Womens Tantric Temple with Jem Ayres (August 2024)

intimacy conscious sexuality sexuality embodiment healing and wellbeing sacred sexuality tantra connection touch
Hosted by Jem Ayres
Enquiries to hello@jemayres.co.uk
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Womens Tantric Temple with Jem Ayres

HumanKind Yoga Studio, Brighton

Saturday 31st August, 1.30-10pm 



Join Jem Ayres, Orgasmic Embodiment Coach as she guides you in a sensual exploration of touch exercises.

Tantra is about bringing presence to your experience and finding your truth in the moment.

You’ll be guided to connect with yourself and others through practices in conscious touch, without going into autopilot or habit.


The first half of the Tantric Temple will be a guided space of meeting others through experiences and exercises. The second half is a free-style yet held space to explore what you've learnt with others at your own organic pace. 


This event is open to all female bodied adults, whether newbies or well-versed in these types of spaces. 

Female couples are also welcome. You will be supported and held by Jem and her assistants throughout the event. This is a clothing optional event.


  • You are always in choice - you do not need to do anything you don’t want to. 
  • Consent, confidentiality and boundaries will be the basis of our work and we’ll weave these into practices.
  • Honour your own organic pace.
  • This is a sober event, no alcohol or drugs.
  • Please bring a blanket and a massage towel with you.
  • Bring your own dinner for the evening break (there will be snacks and fruit provided for tea break)


Your facilitator: Jem Ayres
Orgasmic Embodiment Coach. Jem is a certified Sex Geek: A Sexological Bodyworker, Tantra practitioner, a workshop facilitator, public speaker and founder of Orgasmic Embodiment. She has over 10 years’ experience in the field of self-development through the body. Jem teaches what she calls ‘Sexual Self-Development’ to individuals and couples. Multi-talented and creative she is passionate about helping people to connect with themselves through the body, fine-tuning into the subtleties of our life force, using sexual energy to fuel all areas of life.



Please be aware the venue has a flight of stairs upto the studio space.

We will be moving from sitting on the floor, to standing and laying.  There aren't any chairs available at this venue.

I'm aware this doesn't make this event fully accessible for those whith physical needs, and I wish this could be different.



Humankind studio, 22 Montague Street, Kemp Town, BN2 1JX  

On Google maps here: https://goo.gl/maps/PPBX9WQmkSdjudLAA


Date & time: 

Saturday 31st August, 1.30-10pm



Please be aware that tickets are not transferable or refundable. 

Select tickets

This event started 6 months ago

Female bodied people £80
3 left
Earlybird female bodied people £75 Sold out
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