DRAGON HEART Cacao Ceremony | 4pm

cacao frome gathering glastonbury cacao ceremony bristol
Hosted by Laura Durban│Kakao Zauber
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Enquiries to kakaozauber@gmail.com
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Cacao´s aim according to a Mayan legend is to restore the harmony between human mankind and nature - such as the arthurian lore is aiming to restore the Faery Accord.

How is this achieved?

Through opening our hearts



Because when we open our hearts, we return to our innate wisdom and nature. instead of only living in our minds and separating ourselves.

>> Thanks to Cacao we re-member that the harmony is always found within.

When we stop fighting ourselves, acknowledge our inner conflicts and therefore make space for resolution, we get out of our own way and return to our INNATE MAGIC AND GUIDANCE <<


The best source of original ceremonial grade Cacao from Guatemala will be served in its pure form for a grounding and blissful activation of our heart


Cacao Practitioner Trainer Laura Durban serves Keith´s Cacao and guides you during this heart opening, perspective changing and life enhancing ceremony.

Her approach is honest, down to earth yet never missing of a sprinkle of magic.

The key to her work lies in embodiment of spiritual teachings, practical ways to bring the ancient stories of the land of Avalon alive and allowing Space for the Spirit of Cacao to unfold its wisdom.

Intention setting

Cacao Practices according to the group dynamic

Guided visualisation

Sharing Circle



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This event started about 1 year ago

General Admission £28
Add a donation to Laura Durban│Kakao Zauber
We look forward to meeting you

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Laura Durban│Kakao Zauber, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.