Eros Rose Temple of Inanna · Dandelion

Eros Rose Temple of Inanna

ritual soul self pleasure eros sensual rewilding rose temple reclaim your voice eco somatics inanna
Hosted by Earth and Eros
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⚜ Eros Rose Temple of Inanna ⚜

Ritual of Descent & Reclamation for Women & Womb Kin with Taila Rose & Bryony Rose


Collectively we are facing the dark beyond our conscious choosing. She is having her way with us. Shaking and chewing and spitting us out.We do not need to go, kicking and screaming.

We can stand at the threshold and say yes - yes to shedding that which we have carried that is not ours to carry. And yes to claiming the exiled parts that were not welcomed in this old and dying way.

We get to live beyond this dominator paradigm. And the sooner we choose, the better. But of course you will know if it is time. You’ll hear her niggling, sometimes quiet and sometimes loud. You’ll hear her call.



The underworld calls. Beckons us with her mysterious darkness.

We can choose to descend or she will pull us in and claim us.

What do you choose?


Eros Temple meets Feminine Animism

This immersive experience invites the embodiment of Myth as a living instrument. A reclamation of her-story; earth-centric, imaginative and where the erotic is a source of power and vitality.

To remember stories that have been lost or, perhaps, more insidiously hidden. 

Did you know that the first known writer in the world was a woman? A moon priestess named Enheduanna wrote poetry and other texts, more than a millennium before Homer. 

Enheduanna of Mesopotamia gifted us the written Myth of Inanna. 

This myth has been interpreted in many ways over the years, and in this gathering we reclaim this myth as a powerful story of the choice to descend, encounter death and rebirth once again, anew. 

A myth of the Heroine's journey. 

Of Becoming fully embodied as who you are here to Be. 

Beyond who you were told you are, societal expectations and the ways of conformity to ‘fit in’ to a dis-eased society that does not have Love at it's core.

Here, together, we re~member that we belong to this Earth, anchored in Love (Eros). Eros as a primordial deity representing one of the fundamental forces and physical foundations born of the Void. 

Here, together, we re~member the innate Primordial wisdom.

Supported by plant allies, Cacao and Blue Lotus, we invite our imagination, intuiton and somatic intelligence as guides. Bryony and Taila will hold a framework that supports you to connect with this  ritual of descent and reclamation. 


“A beautifully facilitated day of ceremony, healing and reclamation. I’m left feeling blessed and inspired with a desire for more.”

Living Myth of Inanna

Myth is often told to us as a story dead in the past, something archetypal of a time before.

However, Myth is a living instrument ~ not a static fixed ‘thing’.

So when we take the Myth of Inanna as a living breathing being of our times, how does the myth meet our body

What is the relevance?

“Such a special day, with care and kindness interwoven throughout. A supportive Fem space to express and allow the inner animalistic ROARR out!”
~ Rosie


Flow of the Day

We will be working with that which is emerging so please bear in mind this may shape~shift with that which is alive and true.


~ Opening Ceremony ~ landing, welcoming & intention setting

~ Blue Lotus Crown Essence ~ Connect with Blue Lotus & Create your Crown

~ Heart & Throat Activation ~ Supported by Cacao, Sound & Sensual Self Connection

~ Crossing the Threshold ~ Entering the Matter of Earth & Body

~ Waters of Womb & Pelvic Bowl Somatic Womb Journey

~ Rooted Eros Descent Ritual ~ with Sensual Somatic Exploration

~ Witness & Compassion Reclamation Ritual ~ Tasting the essence of Truth: Temple Transmission

~ Somatic Womb ~ Softening, Listening & Inner Dialogue

~ Sharing & Integration ~ Embodying the Essence & Support to Meet Winter~Dark

~ Closing Ceremony ~

Such a profound and deeply nourishing experience! Taila and Bryony crafted a wonderful journey to explore a more connected and wild life experience! Definitely recommend.

~ Giulia


During our immersive afternoon, we shall begin by creating a foundation in intention and Support ourselves and eachother to confront an identity we hold about ourselves, peeling it away for just a short while. To enter into the unknown, a space where you will re~member and re~claim your wholeness, with Eros as an anchor. 

In this descent and reclamation ritual, we passage through underworld terrain to come home to flavours of our essence that have been buried or forgotten. Our rituals will be supported by Sensual~Somatic Practice, Eros Embodiment, Somatic Womb Work, and Plant Spirit Communication. This journey will support you consciously meeting the darkness, descending beyond the bright lights of summer to shed that which keeps you shackled and reclaim a sense of aliveness and somatic erotic intelligence from the deep below. 


“A truly magical day, fillled with nourishment, catharsis and empowerment, held in community. Deep gratitude”
~ Rachel




Who is this workshop for? Is this the right space for you?

This is a place for authentic connection, deep listening and community. You will be invited to explore content such as sexuality and emotions, so it is important for our own integrity and welfare of those attending that we share these points for you to be sure that this space is suitable for you.


Our intention is to offer work that is inclusive, however through our own practices of listening, learning and unlearning - we have decided that this space is specifically for female-embodied beings aka those with Yoni's and Womb's (whether or not still physically present) - which includes non-binary and gender fluid folk. 

Our reasons for this is that some of the content is very specific to the female anatomy - we will be speaking of the Womb, the Yoni and other aspects of the female body. We also recognise that we do not have the experience required to hold space safely beyond this within this setting, and want all of those that attend to feel held and acknowledged. So the most responsible decision we can make is to recognise our limitations, as this offers a much a safer and authentic space for everyone. We are passionate about continuing to learn and grow in this.

Sovereignity & Self-Responsibility

We also want you to note that while this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges we strongly encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist

Some of the content shared by participants in sharing circles may be triggering or traumatic in nature. This immersion is designed to create a space for us to be open and honest with each other about our experiences, as we explore some new and unchartered territory. Sharing and listening is an important aspect of this, and can support the process of transformation, and simply being. Self-Regulation and Self-Holding are important foundations to support you in coming back to centre & remaining present if something challenging arises. 

While we do our best to create an environment that feels brave yet safe and inclusive, it is your responsibility to look after your own needs and boundaries. If this is something you struggle with, or you are concerned about any element of this immersion please contact us in advance. We are very willing to chat on the phone and check in about whether this experience is right for you at this time.

Brave Space by Micky ScottBey Jones (she/her)

Nudity & Touch

Most of us live in a society that deems the naked body as dirty, wrong, sinful or shameful. Something to be hidden. We believe in reclaiming the beauty of our flesh, celebrating the body and allowing expression as feels true for you. This means you may wish to remove clothing or remain fully clothed, it truly is your choice. 

This space will be a 'yoni covered' space (pants/knickers on, or if you don't wear underwear, having a sarong or wrap tied around the waist). It can be a really sweet and powerful practice to be wearing a wrap or skirt with the air passing over your lips, connecting with earth beneath and welcoming your yoni to the space in this way. 

Please bare in mind it is Autumn and perhaps a little chilly - so bringing layers is best and you can adjust your layers to your comfort.

This means you may see boobies, nipples, tummy, glorious rolls, cellulite sparkles, stretch mark art and the flesh of the other beings in the circle.

You may wish to connect with touching your body at points in the rituals, this is welcome as feels comfortable for you. There will be no internal genital touch, and no goal-oriented touch. Being with your own erotic innocence and essence of Eros will be guided, supported and respected. 

In the guided group ritual you will have the opportunity to choose if you wish to receive / give supportive touch or not. There is truly no right or wrong and your self-responsibility in honouring your boundaries and the boundaries of the beings in your group will be honoured and respected as the priority. 


In order for us to journey courageously as a group, when you sign up for this event you agree to maintain confidentiality and not disclose anyone's identities, stories or experiences. Your story is yours to carry forward and share from your experience (speaking from ‘I’ statements), in the same way it is their experience to carry forward. If your experience includes another being, please allow them to remain anonymous in your sharing of your experience unless you have checked in with them and they expressly agree & consent to your sharing. 





The event will be hosted at a Secret Location for deeper intimacy and connection amongst the group, at a private venue in Stoke Newington in North London. Location will be sent out upon purchase of your ticket.


Founded in 2020, ĀKĀŚA ignites connection through transformative events at the intersection of art, culture, science, and spirituality. Fueled by ceremonial cacao and the guidance of our experienced facilitators, our gatherings offer a safe space for exploration, play and growth. Unleash your potential, celebrate vibrant cultures, forge connections, and discover the power of conscious exploration with our growing community.

We look forward to sharing this special gathering with you!

PS: The venue is a private warehouse and the full address and preparatory information will be shared with you via email upon ticket purchase. *The venue has a resident cat - if you suffer from severe cat allergies please take this into consideration.*


Join our Whatsapp group for upcoming events in our growing community.




Details of how to get to the venue will be shared with you upon purchase of your ticket. Located in Olympic House, close to Beyond Retro in Stoke Newington.

Public Transport

Train or Bus to Dalston Junction, Dalston Junction or Stoke Newington.


Location sent upon purchase. Please be aware parking may not be available close by, congestion charges may apply.




Your facilitators



Bryony Rose


"Deep, clear, internally connective, magical. Bryony is like a powerful conductor of feminine energy and wisdom and a knowledgeable teacher of deep and almost forgotten feminine arts."


Hello and welcome, my name is Bryony.

At the heart of my work is devotion, however subtle 
~ the art of being able to continually show up to that which I love and care for, has created monumental shifts in my life. 

Being in service to the re~wilding of the feminine, began with a love of roaming the wild places, both upon Earth & within ourselves. This thirst for adventure has led me to travel widely in search for the sacred, and with every step I have come to realize that so often what we are longing for, is the embodied remembrance of our belonging here, within our bodies, interconnected with Earth & eachother.

I was born with a curiosity for all things great and small, exploring rituals since a young age, with one of my earliest memories being creating a burial for a bumblebee I found in the bottom of the garden. As I continued to grow this became a passion for yoga, and painting my interior landscapes ~ yet I found my deepest sense of belonging as I set foot on a winding path into female animism.

Awakening to the understanding that everything is alive, with the breath of spirit ~ gave great meaning to a troubled early life, where I had longed to feel, and be in awe with the everyday.

After a series of chosen and life~given initiations, the courage to share what I had been taught & shown beyond the veil, led to my first women’s circle ~ and over time has evolved into using the methodologies of ritual in creating in-depth programmes, nature & body-based immersions and pilgrimages to sacred sites ~ with the intention to rewild our intimacy with the heart of nature.

Together, our prayers are amplified. 

And as women, there is something inexplicably powerful when we gather in circle ~ to feel, to express, to nurture soul & soil.

So if you are ready to re-member, to claim your sovereign voice and innate power as an embodied woman, then I invite you to join me on this sacred path home.


For more magic check see her page here:



Taila Rose

Instagram: tailarose

"Taila is a rare gift, compassionate, incredible listener and powerfully connected to the Earth and to Spirit. Jump at the opportunity to work with her." 

Taila Rose believes that coming home to body and eros, tending the pathways of aliveness and remembering our wholeness are the antidotes to the crisis of belonging we currently find ourselves in.

She is a somatic sexologist, earth & pleasure advocate and relationship mentor; supporting rewilding our relationships with self, other and nature.

Taila holds loving spaces to unravel, reveal & reimagine ourselves as wild nature; cyclical eco-systems with erotic innocence, pleasure and the capacity for gratitude, reciprocity and reverence for all life.

‘My journey and quest for truth and justice left me noticing something was missing, incomplete, in the places and spaces I found myself in. Through vision quests & community exploration, I came to realise that Eros is the missing piece, so I dove deeper into exploring this current that flows between and through all life. It led me on a journey into pleasure activism, sexuality and healing disconnection & depression. 

For me, Eros represents the energetic field of love that exists between all of life. Reconnection with this primordial life principle is key to change Systems of Oppression into Systems of Freedom. 

I believe that Love, Sexuality and Community are foundational pillars for systemic change and the embodiment of a new way of being, anchored in Love, for our time.’ - Taila Rose 


Taila provided a nurturing, open, non-judgemental and safe space for me to explore deep into my sexuality and sexual experiences. She helped me to see clearly that what I experience is not weird or scary but wonderful, magical, erotic and deeply connected to the elements. I felt more relaxed, grounded and accepted in my sexuality after her workshop. 

I have never met anyone who is able to relate to me and understand my sexuality without projections of shame, dismissal or jealousy, then I was fortunate enough to meet and work with Taila.”

- Jenny Asha Lily Wilde : Self Pleasure Circle


Testimonials from previous London events


“A powerful alchemical container to explore our inner landscapes, to witness and be witnessed, to purge and transmute. A safe and held space to do some deeply transformational work if you wish to go there, or simply to come into awareness of what is lurking in the subconscious. Also just a fantastic group of women & womb folk -- both facilitators and attendees."
- Meher


“Many treats in today's co-lead workshop. But one of the best bits for me when I come to these workshops is the freedom to explore who I am...through singing, sound, dance, talk shares. There is something wonderful learnt in the body when we remember what it is to be in connection with the group when we are all in line doing the same thing, and still be in connection when we explore our own thing to our own rhythm. Thank you ladies. Another piece was woken today. It's also such a pleasure to witness true friendship, love, kindness and support, which is what I saw in all ladies running the show. Thank you!"
- Kate


“The facilitators created a wonderful, nourishing container that made me feel held and open to be with what was there for me. The care and attention clearly taken to prepare a warm, welcoming environment really supported me. The different sections of the workshop offered a variety of ways to express creativity and emotion. There was also a very clear acceptance of ‘weirdness’ named in the space, and an invitation to bring our ridiculous, silly self, which I really appreciated. There were moments where I witnessed all of the women who were holding the space following their intuition with such exquisite mastery, that it really touched my heart. Thank you soooo much for your wonderful, wild, open spirits and for following your callings to share this sacred work. It’s an honour to witness and be in the presence of so much raw, real feminine expression."
- Sarah



What to Bring

  • Clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in ~ you may wish to wear dark colours to reflect the season of Samhain
  • Altar items (such as flowers, special stones, bones, pictures etc)
  • A few extra snacks if you need or desire
  • Eye mask ~ or a Scarf you can tie
  • A journal and pen





Your Booking Includes:


  • Facilitation by Taila Rose & Bryony Rose
  • An afternoon workshop with cacao & blue lotus
  • Specially selected teas & treats



Payment Options


Supporter - Those on a higher wage who feel able to support this work and those on a lower income's attendance.

Standard - Those on an average wage who wish to invest in their well-being.

Low Income  - Those on a lower wage who would not be able to attend otherwise.


Get in touch if you need support with your booking.




Practical Info


Please note that we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. We welcome swapping or reselling your tickets with people you know or via Ticket Swap.

For enquiries please email Taila at:

Instagram:@tailarose ||


Select tickets

Low Income £45
Limited to 5 places for those with limited resources to attend
Standard £55
Supporter £65
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Add a donation to Earth and Eros

Your details

By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Earth and Eros, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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