Women's Elemental Dance

Hosted by Sophie Bolton Conscious Dance Events
Enquiries to sophiedancinginnature@gmail.com
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Let yourself be expressed, through movement, within a group of women committed to developing a more loving relationship to themselves - a safe container to experience the freedom of your dancing inner child.

Give it a go

If you know in your heart of hearts that the life energy being pulled into the void of unbalanced habits like:- food, alcohol, sex, the mobile phone - is actually a part of a yearning to meet your sense of truth, then why not take a leap of faith and join this 4 week conscious dance journey and get to know your body in an environment where openness and vulnerability create group safety.

What’s in store and what to gain

We will explore a movement practice based around the four elements - an element per week - earth, water, fire and air. With each element they’ll be an exploration into somatic body work, playful movement and partner work to explore deeper intimacy with self and other. By activating the innate rhythm and intuition of our bodies, we can begin to meet the flight, fight, freeze responses caught in the body with softness and compassion. Each session will be accompanied by a journey of beautiful music and Sophie’s guidance.

The inspiration for this course

Growing up with parental addiction has created for Sophie a lifelong passion to intuit free form dance as a tool to tend to her inner child. Along with her 10 years experience as a conscious dance facilitator/DJ and inner child work, it’s with great heart that she’s ready to invite you to experience this new body of work.


Your presence, and signing up to the course are important to not only you, but to the constellation of the whole group. There is so much richness and learning in group work.

The aim is to come away from this course with a sense of :-

connection with your inner spontaneous child-like part - the part that loves to be playful in movement:- spiralling, jumping, shaking, making animal noises before

discovering the value of conscious dance as a regular practice

how the nervous system can self regulate through free movement

inner confidence that you’ve found your feet on a sober dance floor

empathy for another woman’s story and what that does for you

a deeper sense of freedom in your body as you move on the ecstatic/ conscious dance floor

inspiration to dance alone as a tool to loving our inner selves

learning to self-regulate through dancing freely and mindfully 

feeling proud that you took a healthy risk and shared your vulnerability in a group setting.

sharing your truth about what has kept the authentic you locked away

deeper connection to others through embodiment

learning to accept the whole range of emotions that can be present in the body

There’s nothing to master, no steps or choreography to learn, just arriving with a clear intention to join other women and give yourself the self compassion you deserve to let your body speak.

The benefits of coming together, as women with all our defences, blocks and coping strategies, in a relaxed and free way, is boundless. This is an opportunity for you to experience the living and vibrating reality of each moment through movement. Discover your true self concealed behind adult-life’s coping mechanisms and parental and societal conditioning. 

This will be a group of real people making real breakthroughs. Give yourself the gift of throwing off the shackles of everyday life. It will help to make tomorrow a little bit easier!

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made 1 week or more in advance of the event date, will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made within 48 hours will incur a 50% fee. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the event will not be refunded unless of extenuating circumstances agreed upon with Sophie.

Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Full Course Price £88
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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Sophie Bolton Conscious Dance Events, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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