Imbolc Celebration Ritual

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Creativity & Ritual
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Join Nikki Wyrd and Julian Vayne for an immersive and interactive ceremony to celebrate Imbolc - the festival that marks the beginning of spring in the Celtic wheel of the year.

 This is the lambing season, the time of mother’s milk, of love; the moment in which we emerge from the darkness of the solstice into the new dawn. The word Imbolc means 'in the belly'; in these days we are expectant of the year to come, setting our aspirations into the things we care for as we come forth from the underworld and into the light.

At the festival of Imbolc the first flowers appear. This time of year is often considered sacred to Brigid who is the Irish goddess and Saint of fire, of the sun and the hearth, associated with protection, fertility, healing, poetry and smithcraft. Brigid brings fertility to the land and its people, and is the powerful protector of midwives and new-born babies. This is a time for purification, cleansing and opening the ways for the year ahead.

We will be using guided meditation, accessible body, voice work and other practices to connect with the spirit of the season’s turning and each other. Whatever your spiritual tradition or style you'll find participation in this ceremony inspirational and empowering. Attendees will receive advance details of suggested ritual preparation and are invited to bring a specific intention, prayer or spell into this ceremony. 

We will be working with both ancient and modern ritual practices to kindle the energy of this seedtime hearth. We will be using techniques of changing consciousness developed from the postmodern style of Chaos Magic and the inclusive, playful approach of metamodern Deep Magic. We will be tuning into the spirit of the festival and accessing it in our own unique ways. We hope you can join us in the circle!


Your Facilitators

Julian Vayne is an occultist, psychonaut and the author of numerous books, essays, journals and articles in both the academic and esoteric press.  His work is informed by Chaos Magic as well as lineages within Wicca and Uttarakaula Tantra. Julian is a co-organizer of the psychedelic conference Breaking Convention, is a founding member of the post-prohibition think tank Transform and sits on the academic board of The Journal of Psychedelic Studies. Julian facilitates psychedelic ceremony as well as providing one-to-one psychedelic integration sessions and support. He is the author of the celebrated Getting Higher: The Manual of Psychedelic Ceremony. Since 2011 he has been sharing his work through The Blog of Baphomet.

Nikki Wyrd is a well-known figure in occulture, and since 1990 has helped spread chaos magic techniques by crafting writings, publications, talks and workshops. She has attended and organized numerous rituals, residential meetings and public events, and is an Elder of the chaos magic community. Nikki has edited many of the most important books of the psychedelic renaissance. She is currently Chair and an Executive Director of Breaking Convention, the charity which holds Europe’s largest conference on psychedelics. She is Editor of a quarterly periodical, the Psychedelic Press Journal. She likes trees, and finds her Ecology degree comes in very handy when contacting the faery realms. 

Event Details

TICKET PRICES: £15 - £20

To avoid disruption to the event, latecomers may not be admitted. 

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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