Womb~Soma: London · Dandelion

Womb~Soma: London

ritual women shamanism intimacy identity and connection london event womb plant spirit ceremony plant consciousness sacred plant initiation womb blessing womens work shamanic healing herbs north london london meditation dance womens circle
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Womb Mysteries
Enquiries to bryony.darbon@gmail.com
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Embodiment : Womb Wisdom : Sacred Sexuality : Creativity



~ a space of containment, enveloping 
~ a place where something is generated

SOMA (from Greek): 
~ body of life~body consciousness 
~ ‘the body living in its wholeness’


Welcome to Womb~Soma, an evening ritual to awaken the body~temple - held in a cosy & private location in North London. 

Here we recognise the female~body as fluid, changing, mysterious ~ & the coming home to this place as a process - moving beyond the static to the flow-er ~ she who flows & flowers with life.

So join us in nourishing life-force & intimacy with the body and community as we re-wild our wombs ~ immersing in the inky waters of the feminine.

Together we will dive into soul- and body-enlivening practices, interwoven with deep knowledge & reverence for the womb, held in the loving containment of ritual & the circle.

Initiating our journey with Cacao and Rose, the evening will unfold with embodied movement, devotional arts and shamanic & somatic womb praxis   - awakening your capacity to listen and receive the pulse of aliveness. 



Bryony is an extraordinary guide and led us on much needed, beautiful and deep journeys into our heart and womb spaces with the rose. I didn’t want to come back!

~ Maxime



"This was such a beautiful event. Bryony facilitated and held the space in such a wonderful way, that is was safe enough for healing to happen. Although this was only a taster the depth of the work was apparent which could be felt through Bryony's devotion, passion and love for the work. I have a lot of gratitude, thank you so much for this event "

~ Georgie




Red Rose & Cacao Ceremony 

Somatic & Shamanic Womb Praxis

Sensual Embodiment

Magdalene Temple Dance

Anointing Ritual

Rose Water Blessing



"A beautiful exploration of the feminine path into embodiment! Bryony gently created and held a powerful vessel within which we journeyed deep into our bodies and beyond, softening and opening into our power. Deeply nourishing in these dark times of winter solstice and current world events, a reminder that what we change within, we change in our outer worlds. Thank you Bryony!" 

~ Alison


Previous ceremony at our beautiful sanctuary in North London


"A beautifully facilitated day of ceremony, healing and reclamation. I’m left feeling blessed and inspired with a desire for more."




We will orientate ourselves towards:

  • Resourcing, to support slowing down for full body listening
  • somatic & shamanic womb practice to awaken self-knowledge & awareness in the pelvic-bowl
  • Plant spirit connection with the rose inviting our empowered softness, and deep listening through heart & body
  • Explorations into the connection between womb-heart, earth & cosmos for remembering the interconnectedness of life
  • Sharing and witnessing in community, creating authentic connections through our vulnerability & courage
  • Earth-based wisdoms & somatic rituals for unravelling tension, and reclaiming pleasure
  • Living from the root-up, and what shifts when we live from authentic pelvic-bowl embodiment

This is for you if you: 

  • Are experiencing a shift in awareness towards your womb ~ and desire practices, tools & community to share this experience with
  • Are curious about womb work, somatic & earth based wisdoms
  • Feel or have felt a disconnection between your mind & body, and long to feel at home in your own skin, in tune with your innate rhythms
  • Are yearning for more pleasure and a deeper sense of aliveness 
  • Feel the current of life-force moving through you, but require grounding and rooting to direct this creative energy
  • Want to unravel old stories and patterns, and move towards a life of joy, intimacy, pleasure & resilience 
  • You're longing for community, a space of deep authentic listening & connection ~ with kindred souls




The Call


This evening ritual is about returning to ourselves in our fullness, integrated in all aspects:  wellbeing, creativity, spirituality and community. 

Here we honour the intelligence of the Earth and our own bodies. 

Within a supportive group of women, we unearth our wild feminine power through discovering the multi-dimensional nature of our Wombs and untamed nature of female sensuality and power.

An offering to come home to ourselves - body, blood and flesh: to return to source through ritual and community, and from this resourced space ~ we can allow ourselves to emerge once more.



“Beautiful and nurturing perfect combination of personal work and circling, meditation and embodiment. Very deep work, very grateful.”




“A truly magical day, fillled with nourishment, catharsis and empowerment, held in community. Deep gratitude.”

~ Rachel


Somatic Womb Work


Living in a fast-paced culture that reveres “progress” and superficial beauty over the depth of wisdom our body and Earth holds, many are disconnected from the source of our creative essence. We have come to fear the dark, ignoring the cyclical rhythms that call us home to restore, reflect and incubate our inner knowing. This separation causes us to doubt and question our intuition, undervalue our creative expression and ignore the signals from our body when it asks us to slow down and listen.

Somatic Womb Work is a transdisciplinary approach to womb-pelvic bowl healing, that offers a soothing balm & practical methods for returning to our inner state of wholeness ~ weaving together somatics, mindfulness with earth-based wisdoms ~ underpinned by ancient & new understandings of the nervous system.

This multidimensional modality is an invitation to return to your body's natural rhythms in connection with the moon & earth, whilst cultivating a nourishing relationship with your womb for whole being transformation.

Somatic Womb Work supports us in deepening intimacy with ourselves & our true nature ~ anchoring greater womb and pelvic bowl embodiment. It guides us to the womb space as a place of reclaimed safety, as the seat of our power, creativity and vitality ~ where healing is possible in all aspects of our lives.

These sessions are a calling to return to the Mystery; the restorative dark of our Wombs, to retreat, find nourishment and explore practices that bring balance to the body and soul, awakening the creative and sensual essence.




“Bryony is absolutely incredible. This is one of the best courses I have ever taken in it's layers of depth, curiosity and inspiration. Bryony is present, thorough and inspiring. I couldn't recommend this course more.” 
- Jessica






“The most beautiful and nourishing afternoon spent in the arms of gorgeous women. Thank you Bryony for your sweet and tender guidance as always!"
~ Molly


"Thank you Bryony for such crafting and holding such a powerful space. I can't express how meaningful and potent this journey was for me in the context of healing sexual trauma." 

~ Em


Bryony is incredibly connected to the group energy. Her unique facilitation guides and taps into deep contact with the wisdom and intelligence of the body. So comforting and resourcing." 

- Ish




The Flow: At a Glance


Arrival from 4.30pm for 5pm start: Tea & Snacks on Arrival

Closing at 8pm





The event will be hosted at a Secret Location for deeper intimacy and connection amongst the group, at a private venue in Stoke Newington in North London. Location will be sent out upon purchase of your ticket.


Founded in 2020, ĀKĀŚA ignites connection through transformative events at the intersection of art, culture, science, and spirituality. Fueled by ceremonial cacao and the guidance of our experienced facilitators, our gatherings offer a safe space for exploration, play and growth. Unleash your potential, celebrate vibrant cultures, forge connections, and discover the power of conscious exploration with our growing community.

We look forward to sharing this special gathering with you!

PS: The venue is a private warehouse and the full address and preparatory information will be shared with you via email upon ticket purchase. *The venue has a resident cat - if you suffer from severe cat allergies please take this into consideration.*



Join our Whatsapp group for upcoming events in our growing community.




Details of how to get to the venue will be shared with you upon purchase of your ticket. Located in Olympic House, close to Beyond Retro in Stoke Newington.

Public Transport

Train or Bus to Dalston Junction, Dalston Junction or Stoke Newington.


Location sent upon purchase. Please be aware parking may not be available close by, congestion charges may apply.




About your facilitator



Bryony Rose


"Deep, clear, internally connective, magical. Bryony is like a powerful conductor of feminine energy and wisdom and a knowledgeable teacher of deep and almost forgotten feminine arts."


Hello and welcome, my name is Bryony.

At the heart of my work is devotion, however subtle 
~ the art of being able to continually show up to that which I love and care for, has created monumental shifts in my life. 

Being in service to the re~wilding of the feminine, began with a love of roaming the wild places, both upon Earth & within ourselves. This thirst for adventure has led me to travel widely in search for the sacred, and with every step I have come to realize that so often what we are longing for, is the embodied remembrance of our belonging here, within our bodies, interconnected with Earth & eachother.

I was born with a curiosity for all things great and small, exploring rituals since a young age, with one of my earliest memories being creating a burial for a bumblebee I found in the bottom of the garden. As I continued to grow this became a passion for yoga, and painting my interior landscapes ~ yet I found my deepest sense of belonging as I set foot on a winding path into female animism.

Awakening to the understanding that everything is alive, with the breath of spirit ~ gave great meaning to a troubled early life, where I had longed to feel, and be in awe with the everyday.

After a series of chosen and life~given initiations, the courage to share what I had been taught & shown beyond the veil, led to my first women’s circle ~ and over time has evolved into using the methodologies of ritual in creating in-depth programmes, nature & body-based immersions and pilgrimages to sacred sites ~ with the intention to rewild our intimacy with the heart of nature.

Together, our prayers are amplified. 

And as women, there is something inexplicably powerful when we gather in circle ~ to feel, to express, to nurture soul & soil.

So if you are ready to re-member, to claim your sovereign voice and innate power as an embodied woman, then I invite you to join me on this sacred path home.


For more magic check see her page here: bryonyrose.love



Testimonials from previous London events


“A beautiful, gentle and playful container. So much softness, and held with such deep integrity and wisdom by Bryony. True priestess. The power of sisterhood in circle never ceases to amaze me. I was so grateful to be able to have a deep alchemical experience through a shamanic portal into my own wombscape, while sharing space and coming together in divine sisterhood. So much tenderness, spaciousness, beauty and also play and pleasure. Very grateful."
- Meher


“There is something powerful and magical about when women come together. Bryony was the most amazing guide and space holder....and the space was indeed a treat to be in! A cocoon away from the world full of magic, stillness, safety and quiet potential. Bryony was very skilled and able to invite and tease out a way of leaving all women there so connected by the end of the workshop. I loved the singing...the partner work, the circles where I felt supported and included as part of the group, the chats to deepen bonds over snacks, the mudra work and nidra. Very powerful.” 
- Kate


“This was a brilliant event led by Bryony. I had never been to anything like this before and felt a bit nervous not knowing what to expect. But I was so amazed by what unfolded. Throughout the ceremony, Bryony and the other participants felt like this incredible support network. Some emotions came up for me pretty early on that I had not anticipated, so took me off guard. But I found the other participants who were listening to be un-judgemental, fully listening and present. Throughout the event (which felt like a mini retreat) we went on what I can only describe as a journey through our own inner landscapes, which was emotional and beautiful. We then shared and collaborated with one another for the rest of the ceremony, building up the support network that we had formed at the beginning, growing our radiant collective power together. I would definitely go to another event like this, and will certainly watch out for more events by Bryony as she held us with grace, kindness and all with a bit of a sense of humour, which was perfect. Thank you.
- Anonymous



What to Bring

  • Clothes that are comfortable and easy to move in
  • Altar items (such as flowers, special stones, bones, pictures etc)
  • A few extra snacks if you need or desire
  • Eye mask
  • A journal



Who is this workshop for? Is this the right space for you?

This is a place for authentic connection, deep listening and community. You will be invited to explore content such as sexuality and emotions, so it is important for our own integrity and welfare of those attending that we share these points for you to be sure that this space is suitable for you.

Our intention is to offer work that is inclusive, however through our own practices of listening, learning and unlearning - we have decided that this space is specifically for female-embodied beings aka those with Yoni's and Womb's (whether or not still physically present) - which includes non-binary and gender fluid folk. 

Our reasons for this is that some of the content is very specific to the female anatomy - we will be speaking of the Womb, the Yoni and other aspects of the female body. We also recognise that we do not have the experience required to hold space safely beyond this within this setting, and want all of those that attend feel held and acknowledged. So the most responsible decision we can make is to recognise our limitations, as this offers a much a safer and authentic space for everyone. We are passionate about continuing to learn and grow in this.

We also want you to note that while this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges we strongly encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist

Some of the content shared by participants in sharing circles may be triggering or traumatic in nature. This immersion is designed to create a space for us to be open and honest with each other about our experiences, as we explore some new and unchartered territory. Sharing and listening is an important aspect of this, and can support the process of transformation, and simply being.

While we do our best to create an environment that feels safe and inclusive, it is your responsibility to look after your own needs and boundaries. If this is something you struggle with, or you are concerned about any element of this retreat please contact us in advance. We are very willing to chat on the phone and check in about whether this retreat is right for you at this time.




Your Booking Includes:


  • An Evening  Workshop with Cacao & Rose
  • Specially selected Teas & Treats



Payment Options


Supporter - Those on a higher wage who feel able to support this work and those on a lower income's attendance.

Standard - Those on an average wage who wish to invest in their well-being.

Low Income  - Those on a lower wage who would not be able to attend otherwise.


Get in touch if you need support with your booking: womb.nectar@gmail.com


*Scholarship Places

We have a handful of low cost scholarship places available via application.  These scholarship places are for Black/ Women of Colour, LGBTQ+ folks and women from marginalised communities or challenging socio-economic backgrounds. 

We are in an ongoing iterative process of learning and unlearning how to make our space equitable, diverse and inclusive of the multitudes of experiences of women. Creating scholarship and bursary places for those who might struggle to access or participate in an event like this is part of our approach. 

However we recognise that this can only be one part of our approach to inclusivity and requires us to be in a continued learning process around the themes of trauma, class, race, gender and so much more. Another part of our approach is that we have a number of structures of care in place for the retreat itself and various feedback systems both in person and anonymous that we welcome. 

To apply for a scholarship please contact: womb.nectar@gmail.com

The deadline for scholarship applications is the 8th November.



Practical Info


Please note that we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. We welcome swapping or reselling your tickets with people you know or via Ticket Swap

For enquiries please email Bryony at: womb.nectar@gmail.com

Website: https://bryonyrose.love

Instagram: @bryonyrose.love


Select tickets

Early Bird
Early Bird £35 Sold out
Available until 18th October or until SOLD OUT
Standard Ticket
Low Income £40
Only 4 spaces available for those on a lower wage
Standard £45
Recommended exchange
Supporter £50
For those who would like to support those on a lower income to attend
Abundance £55
For those with more resources to offer for the flourishing of this work
Add a donation to True Nature

Your details

By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Bryony Darbon, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

Feedback on Womb Mysteries events