Love Your Rage: A Women's Anger Transformation Day Retreat 2 dates

retreat womens work anger art therapy sound healing embodiment emotional release
Hosted by Love Your Rage
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Most women have been conditioned to believe that anger is a ‘bad’ emotion. We’ve been taught to fear it, suppress it, hide it, and make ourselves small, silent and powerless. Or it explodes with ferocity and we’re shamed for being “too much”. 

Your anger, your rage, your passion, and your fire is SACRED. 

When you learn how to befriend the potent energy of anger, it becomes your guide and signals an injustice, boundary or value that has been compromised. When you learn how to listen to your sacred rage, it signals a deeper truth that is the catalyst for your inner power and liberation.

About the day retreat:

In this one-of-a-kind day retreat, created exclusively for women, you'll have the opportunity to explore your relationship with anger, embody its energy with movement practices, express your liberation with creativity, be nourished by a sound bath and feel supported by a circle of sisters.


What to Expect

🌸  Safe & Supportive Environment: Our skilled facilitators create a nurturing space where you can openly express your thoughts and emotion without fear of judgement.

🌸  Sharing Circles: Engage in sharing experiences, insights, and challenges related to anger with others. Be witnessed in your vulnerability and power and discover that you're not alone on this journey.

🌸 Movement & Sound: You will be led through various movement practices whilst also being encouraged to vocalise (shout, scream, cry if you need to), which is a powerful and embodied way to facilitate catharsis and alchemize emotional energy. A concluding sound bath will provide the perfect opportunity for integration and relaxation.

🌸 Art Therapy: Discover the therapeutic power of art therapy as a non-verbal outlet to creatively channel and explore your anger, allowing for a deeper subconscious understanding of your emotions. You'll have the chance to create and embody a talisman that represents your inner power and will support you to take loving, courageous action in daily life.

🌸 Tools & Resources: You will leave with practical tools for self-regulation that you can incorporate into your everyday life. 


Why Attend?

🌺  Emotional Release: Liberating and expressing your emotions fosters a sense of release and renewal, helping you move beyond stagnation and walk the path of authenticity.

🌺 Befriend Anger & Grief: Learn to navigate and understand your emotions, and move through rage and grief as portals for positive transformation in your life.

🌺 Self-Empowerment: Challenging societal norms regarding women and anger, the retreat will help you to reshape the prevailing narrative surrounding this emotion, empowering you to redefine your relationship with anger, regain control over your life, and advocate for yourself.

🌺 Community & Support Building: Connect with a diverse community of women committed to self-reflection and growth, who share similar experiences and aspirations.


Photos from previous Love Your Rage workshops


Retreat Programme

Full day from 10am to 4pm, including a delicious vegan lunch.

10am: Arrival (doors will open at 9.45am)

  • Sharing circle: welcome, check-in,  and intention setting
  • Grounding meditation
  • Connecting with each other through our anger experiences
  • Anger activation with live drums and ecstatic shakti movements

1pm – 2pm: LUNCH (included in the price)

  • Liberation and artistic release through art therapy and movement-painting
  • Sound healing bath
  • Closing circle

4pm : Retreat ends. 


Private venue location


Feedback on our previous events:

“To all women, this is a wonderful experience which will enhance your being and lighten your soul” - Alexandria

"The Anger Release Workshop was an incredible experience. The level of expression and release from the session has really helped me understand myself better, and manage my expectations around ‘anger’. The strength and empowerment given to us by the facilitators was exceptional. I feel honoured to have been a part of this workshop." - Anonymous


About the Organizers

The Love Your Rage team involves a collective of women, who are each on their own anger journeys and have come together to make this project come to life. 

Together we bring a diverse set of skills and experience:

  • Orshi, Neo Emotional Release Facilitator
  • Mar, PhD in Computational Neuroscience, Kundalini Yoga teacher
  • Zaira, Integrative Arts Psychotherapist
  • Safiatú, sound healing and lomi lomi massage practitioner
  • Mela, sound healing practitioner, pole dance, yoga and meditation teacher

For inquiries and registration, please contact


The backstory - ‘SEIEIN: Love Your Rage’ short film

We believe that a new narrative about women and anger is needed. This is why we recently made a movement based short film about anger & women ( watch the trailer here and click  here for more info).

Through a compelling docu-fictional narrative, SEIEIN: Love Your Rage delves into the societal pressures that often lead women-identifying individuals to suppress their anger, as well as into the transformative power that arises from embracing the complex and diverse colours of our emotions.

The film unfolds in two realms: The collective unconscious where anger’s different facets and stages are expressed through raw embodied movement and dance; and a speculative present re-imagining what ‘tending’ for anger could look like as a conscious cultural practice.

Besides the transformative potential of embracing anger, the larger project aims to touch upon the complexities of the theme. For instance, the tension between the use of compassion to let go of anger, and the necessity to channel the same energy to fight for justice.

We aim for the work to act as a catalyst for inspiring dialogue, reflection and action around our personal and collective relationships with anger, in its most nuanced and mindful understanding.

Select tickets

This event started 4 months ago

Standard £140
Low Wage / Concessions £100 Sold out
Concession tickets are for those on low income (especially those in receipt of benefits), full-time students, adults aged 60 or over, single parents and anyone with a physical disability. Tickets limited to 5.
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