Soothe Sundays sessions

breathwork anxiety sleep mental resilience stress selfcare emotional awareness emotional connection 18+ overwhelm
Hosted by breath of yarrow and rose
Enquiries to
< 10 people
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Soothe Sundays are 4 workshops in total, 13th 27th April and  11th and 25th may. Cat is a fully qualified, trauma aware, conscious connected breathwork facilitator trained by tosa and seven directions  and breath science practioner trained by performance through health, breath acieacience school.   My intention is to create a space to support you while we build eays to reduce anxiety, improve our sleep, learn ways to reset our nervous systemand build emotional intelligenc,  becoming less reactive, more resourced . All this can be acheviced by connection to our breath. My request from you is to show up each week, incorporate and allow for 15 to mins self care each day between sessions.  By connecting to our breath and being fully present we can learn to sit with our emotions and build resilience, supporting you to integrate old stories and traumas. The slower and gentler we are with our bodies, the deeper the trust and learning.Whether you are new to breathwork or experienced, please know every part of you , shadow and light is welcome and accepted. In community we can learn to heal,  so the sessions will be small group with an option of joining a whats app group to supoort each other. 

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Abundance £122
1 left

Feel comfortable to pay for yourself and pay it forward so someone can pay less who is in need of support

Supported £44 Sold out

Please Lean into feeling supported and held.

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By proceeding you also agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by breath of yarrow and rose , who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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