Reiki Level 1&2 In-Person London

workshop london event energy healing conscious connection reiki spiritual awakening guided meditation self discovery energy work expand conciousness open your heart
Hosted by Energy Awakening
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Join us on this magical journey of expansion and deep healing!

All of us have the potential to understand that there is much more to perceive and experience, that there is darkness and light and both are part of Existence. People deserve to receive and share love, and be able to discover for themselves the deeper truths of life by taking responsibility for themselves.

Right now is a pivotal time in human history and everyone can discover how to tap into that space of peace and pure awareness and also into that courage to make friends with those parts of the self that are waiting to be integrated. This will and courage, ultimately, come from within the individual.

PEACE and EASE are the main Reiki currencies, often underrated but so POWERFUL when it comes to Healing, Self discovery and Mastery.

This healing course and initiation will open a new way of understanding yourself and how to navigate Life and Reiki energy. You will be attuned to Reiki which you can use very easily for self-healing (Reiki Level 1) and healing others (Reiki Level 2) actively working with conditions on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

You will have an overview of Reiki history, learning about the principles and the differences between Western and Japanese Reiki, but more than anything else, this healing training is designed to empower you, to take your Life and self-confidence to the next Level and tap into the True Wisdom of your being while sharing the journey with like minded people.



- Reiki Attunements / Holy Fire Placements;

-Reiki history;

- Healing meditation and grounding practices;

- Preparation and holding space;

- Self healing;

- Byosen scanning / feel auric fields and body energy using hands;

- Chakra balancing;

- Hands on practice;

- Distance Healing (Reiki Level 2);

- Professional Reiki treatments and guidance on how to start your own Reiki Business (Reiki Level 2);


You will receive:

- Full support during and after the training.

- Internationally recognized Reiki certificates.

-Possibility to access Online Reiki Share at least twice a month.

Reiki Level 1 will enable you to give Reiki to yourself, family members and close friends.

Reiki Level 2 enables you to also send healing from distance and it qualifies you as an independent Reiki Practitioner, meaning you can start your own Reiki business as a practitioner straight after the course.

Other than that, Reiki, as life itself, is a mystery that needs to be experienced for yourself as words are not enough to do it justice.

Tickets are non-refundable

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Reiki 1&2 £340
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