Power Play - Intro to Submissive and Dominant Play (Online)

conscious sexuality erotic intimacy identity and connection sex bdsm sex positive
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Power Play
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Enquiries to roisinmccarthygreen@hotmail.co.uk
24+ people
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Power Play - Intro to using Submissive and Dominant play as a healing tool to create healthy dynamics in your relationships

This online experiential masterclass is good for you if you:

  • Have no idea about Submission and Domination and are curious about where to start.
  • Feel powerless in a dynamic, finding yourself babbling, freezing or doing stuff you don’t want to do.
  • Find yourself complaining a lot and still not getting what you want in relationships.
  • Think of Power as a bad thing to have and avoid it.
  • Feel your romantic relationship/s are flat, stuck in a rut.
  • You’re arguing or feeling distant from your partner.

What is this for?

This workshop experience will show you how to identify the ways that power can be out of balance in your relationships and how that relates to the psychology of  ‘Bad Sub’ and ‘Bad Dom’, as you begin to find out how you can journey with Sub/Dom as a healing tool. 

You will come away with safety tools for playing with Dom/Sub and a take home  practice that you can implement in your life.  You are welcome in a couple, solo person or other relationship structure.

“Another amazing workshop with Roisin, a warm, empathic and highly skilled facilitator, holding an exciting and safe space. We came away full of new ideas for playing with power dynamics - thank you so much!”   - Kath

Roisin integrates the kinky edge of playing with power with Relational Life Therapy, which will bring you achingly close to yourself and your partner/s. 

With time you cultivate the Submissive and Dominant stances from a place of Soft, Loving Power. The result is to identify the unhealthy way that power plays out in your relationships and be guided in ways to, moment by moment, transform them into something creative and erotic.

Working longer-term with Roisin, you can expect to…

  • Feel more energy and spaciousness in your relationships, get more of the pleasure and love you want and be adored for asking for it. (This goes if you are solo or in partnership/s.)
  • Find pathways to transform your maladaptive behaviours into something loving, sexy and powerful which will result in you getting more of the juicy, happy fulfilling situations with others!


Roisin's Story

“I was repeatedly burned by my relationship dynamics until I learned the skills I now embody. My vibe was love addiction. I was hugely affected by the smallest shifts in my partner's demeanour and often filled with the anxious vibe of ‘Do you love me?’. My relational recovery journey has included working with my childhood trauma so I could hold my ground and recognise what I was doing. When I began to work with Submission and Domination I became more sensitive to what was happening with others, and they could tell that I was really with them. I met my now partner whilst playing with Sub/Dom, I can’t imagine us becoming so connected without these tools.”


“Roisin compassionately and skilfully navigates through real difficulties, doubts and woundings in a way that has led me to feel really seen and understood. As the weeks have gone by, I find myself more and more capable of opening up and bringing my vulnerability into our sessions. I see more clearly how the work we do not only affects the way I relate to my partner but also the way I relate to myself.  I feel from Roisin a strong emotional sensitivity and attunement to what we need in a given moment to work through our points of struggle. It has been a real blessing to receive Roisin’s help.” 


What can I expect?

In this online session we will do some important groundwork: 

  • Info on what we mean by Submission and Domination; the spiritual, political and sexual aspects of the dynamic.
  • Consent framework work and safety tools for play.
  • Knowing the part of ourselves that is able to play with power
  • Identifying the parts of ourselves that cannot play with power and should not try (this is crucial and leads to power play going badly if unchecked)
  • Practice time in groups
  • Pathways forward into your Sub/Dom Journey

Roisin's approach offers insights to those with no experience and those with many years or professional experience of Dom/sub play.

“An excellent introduction to this deep theme, facilitated with sensitivity and awareness. I highly recommend this workshop for anyone beginning to explore dominance and/or submission.”

About Roisin Green   

Roisin works at depth in a gentle, simple and to the point manner.  She has learned the delicate dance of cultivating psychological and spiritual power simultaneously. In working with Roisin, you will learn to be precise, slow down become deeply compassionate as you build your temple of awareness and gain the capacity to hold yourself in your experience. She works as a relationship coach for couples and individuals finding facilitating ways to fall deeper and deeper in love.

Visit my website

Relevant training and experience

  • Assistant to Kasia Urbaniak on the trainings Power with Men and Power With Money 
  • Relational Life Therapy with Terry Real Trained
  • Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy Diploma (to be completed 2024)
  • Practitioner Training and supervision - Coaching Cascadia 
  • Body Mind Centering - The School Of Embodied Learning

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ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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