Spring Foraging Walks

nature connection london events plantbased foraging plant consciousness true nature wild food plants intuitive herbalism ancestral skills plant medicine wild crafting
Hosted by Charlotte Gordon Intuitive Herbalist
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There are plenty of wild edible and medicinal plants in the city - you just need to know how to notice them, come and open up your perception of the plants on your doorstep…


This foraging walk will be a mixture of information sharing and encouraging you to use your senses so you can start to open your perception to the plant world. We will discuss food, recipes, herbal medicine beyond the physical properties of the plant, preservation techniques and how to engage with the plant world beyond the ‘useful’.

Becoming familiar with the plants that grow on your doorstep is an opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with the place we call home. We will meet an abundance of wild food and wild medicine and explore how we can include them in our everyday life.

Foraging is best learnt through experience, much like food growing, cooking, preserving techniques and natural crafts, foraging has traditionally been an oral tradition, passing from one person or group to the next through sharing and lived experience.

We will cover:

  • Foraging principles: good practice for people and earth
  • Plant Identification: how to recognise plant families and poisonous plants
  • Recipes for everyday cooking, preserving techniques
  • Kitchen Medicine and Herbal Remedies
  • Tasting wild food along the walk and using our senses to experience the plant
  • Developing our intuition and how to marry the intuitive and the practical
  • We will explore what it is when we say a ‘medicinal’ plant, exploring the relationship between food, medicine and plants beyond their physical properties

This walk is run by Charlotte Gordon

Foraging guide, intuitive herbalist and community food grower. There is a curious question when it comes to foraging - we are often asked, ‘what is this good for?’ so Charlotte’s walks go beyond this question to consider the relationship between food and medicine and what happens when we begin to have an intimate relationship with the life cycles of the plants around us.

Website here: https://www.charlottegordon.org/


Sliding Scale:

Choose the ticket option that meets your financial needs.

Children under 12 can join for free - please drop me a note to let me know so I can manage the group size.

£25 - Financial Flexibility

For those who are could do with some financial flexibility, where there is little expendable income.

£ 33 - Standard Ticket

£ 44 - Abundant Supporter

For those who are financially secure with expendable income each month and would like to pay a little more to support the lower priced tickets.

Select tickets

Please choose a ticket that meets your financial reality whilst honoring the exchange
Financial Flexibility £25
For those who are could do with some financial flexibility, where there is little expendable income.
Standard Ticket £33
Abundant Supporter £44
For those who are financially secure with expendable income each month and would like to pay a little more to support the lower priced tickets.
Add a donation to Charlotte Gordon Intuitive Herbalist

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