Tell the Truth, Love More and Live Out Loud – 4 Week Course

breathwork trauma release love self expression emotion release course oxford tellthetruth selfdiscovery
Hosted by Heal Oxford Wellbeing
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Miracles can happen when we tell the truth.

Welcome to our transformative 4-week course: “Tell the Truth, Love More, and Live Out Loud.” If you desire more peace, joy, and intimacy in relationship with both yourself and others, then this course is tailored just for you!

What is it?

In the hustle of daily life, we have all learned to navigate by wearing masks, concealing our true selves behind a façade of ‘everything is okay.’ This disconnect from our authentic selves leads to suffering.

Telling the truth out loud might just save your life, heal you from deep within, and connect you to humanity in ways you never imagined. It’s not always the nice truth that seeks to please or comfort, but the inconvenient truth – the one you’ve been afraid to tell. The truth you’ve hidden to protect others, to avoid being too much, or to escape shame and rejection.

Expressing this truth, no matter how messy or vulnerable, can set you free. It can lift depression, dissolve anxiety, and make chronic ailments vanish. But there are side effects – it takes massive amounts of energy and courage to release layers of tension built up over time.

Imagine the impact this constant “holding back” has on our body and mind, affecting our immune, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Join us on this transformative journey, where you will experience a safe space to learn how to communicate authentically and share your truth. Walk away with newfound resilience, freedom, and practical tools for life.

“Tell the Truth, Love More, and Live Out Loud” is a guided journey to break free from this conditioned behaviour that may be causing you pain, shame, blame, fear, sadness and madness, and replace with experiences that bring freedom, peace and happiness.

1. Feel it: Become aware of how you actually feel right now.

2. Want it: Find peace and contentment where you are. Want what you have and stay present. 

3. Shift it: Get out of your head, into your body and activate your five senses.

4. Release it: What can you control? Let go of what you can’t.

5. Align it: Find your true desires. How do you want to feel?

6. Energise it: Become aware of your energy, spend it, save it and generate it, physically, mentally and emotionally.

  • Learn how to express the important things that you are withholding with honesty, vulnerability and connection.
  • Experience change at body level, learning how to be authentic with your feelings.
  • Work through your own feelings, moving through them to discharge and clear them healthily
  • Learn new toolkits for life!


A human being can only be aware of three things:

  1. Things happening in the immediate environment RIGHT NOW.
  2. Feelings and sensations inside the body RIGHT NOW.
  3. Thoughts and images in the mind RIGHT NOW


There are three things a person can notice: 

The body (INSIDE) | The environment (OUTSIDE) | The Mind (UPSIDE DOWN).

The majority of us are STUCK in The Mind and have lost touch with what is happening inside our skin and right in front of us, instead giving all of our attention to thoughts, beliefs and fantasy – thus losing touch with experience.

This course is an opportunity to practice honesty in a safe environment before embracing your newfound authenticity in your daily life.

It is also possible to repeat this course as many times as you like – a new experience each and every time!

“Thoughts only have power if you give them attention”

What does the course include?

1. 4 x weekly 75 minute sessions – meeting in a small group, we will practise sharing, noticing, listening, learning, getting over, the power of forgiveness, and inspire to empower one another in real connection.

2. Let the truth be unveiled: Be led through a series of exercises where telling the truth becomes more natural than pretending. Break free from the limitations of the mind through honest expression.

  • “I notice…, and I imagine…”
  • “Sometimes I pretend I…”
  • “Should’s and shouldnt’s…
  • Meeting primary feelings (Shame, Blame, Fear, Sad, Mad)
  • Breath (Awareness, Sensations, Calm)
  • Resentments & Appreciations
  • Forgiveness & Clearing


3. Mindful Communication: Learn to notice and interrupt your thinking minds by truthfully expressing what you feel, observe, and imagine. Develop descriptive and honest communication skills to foster genuine connections.

4. Relationship Transformation: Communicate openly with others, expressing resentments and appreciations, leading to completion, full body forgiveness, and renewal. Discover the power of speaking about what’s happening in your body and mind.

5. Embracing Discomfort: Develop the ability to relax and enjoy discomfort around others by honestly acknowledging your experiences. Stay present, experience new reactions, and cultivate more freedom, connection, and love.

6. Moment-to-Moment Connection: Practice communicating moment to moment, sharing what you see, hear, feel, and imagine. Use new ways of expressing responsibility, focusing on “I” rather than “You”.

7. Meditation and Inspiration: Ground your experience through meditation. Inspire and empower each other to be courageous, compassionate, and truthful. Recognise that honesty itself is a form of meditation in the presence of others.

“By starting to observe, notice and report, your life will transform all around you”

What are the benefits?

Discover the liberating power of honesty. As you embrace authenticity, you will find that honesty acts like a positive virus, spreading through your life and relationships. Love expands its territory, families are renewed, communities form, and new beginnings unfold. Telling the truth might be challenging, but the freedom it brings is greater.

“Allow things to occur instead of making things happen”

Join us on this transformative journey, where lying less, loving more, and living out loud become the keys to a more fulfilling and authentic life. Let’s create a community of magic together!

“You are 100% responsible for creating your own happiness”


“I do my thing and you do your thing.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations,

And you are not in this world to live up to mine.

You are you and I am I; If by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.

If not, it can’t be helped.”

Ground Rules:

To participate in the workshop, you must agree to the following Ground Rules:

1. I agree to use consensual touch only.
2. I agree to keep confidentiality.
3. I agree to come to the sessions on time and ready.
4. I agree to silence and put away all electronic devices during the sessions.
5. I agree to not harass anyone.

We will discuss these Ground Rules in detail at the beginning of the workshop. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email 

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