Intuitive Healer Facilitation Training · Dandelion

Intuitive Healer Facilitation Training

laura reeves social change embodiment healing course
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Infinite Experience
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Do you feel a deep calling to be in service to the healing of others? Have you ever been curious as to how you would fearlessly step into this role? If something in you is ignited as you read this, perhaps the time is now to step onto your path. 

Held in person in Glastonbury at a beautiful residential retreat centre for 2 days at the start and end of the training and online for 6 weekly calls in between. 

Being in service to collective and individual transformation is a calling that runs so deep, yet we can easily get lost as to where to start or where to deepen on this journey in a world that hasn’t been set up for it.

Perhaps you’re someone who is naturally empathetic and sensitive, someone who feels the feelings of others, or a deeper sense you want something more aligned for your life than the consumeristic model that you’ve been born into, feeling at times you don’t fit in or that you’re not fulfilling a deep part of your truth.

Stepping into your body’s and soul’s intuitive abilities to hold space at this time could be answering a calling that goes beyond yourself. Having moved beyond societal expectations and constructs and done this myself, I can tell you that there is no journey deeper and no job more fulfilling than facilitating healing at a time when it is being called out for.

This isn’t about creating a series of exercises to reel off or train you in one particular modality, this is an initiation into your body’s truth and an unveiling of who you really are and what your intuitive abilities are as a space holder, creating a safe container for you to see and be seen by others on this journey and to drop all self-limiting ideas that you’re not ready to begin now.

Over these 8 weeks we will look into the blockages preventing you from stepping into this role, explore techniques and modalities for healing encompassing mind, body and spiritual connection to self and source, create spaces for you to hold and lead practices for both individuals and groups and obtain constructive feedback to deepen your practice, connect to your ability to manifest opportunities to step into this role when you are ready, and be a part of a community of budding facilitators of transformational change, guiding and supporting each other in heart-centred community.

“Laura is a gentle but powerful, intuitive and wise facilitator. The course was everything I hoped it would be. It connected me with other like-minded people who are at the start or early stages of their journey to become space holders. And the course gave me a spark of confidence that I really needed and didn't think I could find. I wasn't sure whether to do this course and didn't really believe I could do it. But I did, and I'm so pleased that I did. This course helped me take the first steps on the journey to becoming a space holder and both ignited and also brought healing to many areas in my life. I'll be forever grateful to Laura.” Natasha ★★★★★


Course Structure 


Week 1 - Dropping into your authentic code - Held in Glastonbury at Healing Waters Sanctuary 

One of the foundational aspects of the ways we’ll be connecting to guidance on your direction and knowing as a facilitator, will be a consistent dropping into your truth and centre as an anchor on this path.

Showing up in fearlessness as your authentic self both within, to the group and who you work with in the future will lay a strong foundation for your work to go deep. It will also create a space of non-judgement, safety, connection and trust, beyond masks, constructs and expectations within our group, enabling us to support each other deeply on this journey together.

During this first week, we will meet in sacred Avalon to open space for 

During this first week, you will be guided through intentional ceremony into a deeper sense of truth within and in relation to those who will be walking alongside you on this journey. Guided by authentic relating games, consciousness shifting tools and subconsciousness visualisations, boundaries in authenticity and where they lie, connection games and shamanic intention prayer, we will reach a deeper form of authenticity providing a basis for our practice and as a team.

You will be put into small groups during our first week together to support each other through the journey and through the practices and co-creating assignments that you’ll be given throughout our time together.

Week 2 - Listening

When we get stuck in the mind trying to figure out how we should best move forward on our path and which option to take, our intuition falls out of balance and we are not truly listening to the deeper guidance available to us. What are the natural and intuitive guidance systems available to us? Attuning to those that are unique to you will assist you into a deeper form of trust for your body’s and soul’s guidance in which direction to go and will lay the foundations for you to hold intuitive spaces for others, responding to what’s alive and required in the moment, keeping your work as organic and present as possible, delivering power and truth in every moment through this connection.

We will delve into the physical body, working with the cranial sacral, the pelvis, the mind as a mapping tool, the brain of the heart (front and back) and the gut, and the magic of the entire system of cells and tissues and how they can intuit relevant information for you and those you are working with.

We will also work with the guidance of your subconscious and the dream realms. If this is an aspect that comes naturally for you, your dreams will be a key guide for your work as a healer and a gateway into a deeper form of intuition, information and guidance.

During this week you will be given some exercises to complete at home to work on harnessing the power of your intuition and discerning how it communicates with you specifically.


Week 3 Preparing your space - inner and outer

This week will be about developing your abilities to become and maintain a clear vessel, how to protect your energy, ground into your heart, your body and the earth so that you are in the most present space to hold and facilitate healing without any of your own stories and projections coming into the process.

We will support each other through some practical exercises and develop a routine for practitioner self-care and embodiment of the work as the first step for sharing.

During the rest of week 3, you will be assigned various clearing and grounding practices to work on and develop yourself and in your groups to create something to return to throughout your work.


Week 4 - The Power of Enquiry

How to work with intuitive enquiry when facilitating transformation for others. With our harnessed ability to hold our own space developed through the previous week, we will now delve into the power of intuitive enquiry, working with specific games and techniques to deepen into this.

This week’s study will be focused on your own personal enquiry. As a healer, it’s important for you to continually practice as you share. Our own healing is the first step in beginning to step into that role for others. This week we will begin to look within and start the thread to address our own shadows and blockages in our support groups.

Week 5 - An Exploration of Modalities and Practices

During weeks 5 and 6, we will explore different healing modalities, key pillars of healing work and begin to co-create and experiment with them based on what resounds with us most deeply to you. We will cover energetics and inter-dimensional study, emotional work and working with the body, as well as feeling to heal, the quantum field and a basic understanding of bodily energetics.

The aim of this time is to begin to delve into resonance. Your homework will be focused on researching based on what is in resonance based on the practices we’ve begun to explore, and to begin to develop work based on these practices in your support groups.


Week 6 - Alchemising imposter syndrome into a deeper knowing as to why we are here 

Perhaps one of the most essential initiations into this work is to know and believe in our intuitive abilities. Getting ourselves out of the way so that we are able to show up is one of the most important aspects of showing up in fullness and trust for deep service.

This week will be about creating a safe container for us to work through any self-limiting beliefs around our ability and deservingness to step into this work, being present with and deconstructing any blockages preventing us from showing up. 

Weeks 7 & 8 - Stepping into the Role 

During weeks 7 and 8 you will step into the role of a facilitator and guide either a 1-1 or group session based on your work and discovery so far. You will be guided to weave all of your practices together to create a safe space for you and those experiencing your work, and be present with your soul, body and intuition.

We will end our time together setting intentions and working on our ability to manifest opportunities to work in this way, bringing that which we’ve discovered out to the world.


What to Expect: 

  • Expect to develop deep and meaningful support network to connect with throughout your journey into becoming and remembering your capacity as a healer and facilitator of transformation for others.
  • Begin to step into the direction of healing that is in the deepest resonance with you on this path.
  • Learn how to work in the most open, authentic and grounded way to lay the foundation for your practice that can help others go deeper.
  • Experience holding space for others in a supportive and loving environment and work through blocks that have prevented you from showing up in this way in the past.
  • Begin to align yourself to the manifestation of this work in your life.

What you get: 

  • Full support on your journey into transformational space holding;
  • 2.5 hours of live tuition per week plus a community to practice with throughout the 2 months;
  • An online lifetime access PDF resource to support you based on all the practices and techniques we explore;
  • A 90 minute coaching session with Laura (plus additional sessions if needed) throughout;
  • A community of facilitators in training to support you;
  • Laura's continued guidance and support throughout the training.

All sessions are on zoom - can be recorded with notice. The final piece that you will be required to hold to complete the training can be done in person with notice, as can the practice sessions. 

Total time commitment & training structure: 

  • 2.5 hours per week live call on Tuesdays on zoom
  • 1 hour minimum practice homework with your partner per week (in person is optional if we can pair you with someone close to you)
  • Dedicated time to your self work throughout
  • One 90 minute 1-1 coaching session with Laura (minimum) throughout the duration of the training (more if needed)
  • A live final practice session (option to do this in person) at the end of the training.

Training Price: 

We understand that price can be a barrier to joining. As such, payment plans are available to fit your financial needs. Please email to set up payment plan option. 

Your Facilitator




★★★★★ "My life will never be the same again. I feel like I've shed so many layers and been filled up with love and joy." 

"One of the best things I've ever done in my life. So grateful to have met so many like-minded souls that were also on their journeys in life. My heart is brimming with joy as I write this." ★★★★★

"Laura creates such a supportive and yet gently challenging space to explore yourself and your experiences. She is authentic and honest about what she is sharing. She has the experience and knowledge to guide you through it but is still easy to relate to, it feels like she walks with you not ahead of you on your journey. She brings a range of ideas and traditions to you to work out your own path. Always great to share in the space she holds, and does it so skilfully over zoom! For me I find that little is lost doing this on zoom but a lot is gained in terms of having the option to ease yourself gently into participating and connecting as you feel comfortable and to be in your own safe space as you take on this work." ★★★★★



• The Wisdom of Trauma course with Gabor Mate 

• QiGong teacher training - 1 year - Mimi Kuo Deemer 

• Craniosacral therapy training - 1 year (in progress - CCST) 

• Somatic Experiencing course - Peter Levine 

• Reclaiming your six body wisdom areas course with Suzanne Scurlock

• 10 years working with shamanic diets and practice 

• Masters in Acting from East 15 (Alexandra technique; somatic practice & training; Meisner technique; physical theatre; body connection work; Clown studies; Bouffon)

BA (hons) Philosophy and Theology - consciousness studies/metaphysics - University of Nottingham and Melbourne  


All sessions are on zoom - can be recorded with notice. The final piece that you will be required to hold to complete the training can be done in person with notice, as can the practice sessions. 

This event requires free zoom account which you can set up here:

Instructions on how to join will be included in your confirmation email.  
EVENT TIMES: 6:30pm-9pm London, UK (GMT)

ZOOM ROOM OPENS: 6:25pm   
TICKET PRICES: £888 - £1,111 


REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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This event started about 2 years ago

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