The Science of Cessation - on the implications of intentional cessation of consciousness with Dr Ruben Laukkonen

non-duality online consciousness experiential adventures in awareness meditation self awareness thought provoking
Hosted by Adventures in Awareness
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What is the role of cessation on the path to awakening?
What does cessation reveal about the fundamental nature of consciousness and reality itself?

There are Buddhist meditation practises aimed at a profound experience known as "cessation" - a temporary but complete suspension of consciousness that practitioners have reported for thousands of years. While it might sound impossible or mystical, this fascinating phenomenon is now being investigated through the lens of modern neuroscience.

I've been fascinated by these reports, because some people claim they are vital to understanding the emptiness of consciousness, which in turn is considered crucial to full awakening in some Buddhist traditions. 

We'll be investigating this in an illuminating conversation with Dr. Ruben Laukkonen, an advanced meditator whose groundbreaking PhD research was a systematic scientific investigation of cessation experiences. As a Senior Lecturer in cognitive science and computational neuroscience, Dr. Laukkonen has dedicated his career to understanding these remarkable moments and their profound implications.

We'll explore the cutting-edge findings from his research. 

Currently leading Australia's largest psychedelic research trial and with his work featured in The New York Times, TIME, and Nature, Dr. Laukkonen brings unique scientific rigor to understanding these profound meditative experiences, and has helped bring this topic into mainstream neuroscientific consideration. 


About Ruben Laukkonen, PhD

Dr. Ruben Laukkonen is a Senior Lecturer (US: Associate Professor) in cognitive science and computational neuroscience. His research is theoretically driven and traverses many levels, from neurons to psychology. Key topics include meditation, insight, consciousness, and artificial minds. He serves as a chief investigator on Australia's largest psychedelic clinical trial, supported by approximately $4M from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and the Peregrine Foundation. His work has been featured in The New York Times, TIME, TEDx, Vice, ABC, Aeon, VOX, New Scientist, and in the Nature collection.

About Amir Giles

Amir runs Adventures in Awareness to foster connections between meditators, scientists and philosophers to generate new insights that can benefit ordinary people. Through discussion, events and courses he hosts explorations in what it means to be a ‘modern mystic’ - balancing the challenges and gifts of modern life whilst alive to timeless mystery.

He worked for 20 years as a choreographer, performer and dancer on everything from MARVEL movies to Royal Opera House productions, specialising in contemporary dance, contact improvisation and Argentine tango. 

He remains interested into how insight can transform how we move, relate and live. 



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