Modern Mythic Motherhood: Understanding Your Changing Identity · Dandelion

Modern Mythic Motherhood: Understanding Your Changing Identity

online archetypes free parenting mother circle feminine embodiment ancestral feminine relationships motherhood matrescence
Hosted by Emilie Joy Rowell
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In this free introductory workshop, you are invited to step into the sacred space where myth, folklore, and psychology converge. Guided by the lens of Jungian archetypes, we will explore the Triple Goddess—Maiden, Mother, and Crone—as a potent symbol for understanding the complexities and contradictions of mothering in our times. Together, we will unravel the layers of the Good Enough Mother, a concept that honors the imperfect, yet instinctual, ways we care for our children and ourselves.

This short intro-session is with storyteller and Jungian Life coach, Gemma Hannah, and embodiment coach and doula, Emilie Joy Rowell. It will give you a sense of how ancient lore can help guide us in our lives, through connection, embodiment practices and recognising ourselves in these stories and symbols.

Join us and other mothers on this path of discovery, where together we will reframe motherhood not just as a role, but as a sacred, transformative journey. We'll be letting you know about the upcoming workshops in Frome and London as well as the online course over the coming weeks as well as sending you some food for thought and soul in your inbox. You can of course unsubscribe any time, but we hope you'll want to hang out,

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