Springs and Stones - A celebration of Samhain - exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim · Dandelion

Springs and Stones - A celebration of Samhain - exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim

community camping setting intentions sabbat ancestors samhain womens circle soul connections moon work energy work moon magic natural magic wild swim circle of women shadow work safe space witch newmoon newcycle soulreflection wheeloftheyear halloween riverswim natureconnection
Hosted by Springs And Stones
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Enquiries to tara@wildswimmingwoman.com
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We invite you to join us at this liminal time of the year where the veil between the worlds is thinned, to come together as community, to honour our ancestors,  to grow and explore our soul connections to the magic of the natural world whilst honouring and working with the sacred energies of Samhain.

We will start around the fire, creating sacred space, casting circle and holding energy cleansing rituals and awareness meditations before a magical  immersion in the river. As the water will be cold we will just dip for a minute or two so you can join us for a toe splash, up-to-the-knees or a wade around. Once we are dry and re-dressed in warm clothes we will  journey back to the fire.

We will come together again around the fire to eat some hearty and warming food whilst holding inclusive rituals honouring our ancestors, so please bring an object or photo of an ancestor you would like to honour, so they may join us on our altar

We will create opportunities for us to pause, reflect, rejoice and set intentions for what is to come.   A little intentional crafting and meeting of those edges as the darkness descends.  There will be a space for drumming, movement, walking the circle and stamping feet (to keep warm)!

Come join us at this magical time of the year!

If you haven't been wild swimming before or you would like to build your confidence up a little more first, you can book a one to one with Tara@wildswimmingwoman or join one of her Dip Your Toe in events which was how Meredithe started wild swimming!



Select tickets

One space for Samhain £65
One invitation to join us for Samhain

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Meredithe Smith, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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