Ecstatic Dance Bristol
Get email updates from Ecstatic Dance Bristol
Website | https://dandelion.earth/o/acecollectiv |
Telegram group | https://t.me/ecstaticdancebristol |
Location | Bristol, UK |
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🌱 The emergence of Spring is upon us…
💫 And we’re launching a new series of events which are in response to the ever evolving landscape and needs of community gatherings and culture in Bristol, the UK and beyond.
🤩 We’re super excited to announce our first event which is a brand new concept for Bristol and perhaps the UK?
This brand new event combines the embodied worlds of sexy, silly and spiritual in an alcohol-free, sober curious, intentional and safe(r) space environment.
Ace Collectiv presents
in collaboration w/ Ecstatic Dance Bristol
[SPRING 2024]
Friday 22 March
18:00 - 23:15
The Mount Without, Bristol
Freya McFarlane ~ Sensual Embodiment
Osara ~ DJ & Ceremony Leader
Holly Anne Coles ~ Live Music & Live Sound Bath
Treasure ~ Cuddle Corner
Spring Equinox Ceremony ~ Embodiment ~ Dance Journey
Cuddle Corner ~ Feather Lounge ~ Chill Out Space
Ceremonial Cacao ~ ENCHANTED Medicinal Chocolates
Elixir Bar ~ Café ~ Walkabouts ~ & more

To be the first to hear about our events, subscribe to our email updates at the top of this page.
Ace Collectiv
Ace Collectiv is an independent and value-driven organisation based in Bristol, UK.
Alcohol-free and sober curious gatherings.
Events, workshops, ceremonies, festival areas and stages.
DJs, live music and sacred sound.
Underground, diverse and Sound System dance music and culture.
Safe(r) Spaces for all abilities and people.
Self development, awareness and empowerment
Respect for self, one another, community and planet.
Authentic connection with self and others.
Embodiment and free-form movement.
Soul invigorating ceremony and celebration.
Cutting edge mindfulness and wellness.
Inspiration, transformation and rejuvenation.
Safe(r) Space Agreement
By attending our events you agree to respect and follow our Safe(r) Space Agreement. These agreements indicate the behaviour that is acceptable and must be followed. They are put in place to ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome at our events.
By attending this event you are doing so because you want to expand your innerstanding of yourself, challenge your prejudice and connect with other like minded people.
Please take full responsibility for your own experience, remain open minded and creatively curious, reach beyond the edges of your comfort zone, and always ask for consent.
Our rules and agreements create a safer space to be expressive and intimate, and at the same time, ensure that everyone remains respectful of each other. Thus creating a more collaborative, trusting and respectful environment.
Safe(r) Space Agreement
You are responsible for yourself, your wellbeing and your belongings
You are responsible for your own experience and interactions with others
You agree to be mindful, respectful and aware of yourself and others
You agree to respect other peoples boundaries and ensure you give as much space as other people require
You agree to be consensual ~ unless it's an absolutely enthusiastic YES, everything else must be considered as a NO
People can change their mind, therefore remember that a YES can always turn into a NO and this must be respected every time
You agree that you are able to say YES or NO in an appropriate, clear and respectful way
You agree to use clear direct verbal communication where you can feel confident in expressing your boundaries, expectations and desires
You agree to maintain confidentiality and not disclose anyone's identities, stories or experiences.
If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable for any reason, please speak to a Welfare Angel, Security Guard or any Team Member immediately
Event Team
We have incredible Teams present at our events ~ Facilitators, Assistants, Welfare Angels, Door Team, Event Manager and Security Guards who are announced at the event Opening Circle.
The Welfare Angels wear a coloured armband so you can distinguish who they are. The Security Guards wear a visible ID badge and will mainly be located at the main entrances of the venue.
The Welfare Angels and Security Guard are available if you have any concerns or just want to chat. We are here to support.
Zero Tolerance Policy & Safeguarding
We operate a Zero Tolerance Policy at our events and any person found to be breaching the rules or Safe(r) Space Agreement will be asked to leave immediately (with no refund).
If you see any inappropriate behaviour, anyone being uncomfortable, anyone looking for help or if someone reports an issue to you, please inform a Welfare Angel, Security Guard or any Team Member immediately.
Authorised Filming & Photography
Authorised Photographers / Videographers (who are announced at the Opening Circle) will take videos and photos during the event. We use videos and photos to promote our events on social media. If you don't want to be included in a video or photo, please let the Photographer / Videographer or a Team Member know immediately. If you see any footage of yourself on social media and want it removed, please message us directly (on social media or via email) and we’ll do so immediately.
Please note, we do not arrange refunds.
We encourage ticket reselling on the following group chats:
(links can be found in your ticket confirmation email upon purchase of your ticket)
Let’s Dance ~ South West & Wales WhatsApp group
Ecstatic Dance Bristol Community Signal group
Journey2the1 WhatsApp group
Lovejam South West WhatsApp group
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Ace Collectiv
Ecstatic Dance Bristol