Sexual Power: Embodied Sacred Sexuality - with Bibi Gratzer

psychedelics intimacy conscious sexuality sexuality relationships trauma release intimacy identity and connection spirituality emotional healing tantra
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Intimacy, Identity & Connection
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Experience Sacred Sexuality through movement, breath, sound, touch and visualisation - a monthly drop-in workshop series with Bibi Gratzer

Sex is a portal to tap into non-ordinary states of consciousness and mystical experiences even more so than some psychedelics*. 

Yet many of us experience sex as a performance act, rather than a deep surrender to pleasure and ecstasy, and an altered state of mind. 

Through the four Archetypes of ‘The Cross’, the Dark and Light Masculine and Feminine, we explore what the Archetypes can teach us about empowerment, how to reach altered states through sex, and your shadows. 

*Jamie Wheal writes about the latest research on sexuality and psychedelics in his latest book ‘Recapture the Rapture’. 

Sexual power is the capacity to use sexual energy to create and deepen intimate connections with yourself and others, and to have healing, transformational sexual experiences that fulfill us on a soul level.

However, sexual power is often  associated with harm due to unhealthy, even abusive expressions. 

The result is that many of us experience shame, guilt, and fear in relation to sex and avoid sexual empowerment. 

Sexual power has many different flavors, which is why I work with the archetypes: 

  • being fully present and being able to delay your orgasm (Light Masculine)
  • embodying innocence, beauty, and acceptance of everything (Light Feminine)
  • rage, wildness, unstoppable pleasure, body confidence and animalistic lust (Dark Feminine)
  • embodying the confidence to ravish, and take what you desire with consent (Dark Masculine)

“Working with Bibi has been a life-changing experience. She holds really safe spaces which gives room to explore more vulnerable parts of ourselves.”

Do these questions resonate? 

  • Do you feel ashamed for being sexual Or not sexual enough? 
  • Do you have body shame or can’t get out of your head during sex? 
  • Do you experience performance anxiety during sex (eg. you think you are orgasming ‘too soon’ or ‘too late’; you are not hard, or not wet enough)? 
  • Do you feel afraid of hurting others or being rejected if you’d asked for what you truly wanted? 
  • Do you sometimes have sex even though you don’t actually want to? 
  • Do you want to learn how to be more attuned to your own body and your partners?

If you answered one or more of these questions with yes, then this is an introduction for you. 

The aim of this monthly introduction workshop series is to offer guidance and to empower you to level-up your relationship with your own body, your genitals, and to your sexuality, trusting that you can ride the waves of ecstasy. 

Please be aware that this is not a transformational experience for patterns that have existed for most of your life. This is an introduction that offers you an insight into tools and the vastness of what is possible once you start working with yourself on a deeper level. 

“A very instructive talk. I have discussed it with my partner and we were very pleased to see that we are actually going along the right lines in many ways, but that there is so much more; that a relationship between two minds has a universe of depth to it. We are so much looking forward to our new adventure together!” 

How will you benefit?

More pleasure in your life

You will be more mindful of pleasure vs contraction. During some workshops, you will receive practices that help you increase your capacity to allow and experience pleasure. You may experience mystical experiences during sex once you start applying the tools on a regular basis. 

Personal growth

The more often you participate in this monthly workshop, the more you’ll free yourself from performance anxiety, shame, guilt and other fears, and feel more confident and loving towards yourself and your own body. Here are a few qualities you might develop when you take this sexual growth journey: courage, grit (perseverance and passion), self-love, resourcefulness, and confidence.

Relational growth

You will become more mindful during sex, and have a range of tools that will increase your fun, joy and pleasure. You will deepen your sexual experiences together through fundamentally changing what you both bring to sex, and how you communicate about sex.

Change of narrative

This work may bring up difficult emotions and sexual trauma, and thus may change who you think you are. It may also change your perception of sex as we will examine preconceived ideas about sex. We will change the narrative from ‘sex is something you do’ to ‘sex is a place you go’. It is a powerful tool for transformation and higher states of consciousness.

What to expect in this workshop series? 

Every month, I will introduce one of the four Archetypes as a focus point of the work we do. That means that the practices are different every month and might include some of the following:

  • Visualisations and guided movement practices
  • Tantric and orgasmic breathwork
  • Self-pleasure practices
  • Healing the voice through authentic and playful communication
  • Learning what kinds of touch you like, and don’t like
  • Teachings on how to claim your sexual fantasies
  • Teachings on how to move sexual energy in your body to create orgasmic energy
  • Teachings on sexual anatomy, and different types of orgasm

If you have a specific curiosity about one of these subjects, you are welcome to let me know at the start of the workshop so that I can try to tailor some parts of the workshop according to the interests of the people who are in the room. However, I might also invite you to come back for a workshop with another Archetype in case your question doesn't quite fit with the theme for that week's exploration. 

Autumn/Winter Schedule

  • 17th October - Dark Masculine: The Archetype of Odin, a Celtic God, the Archetype of Gandalf, and the Samurai warrior, here we tap into The Lover, the Warrior, the King, and the Magician, as well as willpower. In regards to sex we explore shadows and healthy taking, conscious dominating, and “having balls”.
  • 14th November - An exploration of the 2 Feminine Archetypes - the Light Feminine and the Dark Feminine. Connect with your feelings as a divine expression; Bring adornments for your genitals, a veil and a hot sexy outfit to embody your inner feminine; This will be a celebration of beauty and innocence and a portal of your wild feminine nature. 
  • 13th December -  The last Sexual Power workshop in 2023 to discover the 2 Masculine Archetypes - the Light Masculine and the Dark Masculine; Discover the potency of presence as a way of power; experience your balls and your (energetic) cock connected to king & warrior energy and feel what it’s like to ravish yourself; bring a sword, another weapon or a stick

Who is this for?

This event is for women, men, non-binary, couples, singles.  All genders and gender non-conforming people welcome.  The only prerequisite is that you are willing to participate in the practices, even if they may seem a bit odd or different initially.

Our space

In order to help create a safe container we ask you to comply with the following:

  1. Be open and respectful of each other - People who disturb the safety of the group through judgemental, offensive, or violent behaviour will be asked to leave. 
  2. Keep confidentiality - Please don't talk about other people's experiences outside of the workshop; talk about your own experiences only 

If you experience significant mental health challenges, please get in touch with us directly before you attend the workshop.

Meet your facilitator: Bibi Gratzer


Bibi Gratzer’s essence lies in bringing the sacred into the experience of the body through sacred sexuality, emotional shadow work, relationship work, and ritual. She is a Relationship and Sex Mentor, working with couples and individuals. Bibi predominantly works with the wounds between masculine and feminine - and men and women. She has a background in ecology, and then studied archetypes, systemic constellation work, grief-ritual, Authentic Relating, sacred sexuality and soul regression. Her spiritual practices include tantra, cross-work (an archetypal map of the soul), Ashtanga Yoga and different forms of dance. She has worked with hundreds of people offering intensives, workshops, retreats, and long-term mentoring. 

These workshops are not recorded, so that we can create a safe, intimate space for people to share on camera. Please make sure that you show up on time as we won't be able to send you the recording link in case you miss this event. 

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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