Making Friends with the Five Hindrances

awakening buddhism fun yoga meditation mindfulness insight dialogue
Hosted by Dharmigos
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The Buddha identified five hurdles that block clarity and spiritual progress. To the degree that we meet, monitor  and master them, we can be free from their seeming grip and resultant suffering. At this November 23rd daylong retreat, we'll equip ourselves with a familiarity and understanding  around these five, such that we'll be able to work with them on the cushion, and also in daily life. 

Ram Dass famously challenged practitioners with the following question and suggestion-- “think you're enlightened? go home and spend a week with your family.” This quote is  apropos, given that our daylong will be held less than a week before Thanksgiving! Thus, for those of you are going home for the holiday, you'll be amply prepared after this retreat to notice and respond when your buttons are pushed, rather than to identify and react.

What to bring: We'll have a potluck lunch together after offering almsfood to the attending monks, so please bring a vegetarian dish to share, with ingredients labeled, if possible. 

What to expect: Longtime Buddhist meditator and awakening facilitator, Robert Rhyne will offer Dharma talks, guided and silent meditations, and walking meditation instruction. There will be ample breaks between meditation periods to rest and relax. Brian Chamowitz will lead the gathering through an Insight Dialogue practice to close out the day in mindful and supportive conversation.

See you on the 23rd!

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