Reset The Nervous System With TRE & EMDR

movement workshop trauma release somatic practices trauma anxiety embodiment expression and creativity tre embodiment healing stress london nervous system reset the nervous system trauma release exercises stress management
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Local group London
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Photo credit @ Elizabeth Gadd

Is a feeling of overwhelm, stress or anxiety taking over your life? 

Do you sometimes feel hyper-vigilant or even zoned out and in need of clarity or calm?

Join us for this half-day workshop, where we will be using simple, yet powerful techniques to significantly reduce tension/anxiety held in the body arising from traumatic events. TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) EMDR strategies to rewrite triggering events Activating the parasympathetic nervous system using Wim Hof breathing exercises 


What is TRE? 

Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) are a wonderful tool to assist the body to let go of chronic stress and deeply held protective patterns. A series of 7 simple exercises designed to evoke the body’s inbuilt natural tremor mechanism, this reflex allows the body to shake naturally, providing a way to process and release deep tension, increase blood flow and rewire neural pathways. After doing TRE, many people report feelings of peace and well-being. This practice can bring the body and mind into a more balanced state, building resilience to deal with the stresses of everyday life. The innate ability to tremor or shake is a primitive reflex, originating from the older parts of the brain and is something we share with all mammals to help down regulate protective states in our nervous system.

By down-regulating protective states in our nervous system – mobilised states (fight/flight) and immobilised states (dissociation/freeze), this mechanism can assess deep chronic held tension and stuck, arrested energy leaving us feeling more connected.

TRE is designed to be a self-help tool, an embodiment practice that, once learned, can be used independently as needed throughout one’s life, thus continuously supporting and promoting personal health and wellness. Since this shaking mechanism is built into our natural physiology as humans, everyone can benefit from TRE. This shaking of the muscles increases the resilience in the body as it creates deep relaxation and naturally reduces stress levels. It can release emotions safely in a very gentle way ranging from mild upset to severely held anxiety whether it is caused by work stress, PTSD, excessive worry, conflict in relationships, physical stresses or traumas from accidents.

When tension is released anywhere in the body, the brain registers a reduction in pain signals, producing new hormones that promote healing. TRE’s reflexive muscle vibrations generally feel pleasant and soothing. All the exercises are designed to gently awaken muscles that are normally activated when we are stressed. So, expect to go slow, take deep breaths and relinquish awareness to the body. Much of this workshop will encourage self-regulation, bringing awareness to how activated states may feel or where they are held in the body. This will be done with curiosity, playfulness, all the time encouraging you to be an active observer, making sure things do not become intense.

What is EMDR? 

One of the fundamental ideas behind EMDR is that our mental health problems are mostly caused by experiences that were emotionally overwhelming, and that because of that they have become ‘stuck’ in our nervous systems. EMDR begins by identifying the problems and their root causes, and by developing a series of resources which help us to feel emotionally stronger. We then focus on the traumatic experiences themselves using eye movements or tapping on one side of the body and then the other to detoxify the trauma. This process may sound a bit strange, but most people find that eye movements or tapping dissolves the emotional charge of the original distressing experience, and as that happens life in the here and now begins to feel much more positive. Another important element in EMDR treatment is that we use ‘resource figures’ to ‘rewrite’ early, disturbing experiences. An example of this would inviting a person who experienced critical and aggressive treatment from a parent, to re-imagine the distressing scenes but with their adult self present to support them. Using the creative imagination in this way we can change how the memory feels so that the dysfunctional computer programme stops running in the background. EMDR is a powerful therapy that helps us to identify traumatic experiences that have left an imprint on our lives that are affecting how we think, feel and behave in our current lives. EMDR helps us to process those experiences, as we were not able to do at the time, so that they no longer influence how we are living. In a nutshell it helps us to properly separate the present from the past. 

All the exercises are adaptable and are designed to awaken, not stress, muscles. 

Please wear comfortable clothes - and bring an open smile (these will be provided if you don’t have one)!

“Absolutely 5+ stars! I have been searching for my body for a long long time, and the only way I can put it in words what this workshop/session gave me is - I finally found it! Luke is very good at reading the room, creating cohesion and comfort between participants, and brilliant at explaining what the exercises he teaches do on the nervous system level. When I finally felt my body, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face.”


Luke Mullen

Luke Mullen is a trauma and embodiment specialist. 

He is a Systematic Kinesiologist (Dip T.A.S.K) and a certified TRE (Trauma/Tension Release Exercises) Provider/Mentor.

As a body worker, Luke specialises in stress, trauma, and anxiety related issues. He works with people of all ages, conditions and backgrounds, always illuminating issues gently, encouraging curiosity with the body to ultimately provide a space for the body's innate ability to heal.

Roger Mills 

Roger has been working as a therapist for over 20 years. He has two Masters level qualifications in counselling and psychotherapy (from Regents College and from The Westminster Pastoral Foundation) and he has been an accredited counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy since 2001. He began his counselling training in his mid thirties. Before he moved into counselling Roger had several different careers, including lecturing in History of Art and working as a journalist on a Classical Music Magazine. His counselling training covered a number of different approaches including Existential therapy, Psychodynamic therapy and CBT. For the last ten years he has focussed largely on using EMDR because he finds it to be - by a distance - the most powerful and effective approach that he has worked with.

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Abundance £70
Standard £60
Low-Income £50 Sold out

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