Fool Expression: Discover how to express the different parts in you · Dandelion

Fool Expression: Discover how to express the different parts in you

expression embodiment healing and wellbeing clowning
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Local group South West
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Fool Expression, is a practice that helps you to befriend your body and access gently different parts or masks within you. It is a supportive process in connection with others where you realise that we all 'carry similar masks'. This practice allows us to bring consciousness, play and theatre at the centre of our communities, to explore together what it is to be human. It is a fooling practice drawn on Franki Anderson's lineage, the Voice Dialogue process and is Trauma Informed. 

The Fool Expression is calling us as humans to learn to play with all the masks or parts in ourselves. Some known, some not known yet. This way we connect to more aliveness, creativity, inner peace, connection with others and with ourselves. 

It is a deeply playful and transformative process. It allows us to dive deeper into ourselves through a safe connection with an audience. In this benevolent container, our human nature is called to open, express and bring transformation. 

The Fool is the part of us that can journey from one aspect or ourselves to another. He or She harvest the essence and the life force of each aspect, playing it fully, all this without being attached to any. She or he plays inner dramas as they rise up inside. This for its own sake, but we realise soon enough that she or he plays also for the audience.

One foot in the known, one foot in the unknown the Fool is free, and fully alive. 

To be able to access our Inner Fool, to have the freedom of being fully alive at each moment and sharing that with others, we meet and learn to play with a range of masks: the mask of ourselves who holds us back; the ones who long to show up; the one who keeps us small; the one who wants to share the uniqueness and subtlety of our being; the mask who knows; the mask who doesn't know... 

In this workshop, I will invite the participants to deepen their relation with the body, learn the basics of the Fool's Way on stage, explore and learn how to play with the different masks/ personalities in ourselves as we step on a stage, and explore the relation with an audience.

This evening workshop is followed by a Fool Expression Weekend on the 19-20 March. More info: or

Feedback from previous sessions

"Fool expression with Christie is an incredible dive into a human soul. For me it feels like remembering what does it mean to be human - to FEEL FULLY without filters of social norms and rational mind. It opens a possibility to EMBRACE who I am without leaving some uncomfortable parts out. It is very intimate freeing and healing journey. Christie holds the space beautifully, with a gentle power and great awareness. She offers precious insights into our experience as well as invitations to explore the most challenging masks with compassion." Živa Zena 

“Surprisingly I have opened the cellar door of the underground world. And realise it being really positive, I am reaching my hand down. I want to keep on exploring the parts/ masks that have been coming up. I feel really grateful for the space to be able to do this.”

“The experience of being in front of everyone and being ok, without putting on a thing. That feels quite powerful as an experience. There is an ongoing battle in me between the parts trying to figure out. I want to create more space for this part of me to be, it feels like a child part.”

“ My intention is to embrace the messiness, discomfort in myself instead of spending my life trying to push it away. There is a kind of acceptance now it is ok to be uncomfortable, there is no need to try to analyse, but just accept it. This feels good."

"Thanks for last night Christie, it was really liberating for me. I found the Fool Expression Taster Evening scary, awkward, enlightening and liberating all at the same time. Just allowing myself to be… Thank you for letting me just play. I really valued sharing the time with everyone. It was interesting how people changed after just a short time of play!" Helen Heggadon - Customer Care and Aspiring Writer 

"Took this wonderful workshop in Bristol first time exploring Fooling and oh how I enjoyed it ! A liberating, playfull and to my surprise, gentle experience. I often associate doing emotional work with draining and heavy work. Playing in our being space and popping our masks left me lighter while it also allowed me to move and caringly give voice to my many inner personas. Thank you to our lovely group with whom I felt so safe to explore and to Christie Animas who held the space beautifully, with such care and groundedness."


About the Facilitator

With a decade of experience in creative and embodied personal development practices mixed with myth, connection to nature and emotional intelligence, Christie discovered a wealth of resources that are being mis-used or lying dormant within us.

Christie is now showing people how to harness all these aspects so they can see them as gifts and thereby bring aliveness and constant creativity to their lives.

Christie as a degree in occupational therapy, a specialisation in child psychiatry. She trained as a Voice Dialogue practitioner in Dorset, UK, as a Fool with Franki Anderson. 

She is offering her work in the UK and throughout Europe, and has created and gathered an expanding, vibrant community of players in the South West of England. She also works one-to-one using the Voice Dialogue process and performs and improvises her own music using the Fool Expression's practice.


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