Living From The Soul: Free Talk

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Soul Beam
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In this free talk and Q&A, Bonny will discuss what it means to live a life that honours and responds to the call of the soul. Drawing on her practise as a psycho-spiritual guide, she will outline her understanding of the crucial components of creating a joyful, meaningful existence. Opening with a meditation and closing with a discussion, this will be a chance to get a taste of Bonny's practise and ask her questions in advance of her upcoming online group coaching journey Soul Play.

‘Soul connects us to things that are deep and abiding in the world and in our own lives. The depths of soul contain the vitality of life, the core powers of imagination, and the ancient inheritance of humanity.’  - Michael Meade

From the psycho-spiritual perspective, the deepest existential experience of the human being is one of alienation from Spirit - the one indivisible whole field of consciousness/ love from which we all came. Our separation from this field is the cause of our sacred wounding, and our journey in life is a reaching back towards a state of sacred union through ever-expanding spheres of connection - with others, society & the natural world. 

We are ‘citizens of two realms’ (heaven & earth/ transcendent & immanent); ‘starry beings in bone houses’; sparks of light/ consciousness/ divinity in flesh, and this duality characterises the human condition. As such, all wisdom traditions, as well as modern psychology, speak of the existence of an outer/ surface self (ego) and a deeper, true self (soul). Both are important and necessary: the outer self/ ego helps us to survive and make our way in the world - it safeguards the deeper self and ideally creates the right conditions for soul to flourish in. But the deeper self that is the font of our creativity and unique wisdom, and the place from which we draw meaning.

Problems arise when our lives become dominated by the demands of the ego, which by its very nature will never be satisfied. Many spiritual practises are therefore designed to help us untangle our consciousness from  ego demands and come to a place of quiet observation in which we are able to observe our impulses but not act on them. Developing a quality of consciousness through which we are able to discern where we are acting from - ie. what is motivating us in any given moment - is crucial in our quest to liberate ourselves and create the lives we want. For - as the underlying premise of all psychological healing states - we are dominated by what is unconscious and can control what is made conscious.

This talk will touch on some of these basic psychological principles and go on to outline the crucial co-ordinates in the cultivation of a joyful, meaningful life - truth, beauty, freedom, love, play & presence - what Bonny describes as the fundamental principles of the soul.



  • 7:30 - Meditation & Reflection
  • 7:50 - Talk
  • 8:30 - Q&A


About your Speaker

Bonny is a psychosynthesis coach and multidimensional creative. Her work draws on her extensive studies of the creative process and the patterns of human development, including her MA research into the relationship between play and personal transformation. She is passionate about self-enquiry and artistic expression and strives to create soul stirring experiences through her creative and therapeutic practises. 

Relevant education, training & experience:

  • MA - Psychosynthesis Psychology (in progress)
  • PG Dip - Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching
  • MA - Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries - Central St Martins
  • BA Hons - History of Art & Visual Cultures - Goldsmiths
  • 12 Years practise Vedic meditation and study of Vedic philosophy

For more information check out: and


“Bonny is an incredibly smart and intuitive coach with a multilayered approach, dancing between the worlds of classic psychology, mythic poetic symbology, and somatic experience with expert flair that results in a coaching that feels both grounded and mystical.” - Gaia Harvey Jackson

“The work we have done together has been life changing. Bonny’s playful and enlightening techniques of dealing with the different layers of my personality meant that even the dark, ugly traits became more approachable and I was able to understand and honour them. I now feel as though now I can deal with life and the many curve balls that it likes to throws with a calm, clear grounded sensibility.” - Zoe Wellman

“I've been coached by many people over the last twenty years and Bonny really stood out as a clear, warm and heartfelt guide to discovering my own truth. She has an amazing ability to hear the deeper current behind what is being said and a range of techniques for bringing a sense of clarity and purpose to what initially felt like a random jumble of sporadic impulses.” - Amir Giles

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