Spring Equinox Workshop & Ritual

magick ceremony and ritual exploring spirituality pagan wheel pagan ritual celtic culture
Hosted by Pagan politics
Enquiries to paganpolitics4u@gmail.com
< 10 people
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Join us on the eve of the Equinox as we embrace the shifting energies of the season and delve into the wisdom and magic of this Land at our Spring Equinox Workshop and Ritual. 

On this auspicious day, we gather to celebrate the Spring and the opening to the Samos time of our year, the active time of glory. As the earth awakens from its winter slumber, we  honor the balance between light and dark, celebrating the return of life and fertility.

In this immersive workshop, we will explore the significance of the Spring Equinox in neo-pagan lore, delving into the mythology and symbolism woven into this time of year. 

Through guided discussions, story and co-created ritual practices, we will deepen our understanding of the natural cycles and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Our ritual will be the culmination of our shared knowledge and intentions. As we come together with reverence and respect, we will collectively create a sacred space where we can connect with the energies of rebirth and renewal, inviting blessings of abundance and growth into our lives.

This will  be a new, unique and original ceremony. A one off happening that will combine our energies into this moment of liminal time and space

Join us as we welcome the arrival of spring with open hearts and minds, embracing the magic of the Celtic tradition and celebrating the eternal cycle of death and rebirth.

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Regular £10
Supported £5
Supporter £15

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