a friend say YES together. Two Beds in Dorm Room.
Three is not a crowd... Ticket for 3! £1,470
Discounted price when three friends say YES together. Three Beds in Dorm Room.
Deposit £340
Non-refundable deposit to secure your place. Bed in Dorm Room. We will contact you to set up a payment plan. Payments must be complete prior to event starting.
If you feel our vision and wish to add an additional contribution, your donation is gratefully receieved.
Do you feel a YES and finances are challenging? Please do message one of us to discuss applying for a scholarship place.

Your details

By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Anouska Zankhana & Taila Rose, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.