Waking the Wild Ones Retreat: Dartmoor

play retreats intimacy identity and connection wild retreat rewilding grief tending ecstatic dance embodiment healing cacao ceremony
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity True Nature
Local group South West
Enquiries to alanahydebloom@gmail.com
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“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.” - Clarissa Pinkola Estés 


The Call

If you long to reclaim the wild parts of you that have been suppressed and forbidden for all these years, then this is for you.


The Wild Self is calling you, calling you to remember your true nature, calling you to remember the beauty and power within yourself and the earth around you. 

Developing a deep intimacy with ourselves and the living world around us, we unfurl into our animal bodies, tenderly and fiercely remembering the echo in our bones of how wildness might have tasted on our ancestors tongues. Kindling the feral parts of us in the hopes of awakening an ancient reverence for the wild places within and without. 

‘Let the soft animal of your body love what it loves’ - Mary Oliver


Wildness is welcoming home the parts of ourselves that we banish, for fear of rejection, in order to become whole again. The shame, grief and rage that you carry alone and in silence, is the prison that keeps you from living a life of deeper meaning and fulfilment.

This weekend retreat will support you to break open to a sense of true belonging, belonging in your body, in community, and belonging to this land, as you learn to shed the barriers that keep you separate, and are celebrated in the full expression of all that you are. 

If you have been yearning for the beating hearts of kindred souls, the smell of rivers and  fires, dancing under an open sky, and the freedom to express all parts of your being, then we welcome you with open arms.

Expect lots of; nature, dancing, singing, laughter, tears, painting, drumming, releasing and playing.



Unlocking the Wild Self

The wild one has many names, a shapeshifter that speaks to parts of us that can only be felt when we remember the image at the centre of ourselves.  

We call on the trickster medicine of the Wild One; The Green Man, Artemis, Pan, Witch, Medicine Keeper, La Loba, Dionysus, Herne the Hunter, Sheelanagig and many more…

Nature is abundantly creative, and our creativity is intimately linked with our wildness. We offer an experience that supports you to unblock and access your creative channel. 

Embracing our creative life force is fundamental to our health and flourishing and can help us come into contact with our true essence. When this true essence can express itself through intuitive voice and movement, the shackles of conditioning fall away and your whole being begins to open.

When we are able to fully feel the fear and shame that keeps us from expressing our true self, it releases from our body, we step into our power, and this is what sets our wildness free. 

"There are almost no words to describe the space held on this incredible retreat by Gaia and Alana. The spectrum of emotions and wilderness I explored within myself and the women in this circle will leave a lasting impact on my life. I arrived a stressed, disconnected person and left spiritually connected with myself and the land - lifted, empowered and truly rewilded. Thank you for the invitation, for all us for showing up with such courage, vulnerability and embodiment of our authentic selves. The morning cold river dips will remain as sacred memories in my heart." - Jade S



What to Expect

Throughout the weekend we offer a number of practices and rituals for you to connect to the unbridled power of your Wild Self.

Together we'll create a community where all of us is welcome and we each feel supported to unlock and let go; A place to feel seen and accepted in all that we are.

As artists and magpies of inner work we offer: voice work, dance, embodied ritual, grief tending, nature connection, sensuality exploration, sharing circles, meditation, play, theatre and magic as methods to connect with our inner feral and wide-eyed one, who listens to the wisdom in their blood and the pulse of nature all around. 

Nature Connection

Sensuality Exploration

Voice Work and Singing 

Movement and Dance

Sharing circles 






Weekend Highlights


Cacao Ecstatic Dance 

Connecting with cycles, rhythms and archetypes, this dance will take you on a journey to explore the outer edges of your being, and open a dialogue between visual and physical art, weaving between movement and expressive painting.

Nature Connection

We will spend time outside in the wilds whatever the weather. You will be guided through a variety of experiences including playful walks, games and solo time on the land that will help you become closer with the natural world and therefore yourself. 

Grief Tending 

A sacred space to connect with and share our grief. Through feeling and expressing our grief, we connect more deeply to love and life. The depth of our grief is the depth of our love. The ceremony will culminate at the river.

Wild Water Swimming 

We are lucky enough to have the River Dart flowing at the bottom of the land where we will take frequent cold water dips to revitalise our bodies, hearts and minds. 

Fire Ceremony 

A prayer space, communing with and seeking support from our grandfather, the fire. This will be a time to sing, dance, make prayers, and share.

Hot Tub and Sauna 

Between connecting to each other and our wild selves, there will be plenty of time to relax and restore in the in house Hot Tub and Sauna! It's a real treat. 


The Invitation

For years we have been guiding women through the doors of the Wild Self and after many requests have decided to run this retreat for all genders and none. We are excited to work with the archetype of the universal wild one beyond the binaries of masculine and feminine. 

We are held in the depths of Dartmoor, just after the Celtic festival of Samhain, surrounded by stunning views of the moor. We gather together as the forests turn a kaleidoscope of colour. Expect a deep space to slow down as you connect with your authentic self, community and the natural world.



"Beautifully masterminded and held. I came away with new found levels of confidence, deep connectedness and friends!" - Anita


I’m definitely noticing changes and feel like I’m finding myself again. I spent the first couple of days wanting to run and feeling that I was too broken to take part with everyone else. By the end I felt calmer, happier, more content and more confident. I’ve definitely taken those elements back into my life and I hope to keep developing them.” - Gemma


"I came away feeling completely lit up, inspired, and yes, IGNITED in a way that I would never have believed possible prior to attending. Actually this was a life changing experience for me. It has/is helping me to accept parts of me I didn't realise I had been so self critical of, shining a light into the subconscious programming that has made parts of life stale and dull." - Sarah 


"While overwhelming at the time, it has completely cracked me open and shed so many layers - ones I didn't even know were there! I feel like a completely new woman, stronger, rebirthed, and I'm excited how this transformation will take off in the real world. I cannot recommend Gaia, Alana, and their team's work enough, if you have any hesitation just go for it!" - Faye


“Returning to home life I have an awakened thirst to bring more honesty and presence to all aspects of my life. It is so easy to hide and stay small but I am proud to have taken some bold steps in the past week that involve moving out of my comfort zone. I love the wonderful community I met, that I will stay in touch with on this journey.” - Holly


It was facilitated in a way that was deeply healing and felt like the most open and wonderful space to share without judgment. I'm so grateful to have been able to take part in this retreat so thank you again for creating such a magical space for us to come together and heal. Such a powerful community.” - Ellis





Brimpts Farm lies literally at the heart of Dartmoor.  It is surrounded by both farmland and wilderness, with ancient monuments and river spots on the doorstep.



We create a whatsapp group in advance so that you can arrange a lift share or taxi share with other women on the retreat.

Public Transport

Train or bus to Newton Abbot (30 mins away) then taxi or car share.



From London Go to Exeter, then follow directions.

From Exeter (40 minutes) take the A38 towards Plymouth:

Take 2nd Ashburton turn off onto the B3357 to Two Bridges/ Princetown. Follow the road for 7 miles, past Dartmeet, up the hill, we are the 1st drive on the right.

From Plymouth (40 minutes) take the A386 towards Tavistock:

Take B3212 at Yelverton to Two Bridges (via Princetown). At Two Bridges turn right onto the B3357 towards Dartmeet. Follow the road for 5 miles, turn left immediately after the Hexworthy turning.




Your Booking Includes

4 nights accommodation

3 ½ days of workshops and ritual

Breakfast, lunch, dinner + snacks

Access to hot tub and sauna

Access to wild nature in the heart of Dartmoor, Devon


(Does not include travel to and from site)


Payment Options

All Rooms are en-suite

Single Room - You will have a room to yourself - £800

Twin Room - You will be sharing with one other - £650

Dorm Room - You will be sharing with three others - £550

**Low Income Scholarship Places - You will be in one of the Dorm Rooms  - £350

**We have a limited handful of reduced scholarship places of £350 for BPOC, LGBTQ+, and folks that are disabled, from marginalised communities or challenging socio-economic backgrounds. 

We are in a process of learning and unlearning how to make our space equitable, diverse and inclusive of the multitudes of experiences of our wider community. Creating scholarship and bursary places for those who might struggle to access or participate in events like this is part of our approach.

Please fill out this form to apply for a scholarship place https://forms.gle/NzUQuiC9ZwCwYz4dA and if you have any questions you can email Alana at alanahydebloom@gmail.com


Ticket Policy

  • £200 of your ticket is non-refundable. This is to cover any admin costs if you choose to cancel and to support participants to be sure they can attend before purchasing a ticket. If we manage to find someone to fill your spot we can transfer your ticket to another retreat.
  • We do not offer the 10% membership discount on our retreats. This is because our overheads are so high, and a 10% discount on an event with a high ticket value has a huge affect on our overall budget. 
  • We cannot offer any refunds if you decide not to attend within 10 days of the retreat start date. With such short notice we are usually unable to fill your spot. If we (or you) do manage to find someone to fill your spot we can transfer your ticket to another retreat.


A few Important Things to Note

  1. While this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are seeking therapy then we encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges please contact us in advance so that we can have a conversation about whether this retreat is right for you at this time. 
  2. The food will be mainly vegan and gluten free with some cheese and egg options. Tea and coffee will be available. You can bring your own deli meats if you really need it. Let us know as soon as you can about any dietary needs in our further information form. 
  3. There is no phone reception at the venue. We encourage you to take the opportunity to disconnect from the outside world, and to fully immerse yourself in nature. Please make sure you tell loved one's that you will be out of communication for the weekend. Wifi may be accessed upon request.



  • In the case of another lockdown in which gatherings are banned we will cancel the event and you will receive a full refund.
  • Please do not come if you develop symptoms, or come into contact with someone who has COVID, in the days before the event. Let us know ASAP and we will issue you a full refund and offer your place to someone on the waitlist. 


About the Facilitators


Gaia Harvey Jackson (Right)

Gaia is a workshop facilitator and artist creating spaces for deep transformation and specialising in women's empowerment. She runs the Psychedelic Women’s Circle Courses, and 4 month training programmes for women.

Gaia is passionate about the revival of ritual and works with communities to co-create ceremonies around the world, helping people to mark significant moments, move through challenges, and celebrate life. Her work combines elements of theatre games, voice work, meditation, dance and ritual, creating safe and playful environments where people can authentically connect and release.

“Gaia always holds a safe and loving space to explore the depths of our souls. It's one of the only places I have in my life to truly be myself - no expectations, limitations or judgement.”


Alana Bloom (Left)

Alana Bloom is an artist, facilitator and activist. Her work is focused on stewarding an eco-centric culture and she guides experiences for people to cultivate their relationship with the more-than-humans and their inner wild one. She works with ritual, embodiment and many practices inspired by her theatre & dance training. With her background and interests in deep nature connection, grief, archetypes and rites of passage, she supports people to remember our innate belonging, wildness and wholeness. She currently offers women’s immersions and retreats, grief rituals, courses and eco-centric mentoring. www.alanahydebloom.co.uk 

"She lives and breathes what she teaches, she shares from her inner well of lived experience" - Emma Ashru Jones, Coach and Facilitator 

‘Her mixture of skill, authentic expression, intuition and pure feminine power as a facilitator, ritualist and artist have empowered, inspired and catalysed my own authentic creative expression.’ - Julianne Mueller, Founder Sex Club



REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

Our facilitators have agreed to our code of conduct. Learn about our procedure for raising concerns

MEMBERS of the Psychedelic Society get a discount off almost all of our events.
Join from £5 a month and become part of this amazing community with invites to special events and more.


+ 16 people

Select tickets

This event started over 1 year ago

Own Room £800 Sold out
£200 of which is a non refundable deposit
Twin Room Female £625 Sold out
Dorm Room Male £550
1 left
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By proceeding you agree to the terms and conditions of Dandelion and The Psychedelic Society and understand this event is organised by Alana, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.