nature connectedness healing and wellbeing sacred sound journey live sound bath frequency personal transformation harmonising sound journey 396 528 417 741
Hosted by HarmonicsOfNature
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Are you ready to embody more energy? Create deep shifts of consciousness? Step into the Blueprint of Gaia’s frequencies? 

ALIGN YOURSELF WITH THE FABRIC OF TIME with these sacred numbers 396, 528, 417 & 741

Join us for a 3 hour Sound Awakening Immersion & COMPLETE RESET on every level. With Harmonics Of Nature at our bespoke Sound Portal in the heart of Stroud. We create a powerful, safe, container for you to drop deep into yourself.


*396*(11th harmonic of Earth F.) Known as the frequency of liberation.  Believed to release guilt, subconscious fears, and grief while finding security and motivation.

*528* (the 11th harmonic of Earth B-flat). Known as  the miracle tone.  Also known as the "love frequency," this powerful tone may enhance sleep, reduce stress, and stimulate imagination and intuition.

*417* (the 11th harmonic of Earth F#).  Known as the transformation frequency. Believed to promote trauma-healing, clearing negative energy, and encouraging motivation to embrace positive change and restful sleep.

*741* (the 11th harmonic of Earth E). Believed to stimulate creativity, self-expression, and clarity while supporting intellectual growth and decision-making, promoting a healthier, pain-free life.

  • Timelessness opens up when you are at one with the fabric of time.  
  • The ancient measure of time was the Helek:  3.3333 seconds.  And the ancient Solfeggio tones from the Old Testament can only be unravelled with the correct measure of time.  
  • Once played at the ancient measure of time, these Solfeggio frequencies are all 11th Harmonics of the fundamental vibrations of the Earth's 24-hour rotation: the Earth's harmonic signature.

Feel the Earth Tones and their 11th harmonics: The Ring of Truth. The 11th harmonic has been used to destroy cancer cells, and each of these Solfeggio tones may deliver a specific healing.

Harmonics of Nature HON®️

A unique healing practice that uses natural vibrational frequencies we call Earth Tones to align your energy with the Earth's resonant tones. By tapping into these harmonic vibrations, HON amplifies the Earth's resonant energy-field which is constantly invigorating our cells.

The Earth Tones

Are resonant with the Earth's 24-hour rotation, and by aligning ourselves with this harmonic series we are connecting through the rotational principles of space-time itself directly to Source. 


The session includes:

Meet and Greet 

- We’ll begin with a warm welcome, giving participants a chance to connect with one another and settle into the space. This is an opportunity to introduce yourself and begin building the group energy that will enhance the experience.

Landing and Connecting as a Group 

- We will engage in some simple grounding exercise to bring everyone into the present moment, with self connection meditation

Introduction to HON Vibrations 

- Your facilitators will provide a brief introduction to the Harmonics of Nature (HON) frequencies.

Relaxation and Self-Connection 

- Before the main session begins, we will guide you into a state of deep relaxation. This is a moment to centre yourself, connect with your inner being, and open up to the energy that is about to flow through.

HON®️ Frequency Journey

-90 min Sound awakening journey with the frequencies outlined above with time to journal and write in between each frequency. The natural frequencies will guide you to deeper states of consciousness, creating powerful shifts within your energetic bodies. Please note that loud sounds will be played during the session, enhancing the vibrational experience and amplifying the energetic flow.

Stillness and Integration - 

- After the energy channeling session, we’ll sit in stillness to allow the body’s cells to absorb and integrate the powerful vibrations. This moment of silence is crucial for letting the energetic shifts settle within your system.

Self-Reflection, Movement, and Sharing

 - We will close with time for self-reflection. Participants are encouraged to move their bodies, journal, draw, or share their experiences. This supports  the body-mind to catch up with the extraordinary energetic journey just experienced, offering space for personal insights and collective support.

Closing Circle and Farewell 

- We will share our experiences in a circle and newfound clarity, peace, and grounded connection.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

Loving Vibrations!

Vittoria & Phred



Client Responsibility:

While HON-SA Sound awakening may help alleviate certain physical or emotional issues and lead to profound experiences, it can also bring suppressed emotions to the surface, potentially causing symptoms. This is a normal part of the healing process.

You acknowledge that the practitioners are not responsible for any symptoms arising after the sound awakening and agree to manage any physical or emotional symptoms, seeking medical attention if necessary.

By registering for this class, you agree to the following:

* You understand that participating in HON-SA Sound awakening involves physical movement, which may reduce stress and improve well-being but carries a risk of injury. If you experience pain or discomfort, you will stop the activity and seek assistance from the facilitator.

* You will maintain smooth breathing throughout the session and assume full responsibility for any injuries that may occur. HON-SA Sound awakening is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, or treatment.

* HON-SA Sound awakening may not be suitable for individuals prone to manic or delusional episodes. By booking, you affirm that you are physically and mentally fit for participation. (Please note: this does not apply to anxiety or depression.)

* If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or have recently undergone surgery, you must obtain approval from a healthcare professional before attending.

* Please inform us of any relevant medical conditions or physical limitations before the session.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.

Loving Vibrations!

Vittoria & Phred






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This event started about 1 month ago

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Standard £33
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