The Psychedelic Society's events
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Kundalini Yoga, Sacred Kakaw and Harmonising Sound Journey
Unlocking the Gifts of Anger: Somatic Anger Release For Women
Kundalini Yoga, Kakaw and Sound Medicine Journey
Embracing Grief: Support Circle
Psychedelic Integration Circle Cornwall (Falmouth)
Breathwork, Harmonizing Sound and Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Embracing Grief Wild: Grief In Nature Weekend
Embracing Grief: A One-Day Community Journey (London)
Kundalini Yoga, Sacred Kakaw and Harmonising Sound Journey
Breathwork, Harmonizing Sound and Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Psychedelic Experience Retreat with Alalaho
Breathwork, Harmonizing Sound and Sacred Cacao Ceremony
Psychedelic Integration Retreat: Weekend Immersion in Nature to Process & Making Meaning from Altered State Experiences
The Women's Fire Retreat
The Wild Woman's Way: 8 Day Transformational Retreat
Enchanted Woodland Retreat
Somatic Muscle Release™ Training