Voice of the Womb Retreat: Cae Mabon

creativity ritual sexuality embodied healing retreats shamanism intimacy identity and connection retreat womb womb blessing womens work embodiment dance womens circle voice activation
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Womb Mystery
Local group Wales
Facebook event
Enquiries to bryony.darbon@gmail.com
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Voice Activation : Ecstatic Dance : Sacred Sexuality : Wild Nature : Womb Wisdom


Welcome to the Voice of the Womb Retreat, held in the magical and famous Cae Mabon eco retreat centre in North Wales.

You are warmly invited to a rich week of sensual & embodied practice, nourishing intimacy with the body and community as we re-wild our sexuality and delve into the magic of the Womb, Sound and Pleasure Alchemy.

This in-depth immersion, is an opportunity to dip your toes into the inky waters of the feminine, whilst exploring soul & body enlivening practices exploring the Womb Mysteries, Flower Healing, Voice Activation, Sound Alchemy and Self Pleasure Healing Modality.

Over the weekend you will be guided through embodiment movement, vocal exploration, w fire-side singing, ritual and body connection awakening your capacity to listen and receive the pulse of aliveness.


Please Note: Spaces are extremely limited, so book well in advance.


Partial Scholarship and Subsidised Spaces: 

Please apply here.




"Powerful, empowering, wild. The location was breathtaking, a heaven of wild peace in an ancient woodland. I am infinitely grateful for the space held, the vulnerability, the community of the beautiful womb folk with whom I shared this experience. Womb wisdom, heart connection, sacred sexuality and sensuality, so many beautiful, rich practices tailored into a transformative weekend."

Anais : Womb Mysteries Retreat



River that runs through Cae Mabon


The Call


Your Womb has a voice. 
Listen deep, and you will hear her calling you Home.


Voice of the Womb Retreat is a sacred offering to unleash the voice of your Womb, awakening to pleasure, creativity and your wildly authentic expression - free from the constraints of old patterns and stories that keep you from living the life you truly desire.

Over 6 days and 5 nights we will journey through the elemental gateways of the Womb, in a quest to return to your true, raw essence - the source of your creative power, sensual nature and wild pleasure.

This is a place where we will celebrate each other in our vulnerability and our courage, welcoming all layers of our expression as we awaken our Wombs and wild feminine power through rituals in ecstatic movement, vocal activation, self pleasure and creativity under the light of the Full Moon.

Within a supportive group of Women, we unearth our wild feminine power through an in-depth immersion discovering the multi-dimensional nature of our Wombs and Wild Nature of our Authentic Voice, in the Sacred Heart of North Wales.

It is an offering to come home to ourselves - body, blood and flesh, so that we find a way back to source through ritual and community, and from that space we can allow ourselves to e-merge once more.




Fireside Singing and Laughter 

Awakening your Soft Animal Body in Nature

Emotional Release and Expression

Ceremonial Tea Circles for Inner Alchemy

Unleashing your Untamed Voice through Ritual 

Discovering the Honeyed Magic of your Womb

Creative Expression through Song, Dance, Painting, Play

Child-like wonder as you play amongst the fae and faery folk





A Pilgrimage to the Wild and Sacred Heart of your Womb

Nestled amongst the oaks,
in a hidden valley - you're invited to take up your seat around the fire & hearth.

Something called you here,
a whisper in the wind,
the gentle stirrings of your soul,
hungry to feel the wild,
that you've heard singing through your bones.

This invitation is a calling,
to rekindle your inner flame,
the part of you that remembers,
that deep inside you are untamed.

In this place of myth & magic,
a new story pulls you in,
the Woman that remembers,
the wilderness within.

Welcome to this place, 
where the stones & stories speak,
to help you remember your strength,
in love & truth we meet.

(Words by Bryony)



“Such a special day, with care and kindness interwoven throughout. A supportive Fem space to express and allow the inner animalistic ROARR out!

Rosie : Voice of the Womb



As a community we will:


🐉  Gather around the fire to share our voices, our songs, our grief and our prayers - allowing ourselves to be seen, witnessed and held


🐉 Explore ways to move, express, release our emotions, creating more space to embody that which we desire


🐉  Journey through Womb, Body and Voice, for personal and collective reclamation of feminine power


🐉 Step into a sacred constellation of Women and Womb Folk, creating a group field to amplify our intentions


🐉  Re-wild our intimacy with nature, with Earth-based pleasure practices 


🐉  Sit together and nourish our bodies with delicious, locally sourced and organic food 


🐉  Lose ourselves as we dance in rhythm with the forest, awakening to our aliveness, and ecstatic states of transformation


🐉  Quest together on nature hikes and pilgrimages, go wild swimming in beautiful lakes and rivers then warm up around the fire sharing laughter and songs


🐉  Dream under the stars, and nestle up as we journey together through the night in sound and sleep ceremonies 


🐉  Create a sacred architecture to our work, through daily connection and ritual in co-creation with the elements


🐉  Meet like-minded Women and Womb Folk in a mystical setting, to uplift your spirit and make life-long friends and connections




Such a profound and deeply nourishing experience! Taila and Bryoni crafted a wonderful journey to explore a more connected and wild life experience!! Definitely recommend”

- Giulia : Womb Mysteries Retreat



“A beautifully facilitated day of ceremony, healing and reclamation. I’m left feeling blessed and inspired with a desire for more.”


What to Expect


Shamanic Womb Work

In this work we believe that the Womb has a spirit, a primal voice that speaks an ancient wisdom when we are ready to listen. This is the art of direct revelation, a key principle in shamanic practice whereby we receive knowledge, guidance and medicine from the body. Each day we will meet with a different Element within the Womb: Earth, Fire, Water and Air - discovering it's archetypal energies and methods for healing, power and creation.

Earth Rituals

Shamanic & Nature-based rituals for you to become deeply intimate with the Earth, whilst awakening your capacity to listen and receive the pulse of aliveness. Remembering relationships of reciprocity with natural lore. This immerion is quest to the untamed voice that lives within you and the sacred heart of nature. Here we enter into a co-creative partnership with the Wild.

Yoni Yoga Nidra

A deeply restorative practice that invites you to the liminal space between dreaming and awake, using techniques from Yoga and Shamanic Trance, for healing and deeper connection to self. This practice has been specially designed to revitalise the Womb space, as we greet the body with love and tenderness, offering a space of nourishment, deep rest and communion with the Earth.


Self Pleasure 

Self Pleasure is a practice of devotion to one's aliveness where thoughts can drop to emotions, to feelings, to sensations. Connecting with the tools of sound, breath, movement and touch. Sensing that which is there to be witnessed, recalibrating your nervous system with the pulse of Earth, listening and remembering the current of Eros at the core of your being. From here, you come home to a space where you get to be so radically human that you can drink your own medicine, rooted in your unique earthen expression of erotic innocence.

Movement Alchemy

Through Womb Yoga, Ecstatic and Temple Dance we explore practices that nourish both within and without. These elixirs will move stagnant energy, alchemising tension and blocks whilst cultivating a relationship with Earth Eros (Life Force). These somatic, sensory explorations offer tools for us to become more embodied - connecting to the current of life that is moving through and with us. Using these practices we can begin to manifest and ignite deepest longings and desires.


Creative Expression

Vocal exploration, movement and creative practices co-created to revitalise your connection to your body, giving voice to the sacred vessel of your Womb whilst awakening your capacity to listen and hear the whispers (or roar!) of your own creative, wild, untamed rhythm. Here we are weaving a collective tapestry of remembrance, building community whilst unlocking our expression. 

Sharing Circles

One of the most empowering things Women can do, is to share their story.

We gather for daily sharing circles to create a sacred and held space, forming authentic and deep connections amongst the group. Here we honour and witness each other in both our vulnerability and our triumphs, offering a space for raw, primal and unfiltered expression.



“Many treats in today's co-lead workshop. But one of the best bits for me when I come to these workshops is the freedom to explore who I am...through singing, sound, dance, talk shares. There is something wonderful learnt in the body when we remember what it is to be in connection with the group when we are all in line doing the same thing, and still be in connection when we explore our own thing to our own rhythm. Thank you ladies. Another piece was woken today. It's also such a pleasure to witness true friendship, love, kindness and support, which is what I saw in all ladies running the show. Thank you!

Kate : Voice of the Womb



"A truly magical day, fillled with nourishment, catharsis and empowerment, held in community. Deep gratitude."

Rachel : Voice of the Womb


This is for you if…


You are seeking to experience and allow more pleasure into your life

You long to howl, laugh, cry, roar, dance, dream, create, listen, and quest in the untamed heart of Wales

You have been searching for a deeper form of Womb Work that speaks to your wild feminine nature

You've dreamt of staying in a magical Earth house, and want to make that dream come true

You are desiring for community and a space amongst Women which is inclusive and liberating

You want to unleash your authentic voice, share your truth and learn to express your deepest desires

You are looking for meaningful ways to unlock your sexuality and ignite your power

You're yearning to feel more alive and at home in your body

You are curious about shamanism and learning methods for self pleasure

You're ready explore and express your sensuality

You're familiar with Shamanic and embodiment practices but are looking for something more raw and primal



“Thank you Bryony and Taila for a beautifully tender evening of connection to self, sense and each other.

 Sophie : Sense-ual Workshop



"Bryony is incredibly connected to the group energy. Her unique facilitation guides and taps into deep contact with the wisdom and intelligence of the body. So comforting and resourcing."


Ishrat : Womb Mysteries


Weekend Highlights & Ceremonies


Womb and Rose Ceremony

Stepping onto the red thread, we open the container in a shamanic descent through the body, meeting our one of our beloved plant allies for the the journey - The Rose. Through a plant spirit tea ceremony with the Queen of Flowers we are greeted by this benevolent teacher in Self-Love, tenderly opening our Heart's and Womb's to awaken our connection with Gaia, and each Woman in the group.


Voice of the Earth Ceremony

Women are mirrors of the Earth. Our bodies hold wisdom as ancient as the trees and rocks, the Womb being the gateway to this primordial wisdom.  this circle of remembrance, we will drop into our soft animal bodies to LISTEN DEEP, communing with Earth through our senses and allowing the song of nature that is daring to rise through us to sing. Using embodiment and vocal activation, we create a soundscape uniting our voices with the wild and primal of Womb & Earth.

Self Pleasure Ritual

Gathered in circle we descend into the body to be with the sensations fully and completely; using tools of sound, breath, movement and touch. Meeting the matter of body and earth, self pleasure allows for relating with sensations, eros and group field without attachment to story, judgment or censorship. 

Re-Wilding Eros Ecstatic Dance w/Cacao

What is your sexuality and desire stirring in your Womb? What has this Summer unleashed that you now wish to fully embody? In this ecstatic dance journey we caress your senses, with a set designed to tantalize and awaken the wild one within and without. This will ber served up with delicious ceremonial cacao sourced responsibly from Gutamala - the heart and home of Mayan Cacao. 

Fire Ceremony 

We meet at the Fire to breathe life into what we desire to manifest and dream up through this immesion, and offer back to the flames what's we wish to let go for the week ahead. Bring your songs, your voices, your drums as we call in the Elements. We howl, we scream, we laugh, we cry, we dance, we dream - and together WE RISE.

Wild Woodland Spa

A place of restoration and deep relaxation, the Hot Tub offers a place to take some heat into the blood, flesh and bones as we journey through the immersion together. Wood fired with a running river next to it for you to take a dip and refresh, this is a wondeful place to ground and gather with the other Women.

Lake Swimming and Wild Nature

Cae Mabon is sat next to an incredible lake at the foot of Mount Snowdon, in North Wales, which has an accessible beach for cold water swimming, ideal in the late Summer nights we will be gathering. Around the site are plenty of opportunities for nature exploration, including up to Fachwen waterfall, and through the valley there are old-growth forests and mossy trails. This is the perfect place to disconnect from busy life, slow down and simply be. We will leave plenty of time in the afternoons for being in Nature.


"Thank you for such crafting and holding such a powerful space. I can't express how meaningful and potent this journey was for me in the context of healing sexual trauma." 

- Em



The Journey: At a Glance


Arrival 4pm - 6pm on Wednesday 30th August

Leave by 11am on Monday 4th September

Day 1: Earth: Arrival

Afternoon: Landing/Nature Connection
Evening: Opening Fire Circle


Day 3: Water: Full Moon in Pisces

Morning: Sound Healing & Vocal Journey
Afternoon: Re-Birthing Lake Ritual
Evening: Womb Waters Ceremony


​Day 2Fire

Morning: ​Sensual Soft Awakening
Afternoon: Wild & Ecstatic Dance Ritual
​Evening: Fire Ceremony & Song Circle


Day 4: Air

Morning: Ecstatic Awakening Dance
Afternoon: Voice of the Earth Ceremony
Evening: Sense-ual Pleasure Ritual

Day 5: Ether

Morning: Womb & Voice Yoga 
Afternoon: Sound Alchemy Journey
Evening: ReWilding Eros Ecstatic Dance

Day 6: Earth: Departure

Morning: Giving Thanks & Closing Ceremony



A beautifully held, safe and nourishing space facilitated by 3 gorgeous sisters. My intention was to truly honour where I am and to open up to feeling supported by sisterhood. I felt loved, cared for, seen, held, hugged, nourished and so much more. Caressed by the medicine of the rose, humbled by mama Cacao, it was a truly beautiful journey. Deeply grateful.”

- Meher : Voice of the Womb






About Cae Mabon

Cae Mabon is intimate with the primal elements of forest, river, wind, earth and fire.


Llanberis Lake at the foot of Cae Mabon



Set in an ancient oak forest by a rushing mountain river, Afon Fachwen. It adjoins the Padarn Country Park, one hundred acres of natural oak woodland. It is an excellent example of the indigenous forests of Wales, with most of the tree species native to these parts: oak, ash, birch, rowan, hazel, alder, willow, holly, blackthorn, hawthorn, beech, yew and pine.

From the Cae Mabon site you can walk down to a magnificent lake, that sits in the presence of mount Snowdon - the largest mountain in Wales.

This is an area rich in myth, folklore and legend - with our host - Eric Maddern being a versed storyteller of these tales.

Read More about Cae Mabon and their philosophy here.




The Hogan: Spacious 4 Bedroom Dorm


The Cob Cottage: 1 Double & 3 Singles


The Chalet: 4 Bedroom Dorm


The Hobbit House: 1 Double & 1 Single


The Lodge: 4 Bedroom Dorm



All units are off grid and ecologically sustainable; biodegradable products and locally sourced/recycled materials.



Cae Mabon, 
LL55 3HB 


Sunset at the Lake within minutes of Cae Mabon Walking


The nearest international airports are in Liverpool (just under two hours away) and Manchester (just over two hours). 
There are train services from both airports to Bangor, but you may have to change twice. 
Birmingham airport is about three hours away.


The nearest train station is Bangor (Gwynedd). There is a good service to Bangor from Euston, London, which can take as little as three and a half hours. 
It takes about 25 minutes to drive from Bangor to Cae Mabon. Taxis cost between £20 and £25. 
We can arrange pick up, at an extra cost - which will either be by a member of our team or Cae Mabon.
Please Inform us as soon as possible of your arrival time at Bangor Train station so we can plan accordingly.


Follow Maps to: Cae Mabon, Fachwen, Llanberis,Gwynedd, LL55 3HB, UK

There is a narrow country lane that leads to Cae Mabon, so please be aware of this when driving to the site. You won't be able to drive all the way to the accommodation so only bring what you can carry.

Please inform us if you are planning on driving and are happy to share the ride and fuel costs.

Find more details to support your journey here.

land, United Kingdom

Arrival and Departure

Arrival 4pm - 6pm on Wednesday 30th August

Leave by 11am on Monday 4th September


Mount Snowdon


Your Booking Includes:

  • 5 Nights in Unique and Cosy Accomodation at Cae Mabon
  • All Ceremonies and Workshops
  • 3 Delicious Organic Meals a day by herbalist & food maestra 
  • Ethically Sourced Cacao 
  • Specially selected Teas & Treats 
  • Hot Tub and Wild River Swi
  • Access to 10 acres of woodland and nature within and around the site

Does not include transport to and from the site.

Payment Options


All Rooms have access to communal ecological bathrooms. Prices vary depending on the style and size of accommodation.

We have seven beautiful eco-dwellings providing the following accommodation:

HOGAN: 4 singles, can be made into doubles at an additional price: £800 

LONGHOUSE: Double: £830 & Bunk Bed: £700

COB COTTAGE: One Double: £830 & Bunk Bed £700 & One Single: £800

LODGE: 4 singles, can be made into doubles at an additional price: £750

CHALET: One Single: £800 Bunk Bed: £700 & Small Loft: £700

HOBIT HUT: One Double: £900 & One Single: £800

CAMPING: Price per Person: £600 (bring own camping equipment)

CAMPER VAN: Price per Person: £600

*Low Income Scholarship Places - You will be in one of the Dorm Rooms - £550

Payment plans are available. Get in touch if you need support with your booking: bryony.darbon@gmail.com

We can offer payment plans on all accommodation in various options.


*Scholarship Places


We have a handful of low cost scholarship places available via application.  These scholarship places are for Black/ Women of Colour, LGBTQ+ folks and women from marginalised communities or challenging socio-economic backgrounds. 

We are in an ongoing iterative process of learning and unlearning how to make our space equitable, diverse and inclusive of the multitudes of experiences of women. Creating scholarship and bursary places for those who might struggle to access or participate in an event like this is part of our approach. 

However we recognise that this can only be one part of our approach to inclusivity and requires us to be in a continued learning process around the themes of trauma, class, race, gender and so much more. Another part of our approach is that we have a number of structures of care in place for the retreat itself and various feedback systems both in person and anonymous that we welcome. 

To apply for a scholarship please contact: bryony.darbon@gmail.com 

The deadline for scholarship applications is the 25th August.

Your Facilitators:


Bryoni Bee


"Deep, clear, internally connective, magical. Bryony is like a powerful conductor of feminine energy and wisdom and a knowledgeable teacher of deep and almost forgotten feminine arts."

Bryony is a courageous & highly intuitive practitioner and facilitator of alchemical embodiment, creating empowering experiences for women as she bridges the mundane to magic through the Shamanic Womb Arts, Flower Healing, and Mystery School teachings.

She is an initiate of the Lyceum (formally known as the Path of Pollen), with further initiations into the Temple Arts and Midwifing the Veils. Her extensive training also includes Flower Essences & Vibrational Medicine, 2 × 200hr Yoga Teacher Trainings, Womb Yoga and Yoga Nidra, Animistic Healing Practices, Cacao Facilitator Training & Women's Circle Holding and Shamanic Embodiment Coaching.

Bryony's intentions for her service is to support others in discovering tools for self-healing & softening into be-ing, allowing them to lead more empowered and enriched lives with feet firmly planted in the Earth whilst exploring their inner sensual and stellar selves. Her work is focused igniting the creative and sensual nature of the feminine form, as she guides women to a deep remembrance of their innate wild expression and wholeness.

Through devotion to the Womb, the Rose and Flowers of the Earth - her offerings are a gateway to embodied expansion, transformation and healing, guiding the way home to body and eros - the flow of life as it desires to move through us.

Discover More: womb mystery.com

For more magic check see her page here: womb.nectar



Camilla Mason

Camilla Mason is an accredited Group Sound and Movement Facilitator (Professional Diploma Distinction) with The British Academy of Sound Therapy (BAST) and a multi-disciplinary Artist. 

She loves to create raw and ethereal soundscapes infusing the Drum, Chao Gong, Vocals, Crystal and Himalayan Bowls into dynamic Sound Baths for participants to be taken on a sonic journey, tuning into deep relaxation.  

Camilla believes in Sound as an extension of oneself, transforming love, rage, grief, and prayer through vibration and vocal activation, attaining a deeper understanding of ‘self’ in both body and mind. Her relationship to Voice Work has been lifelong, stemming from early childhood to Classical Training as a teen and now bridging into holistic vocal practice. 


For more sound musings: wild.echo_


Taila Rose

Taila Rose believes that coming home to body and eros, tending the pathways of aliveness and remembering our wholeness are the antidotes to the crisis of belonging we currently find ourselves in.

She is a somatic sexologist, earth & pleasure advocate and relationship mentor; holding point for rewilding our relationships with self, other and nature.

Taila holds loving spaces to unravel, reveal & reimagine ourselves as wild nature; cyclical eco-systems with erotic innocence, pleasure and the capacity for gratitude, reciprocity and reverence for all life.

Take a peak at what else she's up to here: taila.rose


"Reflecting on the Self Pleasure Circle deep dive series my body falls into complete relaxation. Taila held space in a way I felt fully supported to begin going inwards. She lead the way to a deeper connection and understanding of my shadows, my feminine and my eros. The way she facilitated centred connection and safety in a way that meant I truly felt safe in my body, held and nourished throughout the process. What this woman is transmitting is truly hers, embodied in her being and this is felt in all that she shares. I can highly recommend diving deep with this woman."

- Sofie : Self Pleasure Healing Modality Workshop


Yet again Bryony has succeeded in putting together three hours of mind, body and soul nourishing material which brings together a group of sisters who have never met and yet, share such a special connection, throughout the experience. By channelling the magical energy of the serpent, I managed to shed aspects of grief and trauma through a somatic movement practice and embodied visions of what I wanted to manifest. Bryony is a humble and skilled facilitator who weaves together ancient knowledge with bespoke practices to create a truly unique and unforgettable workshop that will have lasting effects in your day to day life. I can't recommend her work enough.” 

- Jess : Serpent Dance of the Womb

"Taila Rose holds space with a confident and open heart which meant I felt relaxed and confident while she was facilitating the workshop. The main thing I took away from Taila’s workshop was the knowledge that sexual energy is just that, another form of energy, and whilst it is a powerful one it is an energy we can allow to filter through our entire body and out into the world around us in a subtle and beautiful way. I think Taila is a brave powerful soul to offer the workshops she does and that everyone would benefit from the insights she offers into this energy.. Thank you Rose."

- Piers : Self Pleasure Healing Modality Workshop


Such a gorgeous experience, witnessing and being witnessed is so powerful, since the session I've been celebrating a deeper connection with my womb and the life force, which we awakened together. I highly recommend Bryony as her wisdom, which she shares serves profound healing and supports awakening joy and creativity. The aftercare is also thoughtful and beautiful, the mediation and other resources shared supports me to go even deeper with this practice.” 

- Annamaria : Serpent Dance of the Womb


Taila provided a nurturing, open, non-judgemental and safe space for me to explore deep into my sexuality and sexual experiences. She helped me to see clearly that what I experience is not weird or scary but wonderful, magical, erotic and deeply connected to the elements. I felt more relaxed, grounded and accepted in my sexuality after her workshop. I have never met anyone who is able to relate to me and understand my sexuality without projections of shame, dismissal or jealousy, then I was fortunate enough to meet and work with Taila. Taila is a rare gift, compassionate, incredible listener and powerfully connected to the Earth and to spirit. Jump at the opportunity to work with her.”

- Jenny Asha Lily Wilde : Self Pleasure Healing Modality


What To Bring


  • Towel for river bathing, the hot tub and showering
  • Sleeping Bag, blankets or Duvet (otherwise purchase Bedding Bundle)
  • Ceremonial clothes (including a one red, one white and one black outfit)
  • Clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in (yoga/dance/movement)
  • Altar items (flowers, special stones, bones, crystals)
  • A few extra snacks (organic and eco where possible, we want to minimise packaging)
  • Warm and waterproof clothes
  • Walking boots or wellies
  • Walking Sandals if its warm
  • Eye mask and ear plugs
  • Sheepskins/cushions and a blanket
  • Instruments (drums, rattles, guitars etc)
  • A journal
  • Biodegradable Shampoo, Conditioner, Soaps, Deodrant
  • Cash for handcrafted goodies
  • Hotwater bottle (highly recommended!)
  • Flask for Tea
  • Ecological Water Bottle (here you can drink delicious Welsh spring water!)
  • Yoga Mat if possible or Sheepshin is good too


Living Lightly

Cae Mabon encourage visitors to ‘live lightly’ regarding carbon footprint. So please minimise packaging when buying food, buy local and consider car sharing or coming by train to Bangor station. And please bring BIODEGRADABLE shampoo, soaps and toiletries as this all filters through into the garden! Please check www.caemabon.co.uk under Your Visit for more details about coming to Cae Mabon.


Who is this immersion for? Is this the right space for you?

This is a place for authentic connection, deep listening and community. You will be invited to explore content such as sexuality and emotions, so it is important for our own integrity and welfare of those attending that we share these points for you to be sure that this space is suitable for you.

Our intention is to offer work that is inclusive, however through our own practices of listening, learning and unlearning - we have decided that this space is specifically for female-embodied beings aka those with Yoni's and Womb's (whether or not still physically present) - which includes non-binary and gender fluid folk. 

Our reasons for this is that some of the content is very specific to the female anatomy - we will be speaking of the Womb, the Yoni and other aspects of the female body. We also recognise that we do not have the experience required to hold space safely beyond this within this setting, and want all of those that attend feel held and acknowledged. So the most responsible decision we can make is to recognise our limitations, as this offers a much a safer and authentic space for everyone. We are passionate about continuing to learn and grow in this.

We also want you to note that while this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges we strongly encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist

Some of the content shared by participants in sharing circles may be triggering or traumatic in nature. This immersion is designed to create a space for us to be open and honest with each other about our experiences, as we explore some new and unchartered territory. Sharing and listening is an important aspect of this, and can support the process of transformation, and simply being.

While we do our best to create an environment that feels safe and inclusive, it is your responsibility to look after your own needs and boundaries. If this is something you struggle with, or you are concerned about any element of this retreat please contact us in advance. We are very willing to chat on the phone and check in about whether this retreat is right for you at this time.


Practical Info


For enquiries please email Bryony at: bryony.darbon@gmail.com

Website: wombmystery.com

Instagram: womb.nectar


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns

MEMBERS of the Psychedelic Society get a discount off almost all of our events.
Join from £5 a month and become part of this amazing community with invites to special events and more.

Select tickets

This event started 11 months ago

Pay a deposit now to hold your spot - contact us to discuss a personal payment plan
DORM - Single Bed
Dorm: Single Bed £750
3 left
4 Bed Dorm: Hogan, Chalet or Lodge
Chalet: Single Bed £750 Sold out
4 Bed Dorm in Wooden Chalet next to stream
Chalet: Loft Bed £675 Sold out
4 Bedroom Dorm in Wooden Chalet next to stream
Cob Cottage: Single Bed £800 Sold out
4 Bedroom Dorm in Earth House
DORM - Double Bed
Cob Cottage: Double Bed £830
1 left
Double Bed tucked in a nook in a 4 Bedroom Dorm in Earth House (Early Bird until end of March)
Longhouse: Double Bed £830
1 left
Double Bed in Wooden Cabin
DORM - Bunk Bed
Bunk Bed in Dorm £700
2 left
Chalet, Cob Cottage or Longhouse
Cob Cottage: Bunk Bed £700 Sold out
4 Bedroom Dorm in an Earth House (Early Bird until end of March)
Hobbit Hut: Double Bed £900 Sold out
Twin Room in Earth House shaped like a Hobbit Hut
Hobbit Hut: Single Bed £800 Sold out
Twin Room in Earth House shaped like a Hobbit Hut
Camping: Bring Own Tent: Per Person £600
2 left
Camping Spot on a Terrace with Own Tent Gear (price per person)
Camping: Bring Own Van: Per Person £600
1 left
Van Parking Spot in Car Park (price per person)
Apply a code
Add a donation to The Psychedelic Society

Your details

Add Direct Debit info to become a member of The Psychedelic Society now (UK only)

By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Bryony Darbon, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.