Springs and Stones - Litha and the Summer Solstice - exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim

community crafts setting intentions summer solstice sabbat solstice natural crafts womens circle soul connections moon work energy work moon magic natural magic river swim wild swim circle of women shadow work safe space witch newmoon newcycle soulreflection wheeloftheyear litha midsummer
Hosted by Springs And Stones
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Enquiries to tara@wildswimmingwoman.com
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We invite you to join us in a beautiful outside space, to come together as community, to grow and explore our soul connections to the magic of the natural world whilst honouring and working with the expansive energy of the Summer Solstice  at Midsummer, during Litha. 

The moment of the summer solstice falls during Litha, with the sun reaching its highest point in the sky and we are at the closest to the sun.  The Sun God is now in  his full power during the longest day and the shortest night of the year . 

It is a time full of abundance, growth, masculine energy, love and magic. It is a time to give thanks for the summer sun’s warmth and to bask in its comforts. To light bonfires to assist the sun on its journey across the sky, changing the course and shortening the days as the Oak King concedes his rule to the Holly King.

It is a time to focus on the Element of Fire in honour of the Sun God, and also the Horned God of the forest and its wild animal life.  To honour the Goddess of the Earth as she brings forth the greatest abundance of the year.  Crops are reaching their maturity and forests are bursting with lush growth as we move towards harvest time.  A time to hold rites of re-dedication to the God and Goddess and divination related to love and romance

It is a time to align ourselves with the powerful energies of the sun and summertime, to expand our ideas, our businesses, our goals, our desires.  To acknowledge our successes so far in this Wheel of the Year and an opportunity to show our gratitude for all we have and thank Mother Earth for her bounty.  To pause to celebrate the manifestation of what we planted in the early weeks of spring. An excellent time for magic related to masculine energies and any situation that needs to be fired up in your life!!

Our day will start with a walk along the river up into the woods , where we will come together around the fire to hold gentle rituals giving thanks to the sun and its  warmth on the longest day.  We will cast our circle together, hold an energy cleansing ritual and an awareness meditation, giving thanks for the blessings in our lives and will create opportunities for us to pause, reflect, rejoice and set intentions for what is to come harnessing the energy of midsummer to fire them up!   We will be firing up our creativity and imagination too learning to make natural crafts, before we feast together on yummy, wholesome foods. 

Coming down from the woods and alongside the river pastures, we will walk together to the steps at the weir.  Here you can joins us for a toe splash, up-to-the-knees, wade around, shoulders under or even a swim if you fancy!  Our celebration will come to a close as we gather together again to share our stories, support each other, laugh together and drink some tea and perhaps eat a little cake.

If you haven't been wild swimming before or you would like to build your confidence up a little more first, you can book a one to one with Tara@wildswimmingwoman or join one of her Dip Your Toe in events which was how Meredithe started wild swimming!



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This event started about 1 month ago

One space for Litha Celebration £75
One invitation to join us for our celebration of the Midsummer summer solstice during Litha

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Meredithe Smith, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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