Emotion Release

breathwork cacao laura reeves shamanism embodiment healing and wellbeing emotion release emotional healing healing connection
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Infinite Experience
Facebook event
Enquiries to laura0reeves@gmail.com
< 10 people
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Are you ready to release everything that is frustrated, angry, stagnant and routed in fear?

With all that we are being faced with collectively at this time, we invite you to a coming together to release what no longer serves us. Using practical and easy tools for deep emotional and physical release, we have this opportunity to come together in an online space and collectively let go of emotions routed in fear.

During our time together you will develop your own inner tool box to deal with that which is feeling stuck, uncertain, confused and routed in fear and anxiety, as you find the way back to your heart and body's deeper wisdom and internal harmony.

In this online space you will be held in deep process to allow you to safely release unexpressed emotions and unconscious energies that have become stored in your body. We'll explore an array of deep trauma shifting practices including shaking, vocal release (which can be modified for people unable to make noise into a breath release), Kundalini Yoga and breath practices, and QiGong, somatic movement, dance and many others to move into and through what is stuck and holding us back.

Join us if you wish to leave liberated and take home simple, practical tools to reintegrate back into your daily life, leaving you more empowered and connected to your heart's deeper truth in a time where it's perhaps more needed than ever before.

"A really beautiful experience - It was delicately led and a real journey through the senses and emotions - The sensations evoked were electric at some stages - Thank you" -  Emotion Release Workshop participant

Your Facilitator

Laura Reeves is creative director and founder of Infinite Experience, creating experiences designed to ignite oneness and release illusions of separation. She has designed and held workshops and interactive performances on physical release and heart connection all over the world and is excited to be back in London sharing the release space, a physical medicine for the body and soul.


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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This event started about 2 years ago

Low Income £11.11
Standard £13.13
Abundant £15.15
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Laura, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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