Movement is Medicine

Hosted by Casita Yoga Battersea
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Movement is Medicine® is brand dedicated to teaching people how to use dance and music as medicine in day to day life by combining rave culture and neuroscience. Movement is Medicine is home to the neuroscience backed method for mind and body that combines rave culture and neuroscience that features nervous system regulation techniques to release stress, tension and emotion.

You’re guided through a seated body focused meditation to help you find your rhythm, which moves into freeform dance to a specifically curated playlist of our favourite rhythmic genres such as reggae, dancehall, house, drum n bass + more to help you shake away your stress and come out of the head and into the body to redefine exercise. It's not about what you look like, it's about how you feel.

The method is somatic meditation to begin with (self-regulation through massage, touch and movement) and then you will be guided into movement which eventually leads you to letting your bodies take over and move intuitively.

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