Sacred Sexuality for Couples: 6-Week Course with Bibi Gratzer

  • Wed 5th Mar 2025, 2pm – Wed 9th Apr 2025, 4:30pm EST (UTC -05:00)
  • Online
psychedelics intimacy conscious sexuality sexuality relationships trauma release intimacy identity and connection spirituality sacred sexuality emotional healing tantra bibi gratzer relationship and sex mentor
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Intimacy, Identity & Connection
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‘Sacred Sexuality for Couples’ with Bibi Grazter

Are you and your partner seeking a guided, safe space to explore the full spectrum of your shared sexuality?

Do you want to deepen your connection by unlocking harmony and attraction between your masculine and feminine energies?

Together, you can access a whole new world through sacred intimacy—a world where you expand your sense of self, merge into each other, and feel at one with the universe. 

Sacred Sexuality draws inspiration from the ancient tradition of tantra, offering transformative experiences for couples.

What can you expect?

Over 6 weeks, we will learn how to focus on the present moment and enhance your sexual energy, which will have an impact on the quality of connection you experience.

We will learn how to reconnect sex with the sacred -  how it used to be in ancient lineages. We will learn how to create altered states of consciousness through breathwork, movement practices, sound, touch, and moving sexual energy through the body as well as ritual. 

Even though a part of practising tantra is to not be attached to an outcome, you might experience:

  • A deeper, more nourishing connection to each other
  • Reaching altered states of consciousness together
  • Some good laughs and fun
  • Learn about each other’s sexuality
  • Expanded orgasmic states
  • A toolbox to alter your state of consciousness through tantric practices and rituals
  • More liberation in areas where you have previously felt a contraction



Who is this for? 

This course is for couples only -  ticket price is per couple. A separate course for indiviuals will run at a later date.

  • Couples who want to unblock or heal something in their sexuality. This is a trauma-informed and safe space, however it is not a replacement for trauma therapy if that is necessary.
  • Couples who want to increase their capacity to experience pleasure, expand their orgasm, and use sex to reach altered states of consciousness, where the sense of self disappears for a short time.
  • Couples who recognize that something is missing in the stories we have been told about sex (it's secret, forbidden, dangerous, slutty, etc.), and who are ready to re-write these stories and reconnect sex again with the sacred, the holy, the Divine.
  • Couples who are looking for a deeper emotional connection with their partner.

All types of couples and genders and gender non-conforming people are welcome - the only prerequisite is that you are willing to participate in the practices, even if they may seem a bit odd or different initially.

If you have experienced sexual trauma and you haven’t integrated this trauma (eg. never talked about it or never done any work on this trauma before), please contact Bibi Gratzer before you book onto the course. This course is supportive in healing sexual trauma, but I strongly suggest to have a few 1-2-1 sessions before or while you join the course to actually integrate the trauma. This course is not a replacement for trauma-work.


The Science of Sacred Sexuality

Research shows that regular sexual practices that have an intention and are devotional, can significantly improve mental health (even more so than psychedelics), improve the bonding between two people, and thus have an impact on our overall life satisfaction, happiness, and family life. 

Scientific studies also say that sex can lead to mystical experiences and flow states. Flow states are essential for creative expression and new ideas, which in turn can be beneficial for the times we are in - because we need more people who are mentally stable, with creative ideas to change the world for the better. 

Overall, studies prove that sex - especially if it is connected to a more mystical experience - is benefiitial on many levels. 

By having sex, we can help change the world!

Course Structure

Why commit to 6 weeks? Many of us might struggle to have what we might deem as “good sex”. Many experience shame, dissociation, fear, lack of desire or knowing what your desire is, as well as physical pain or other physical symptoms - and these might prevent us from enjoying a healthy sex life. As with anything, if you want to be good at something, you have to practice! 

This is a course for those who are ready to up-level in their sex lives and to commit to 6 weeks of practice in this intimate area.  

Our Weekly Schedule:

  • Week 1 - Foundations; Safety; Body Awareness: We’ll kick off by laying some groundwork so that you can benefit from the practices we’ll dive in later.
  • Week 2 - Devotion to Love: Sacred sexuality is more than just about sex. It is about devotion on all levels. Without learning how to devote yourself more deeply to your partner's nervous system, you might access higher heights in the short term, but then quickly go back to old patterns. This part will give you tools for emotional regulation and co-regulation.
  • Week 3 - Masculine sexual powers and male orgasm: We’ll explore the benefits and risks of non-ejaculation, as well as healthy tantric masculine qualities such as presence, power, non-attachment, leadership, and ravishing.
  • Week 4 - Feminine sexual powers and female orgasm: We’ll explore female orgasm, and blocks to female orgasm, as well as healthy tantric feminine qualities such as openness, receptivity, surrender, and beauty.  We’ll also explore the connection between emotions and sexual energy.
  • Week 5 - Masculine and Feminine in polarity: We’ll explore masculine and feminine within the context of your relationship, and where you can help each other lean more deeply into this polarity. We will practice a series of breathworks to explore the circulation of masculine and feminine energies between you.
  • Week 6 - Tantric Sex Rituals: These rituals are designed to worship each other as a God/Goddess, open the power energy centers in your body, and explore new ways of breathing together and touching each other.

The course will take place on 5th of March, running until 9th of April, with each live session lasting 2.5 hours. 

Video recordings will be available for a limited period following each session. 

Each week, you will receive practices that you are encouraged to do at home in between the sessions.


8 Recorded guided practices to continue and deepen your  practice at home even after the course 

2 x follow-up group calls in the two months following completion of the course (one end of April, one end of May) 

Personal guidance in dedicated WhatsApp group to answer specific questions and support you along your journey 

What previous participants have said: 



"The Sacred Sexuality course was a fantastic experience. Each week we delved deeper into different practices and got to learn at our own pace. 

I always felt like we were in safe hands. Bibi was loving and highly attuned to the group and was able to accommodate to the needs of the group in real-time. There was a great balance between safety and only going as far as one is ready for, while at the same time the encouragement to step outside of our comfort zone. The group itself was also really intimate and cosy. I would definitely recommend the course and look forward to learning more from Bibi." - Anita

“Working with Bibi has been a life-changing experience. She holds really safe spaces which gives room to explore more vulnerable parts of ourselves.”

“The course was fantastic and I did things I never expected I would do on a zoom call with people I had not met before. Comfort zone busting and incredibly insightful learnings about how I am put together and the blocks that are holding me back and how to break through them.” 

“Brilliant experience from start to finish. Bibi held the space wonderfully. Great mixture of practical exercises and teachings. Looked forward to it every week. It has transformed my relationship with myself. Would highly recommend to anyone and everyone wanting to understand themselves better.”

“The course really opened me up to discovering new parts of myself and allowing myself to dig deep into areas causing blocks and resistance in relation to sex. It is definitely sparked the beginning of a journey in this area… It was wonderful to be part of a group who were able to be vulnerable and share so openly.”

What to bring? 

  • Please make sure that you are undisturbed for the duration of the call (if possible switch your phone off completely) - this includes making sure that you are safe to express sounds.
  • Consider creating a little altar or dedicated space for the duration of the course. You might want to buy things or collect things from nature that help you transform your space into a sacred temple, rather than a room. Invest a little bit of time here - it is worth it!
  • Get cosy - create a nesting space with warm blankets and cushions
  • Water (stay hydrated!)
  • Tissues
  • Notebook/journal, in case you want to revisit certain practices or thoughts


Meet your facilitator: Bibi Gratzer

Bibi Gratzer, is a Tantra Teacher and Sex and Relationships Coach. She envisions a world where men and women celebrate each other as equals, and we remember ourselves and the Earth as a sacred miracle. In this world, sex and eros are seen as sacred again, so that we can connect our humanity, and our instinctual nature with soul and love and thus liberate ourselves from the suffering caused by unconscious sexual behaviour. I want to live and create a world in which we are free in our expression of who we truly are. To make sex sacred again, means to connect sex with soul and to recognise sex as a mystical act that connects us with life and death itself. 

Photo Credit: @jspencerkeyse @radicalreimagination

How Bibi teaches: 

Bibi Gratzer uses a tantric approach to create more freedom in the body-mind-soul. She works with embodiment practices, meditation, ritual, breathwork, archetypal transmissions, pleasure practices and partner practices.  She also works with opening the chakras, as well as teaches people how to remove blocks and heal limiting beliefs. Through her work, she invites higher frequencies and more energy into the body, which creates more bliss, connection and opens the heart. 

Bibi is a VITA Coach and studied shamanic-tantra and neo-tantra over many years intensively. She has a strong background in masculine and feminine work, as well as family constellations and trauma healing. 


Our space

In order to help create a safe container we ask you to comply with the following:

  1. Be open and respectful of each other - People who disturb the safety of the group through judgemental, offensive, or violent behaviour will be asked to leave.
  2. Keep confidentiality - Please don't talk about other people's experiences outside of the workshop; talk about your own experiences only

If you experience significant mental health challenges, please get in touch with us directly before you attend the workshop.


These workshops will be recorded and shared with ticket holders who cannot attend every week.

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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