Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

wellness yoga nidra relaxation yin yoga meditation
Hosted by Radiant Soul Yoga
Enquiries to ellamills@radiantsoulyoga.com
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A portal to rest and rebalance

These classes will run fortnightly on Friday evenings. The perfect way to enter the weekend!

Yin yoga consists of a series of poses held for up to several minutes at a time. The goal is to take the work of the pose out of the muscles by allowing them to relax, and placing the right amount of stress to the joints, fascia and cartilage. This improves joint mobility, strength, elasticity and flexibility.

Yoga Nidra is a progressive body awareness/ relaxation style of meditation that is typically done lying down.

These classes are available to everyone!

Things to Note:

Wear something comfortable! You are welcome to bring a cushion and/or blanket to cover yourself in Savasana.

Arrive 5-10 minutes before class to allow yourself enough time to get settled. Please bring your own mat where possible, however, there will be some mats available. Yoga bolsters, eye masks, blocks and straps provided!

Abbotswood Sports Ground
Cutforth Way
SO51 0BG

There is parking outside

Please note: 24 hour cancellation policy for classes.

Select tickets

14th March
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra £14
28th March
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra £14
11th April
Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra £14
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