The Map Of Womanhood

feminine energy women's retreat shaktipat womanhood rites of passage self reclamation empowerment healing
Hosted by Infinite Bliss
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Dear women,

We have an incredible opportunity on Sunday, 23rd March, with Hannah Grace and her twin sister Eartha Love, who are offering a one day retreat on the Map of Womanhood/Rites of Passage. 

I have loved working with Hannah, and I would highly recommend her work. The soul retrievals and journeys of reclaiming my inner child's energy have been life changing for me. 

We now have the opportunity to go through life and its thresholds supported and loved. We can revisit the past and truly honour our journey and give to our inner girl the attention, understanding, and honour that she needs! May the feminine energy rise and blossom! 

The day will be filled with love, awakening shakti, and coming home to the heart. 

As women, every time we go through hormonal surges in life, we enter a new threshold. The old self fades away, and we step into a new, powerful self. Unfortunately, in our society, this is highly neglected and has caused us to become fragmented. It has created fears, insecurities, and doubts in oneself. We can now choose to go consciously on the journey of reclaiming oneself through each of the thresholds. 

This is the highest devotion to ourselves. The most beautiful gift of embodying the full power, beauty, and lush sexuality that we are.

The map of womanhood is a holographic 3d spiral that brings us back to ourselves by helping us to see the bigger picture of our lives, so we can see through the veils of separation into the connectedness of all life.

It brings women the deep understanding of the path through to the truth of their own true nature, finding ourselves by giving ourselves the picture of our own journey travelling this road. The road is ancient, well-travelled and holds much knowledge about which way you must go, which path you seek and which way the river of your own life is taking you. 

Walk this ancient red path with beauty and grace as the spirits walk beside you, the grandmothers walk beside you, urging you on to complete your Earthwalk with the beauty of the path of woman. 

Have strength, honour and compassion for the right and wrong turns that we take to get there. Honouring the cycle and finding your way back to the path/flow in every moment.It becomes a map as you become more conscious on this journey, letting go of the past, but bringing the vibrant and rich threads of your medicine with you so you can find your way forward consciously. 

The golden thread of light that wove its way through your past thresholds becomes a light to help you find your way through the future thresholds you have yet to walk. You can become conscious on your path.We take our time step by step, dancing this spiral of time, creating the map we must follow into the future, by uncovering the healing of the past. 

Recovering the past, healing the future. Step by step on the well-worn road. Placing an offering at every threshold with reverence for this sacred quest, that takes beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary beauty of our own life.We are beauty, we are sacred, we are holy, we are ancient.

When your path is well worn, honoured and revered as holy, you express your divinity and can give this to our daughters. Blankets and stones, patterns and stars. We come together in the middle for our final dance. The ancient ones, the grandmothers are with us, dancing, pounding the vibration of the cosmos with their bare feet. Spiralling into the centre we come home with strength and wisdom. The map of womanhood becomes a spiritual practice."

by Eartha Love

As well as a retreat of bliss and self reclamation, the day is a powerful training to any facilitator and a healer as the journey of holding space for another and creating a conscious community invites us deeper! 

More information about the facilitators can be found at:

If you feel financially challenged but really feel this is for you, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am on 07500663223. Nellie

Image - Eartha Love.

Select tickets

This event started 3 days ago

Full Ticket £111

Full Ticket includes a full day event and a FREE copy of the digital album "Surrender into Grace" by Eartha Love and Jason Kalidas

Concession £77
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