Tantric Kissing

meditation tantric practices tantric kissing intimate touch oral expression
Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
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Tantric Kissing - Intimate Touch with Shanti & Hugs

You are invited to join us in a delightful yummy day of meditative kissing o a Sunday with your  partner, lover or friend. 

We will be offering intimate Tantric techniques in kissing and other oral adventures and explorations. 

Within a ritual setting, we'll dive into the art and state of Being, in a truly tantric, erotic oral expression.

The day will include many kinds of kissing and mouth play. We will dive deep into the Tantric practices around slow kissing, lip sucking, the tongue, licking, nibbling, nuzzling, chewing, biting and more.

We will learn through experiential anatomy about the mouth, the reflexes around the mouth, the connections of mouth and throat, to the pelvis & genitals. 

A deeply juicy, relaxing and opening day to share with someone that you love and enjoy intimate touch with - a delicious date.

What you will experience:
•⁠  ⁠Mouth massage. 
•⁠  ⁠Oral sutras of Shiva
•⁠  ⁠Kisses that go on for miles and miles

You need to come with a partner, lover or friend whom you are very happy to kiss intimately all day.

This will be a clothes on experience.

All genders are welcome, in couples of all combinations. 


Date : Sunday, 11th May

Time : 11am to 6pm

Venue : EarthHeart, Puzzel House, Cinderford, Forest of Dean.

Things to bring: 

  • A yoga/camping/roll matt - something comfy to lie together upon
  • One or two pillows
  • Lunch to share
  • We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter
  • Tooth brush & paste



We have a no refund policy. However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to friends. 

If you do so, please do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the day. 

For any questions please contact us:

Shanti: shantitemplenights@gmail.com 

0r text/call 07875 151582

Welcoming you with an open hearts, 

Shanti & Hugs


About us


Shanti has been a practising Tantrica for 25 years. She is a Temple Priestess & holds Temple regularly.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.



Hugs brings heartfelt holding and teachings to the team. He is a certified Sexological Bodyworker and Sacred sexual practitioner. His passion is supporting others to deepen their pleasure capacity and widen their orgasmic expansion. Through body based learning, insight medibation and self pleasure practices he guides you through deeper layers of your pleasure patterns, using discussion, demonstration and embodied exercises.


Select tickets

Waged Couples £130
1 waged, 1 Concs Couple £120
1 left
Concs Couple £110
2 left
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