"When someone you love is dying."

death gentledying empowereddeath endoflifecompanioin deathplanning deathawareness circleofcare deeplistening endoflifecare compassionatecare
Hosted by Sacred Death Centre
Enquiries to sacreddeathcentre@gmail.com
14+ people
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We warmly invite you to join us for "When someone you love is dying." A heartwarming gathering in which together we will share and explore how we can care for and hold the person you love, and your beautiful self, in all that you're feeling, and how we can open our hearts to feel even more love and compassion. 

Together we will explore the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes, challenges and transformations that both the loved one who is dying, and those caring for and loving them, may face along the way. 

Whether you already have experience of looking after a loved one as their body dies, or are presently on such a journey, or would like to know more for the future how to care for someone you love and yourself during such an emotional journey, this interactive workshop will help you to feel more able within your heart, mind and spirit to meet those challenges with a more open heart. 

This workshop is being offered as a collaboration between Lucy Lord at the Sacred Death Centre and Simon Gardiner ~ End of Life Counsellor and Companion.

Simon has been working as an end of life counsellor and companion for fifteen years, both independently and for two Marie Curie projects visiting beloveds in hospital and at home. Simon is very passionate that all those involved are cared for and held in as much love, peace and deep gentle healing as possible. Simon's passion comes also from his own personal experience, from his dear Dad passing at 39 after a 5 year illness, to the love of his life, Panda, passing at 27 after a 10 year journey with lymphoma, all of which taught him so much about the power and beauty of love and compassion when you're heart is breaking.

We look forward to spending this day together with you.

Sunday 29th March 10:30 - 5pm. Apothecary Gardens, 2 Rood Cottage, Kingweston Road, Butleigh, BA6 8TF

A simple and grounding vegan soup will be shared for lunch, other light refreshments will be available. Please bring any extra snacks you feel you may need throughout the day.

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