Deep Dark Devotion - Mid-Winter Temple

Hosted by Temple Nights
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We welcome you to join us in Deep Dark Devotion.

Over the year, Temple community has grown and expanded. Let’s gather in togetherness as we approach mid-Winter.

In order to create a deeper and richer experience, a true celebration of community, this temple is open to experienced Temple goers only (minimum three temples previously). Let’s go deep together.

The temple will be opened by Gayatri in ritual space. Guiding us into the dark, the womb of sensuality and deep loving presence.

Shanti will then lead embodied tantric practices to open body, heart and spirit to ourselves and each other. Before we dive into a deep devotional temple in the darkness.

In a first for Temple Nights, Gayatri will be DJing live for the temple.

We invite you to come just as you are. Just as you feel. We know that being in these environments can bring up a lot of emotions. This is a safe space to welcome and work with them in an embodied, supportive and ritual temple space. The evening will be guided and held by the facilitators throughout.

All genders are welcome, as are singles, friends, and couples (of all combinations).We welcome you to join us for some Deep Dark Devotion. This is a mid-winter Temple to gather us for celebration of togetherness, in community. This temple is open to those who are experienced Temple goers. 

Date : Saturday 16th December

Time : 4pm to 10.30pm

Venue : Wild Goose Space, The Yard, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9YP

Cost : Price £65, Low income - £50, Abundant supporters £75

Things to bring: 

  • An offering/flower for the temple shrine
  • A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one
  • One or two pillows
  • Something tasty and delicious to share with the group for snack during the day (mince pies are welcome).
  • We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter.
  • Bring a couple of sarongs or a bedsheet to lay on and make yourself comfortable - especially if using oils etc


We have a no refund policy for the Temple. 

However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to a friend. If you do so, please make sure they have experience and do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the temple. 

For any questions please contact us:


0r text/call 07875 151582

Welcoming you with an open hearts, 

Shanti & Gayatri


About us


Gayatri has been holding transformative spaces for people to discover the aliveness of their being through conscious touch and erotic awakening since 2012. Her experience within the field of sexuality includes working as a Tantric bodyworker, sensual guide and erotic educator. She founded Tantra Massage Training in 2016 to offer a heart-centred and body-celebrating approach to spiritual awareness and erotic expansion. Since then she has initiated hundreds of people into the art of Tantric touch through workshops, and created an inspired community of sensual enthusiasts.


Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.





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