Free Webinar: Healing Your Inner Child's Wounds

webinar trauma holistic masculinity alternative self love feminine inner growth mature masculinity inner child inner child healing ancestral feminine relationships
Hosted by Life In Confidence
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Reparent your inner child to discover peace from within.


Do you struggle to be your own best friend and act as your inner critic?


Have you experienced dysfunctional parents as role models for love?


Is there a strong yearning to be loved and be in the company of others?


How would life be if you successfully reprogram your inner child?


Whether you're just about to embark on your healing journey or haven't delved deeply into healing the fragments of your inner child, then this is for you.


Learn from a trauma coach trained in 14 healing techniques with real life experiences of overcoming abuse and delivering breakthrough results for burnt out high achievers to harmonise their wounded masculine and feminine into alignment.


I'm gifting you this medicinal webinar for free because I want you to discover peace from within and access your healed inner child!




Here's what you'll learn from this live webinar...


Part 1: Why you're feeling lost and stuck in your inner child's trauma.

Part 2: How the wounded masculine and feminine role models in your family dynamic imprints the programming of your wounded child.

Part 3: Receive the inner child's light language healing transmission to bring balance and harmony with your divine feminine and masculine.

Part 4: An invitation to go on a multidimensional inner child healing journey with me through my online course.



"I was feeling in a rut with work, socially and stuck. I was in a relationship that was psychologically abusive. I lost a lot of self-confidence and self-esteem. I was in need of direction, self-love and reflection. While I was doing her program, I managed to find a new job with a big pay rise. I've got career opportunities and I'm in a relationship with a guy who's supportive of me."

Zofia Barnes, UK


"Just manifested the will to get fit, play more music, socialise more and found a good woman at the first outing. Getting on great with my daughters and learning how to be super productive with my time and energy."

Shane Blumson, AUS


"Jess X Goh guided me in a process that made me unleashed my suppressed anger and rage. The result was an unbelievable decrease of my anxiety!!! I could managed my emotions and focus on my career without anxiety!!! Thank you Jessica!!"

Juan David Velasco, USA


About The Speaker

Jess X Goh helps heart-centered burnt out professionals to overcome the impacts of childhood abuse. What has led Jess to her spiritual path was her experiences from domestic violence, sexual abuse and bullying and come out of it the other side. She has successfully rebuilt her relationship with her traumatized mother and estranged brother. Jess is the soul founder of Life In Confidence, an international holistic trauma recovery practice that has been running for over 8 years serving 1000+ high achievers, a spiritual speaker at wellness festivals and featured in mental health podcasts.

Learn more:

YT: Life In Confidence

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