
Creating an event

If you don't already have a Dandelion account

Check out the video below, which does assume you have a Stripe account.

Hi, I'm going to show you how easy it is to set up an event on Dandelion.

Start by clicking 'List an event'.

First you'll need to create an account. Fill in some personal details and click 'Sign up'.

OK, you're in!

All events on Dandelion are listed under an organisation. Fill in some details of the organisation and click 'Save and continue'.

Paste your Stripe API keys and click 'Update organisation'.

OK, your organisation is ready!

Now click 'Create an event'. Provide an event title and start and end time.

Click 'Description and confirmation email', and provide an event description and any extra info for the ticket confirmation email.

Click 'Tickets', and add some ticket types.

That'll do for now – click the final tab and then 'Create event'.

You're done!

If you already have a Dandelion account

Events in Dandelion must be created under an Organisation. (See Organisations for details on how to create an Organisation.)

  • Go to your organisation's page
  • Click the organisation dropdown at the top of the main window and select Create an event
  • Provide the required details and click Create event. You will then notice a new dropdown containing further admin options for your event at the top of the main window.

Let attendees choose how much to pay

To let your attendees choose how much to pay for a ticket type:

  • Leave the ‘Price or range’ field of a ticket type blank to allow attendees to pay any amount
  • Enter two numbers separated by a dash to create a slider e.g. 5-50 creates a slider where attendees can choose to pay any amount between £5–50 ($/€/etc)

Adding event facilitators

  • Go to your event (the main page, not the settings page), click the plus icon next to Facilitators and search for the desired facilitator by name.

Adding co-hosts

  • Go to your event (the main page, not the settings page), click the plus icon next to Hosted by and search for the desired organisation by name.

Recurring events

You have two options for recurring events:

  1. Create multiple events under a single Activity: Create an Activity under your Organisation (see the Organisations page for details on how to do this); create an event under this activity; then duplicate the initial event for all the dates the event occurs. Share the link to the Activity for people to view all available dates.
  2. Use a single event with multiple Ticket Groups: Create a single event with the start date as the start date of the first event in the series and the end date as the end date of the last event in the series; then use Ticket Groups to list the different dates (example here)

Where did my secret/draft event go?

You can see all events under an organisation (including events marked secret or draft) by clicking the organisation dropdown and going to Event stats.

Displaying feedback publicly

Click the dropdown for your event (/activity/local group/organisation), select Feedback, then copy-paste extracts you want to show publicly into the boxes that say ‘Paste an extract here to show it publicly’. If a piece of feedback is missing a box, it means the person that submitted it doesn't want it shown publicly.

Fees and payouts

Dandelion does not take any money from ticket sales. Your chosen payment processor, however, likely charges a fee. Read more on:

Alternatively, you can accept completely fee-free crypto payments via Gnosis, Celo, Optimism or Base.

Want your events to show on the homepage and on the main events page?

Dandelion operates on a donation/gift economy basis, with a suggested donation of 5% per event, capped at £20.

  • If your event takes £100, the suggested donation is 5% of £100 = £5
  • If your event takes £500, 5% of £500 = £25 but we just ask for the cap of £20
  • If your event takes £5000, 5% of £5000 = £250, again we just ask for the cap of £20!

As a thank you to organisations that meet the suggested donation, we show their events on the homepage and on the main events page. Click your organisation dropdown and select Contribute to make a contribution.

Using automated revenue sharing

This is an experimental feature. Please contact us if you'd like to try it.

  • Ask your facilitator to create a Stripe account at and then visit your organisation's page on Dandelion and click Connect Stripe
  • When creating/editing an event, you can now select the facilitator under Revenue sharer
  • You will need to fill in an Organisation revenue share for the event as a decimal between between 0 and 1. For example, if you want the organisation to take 20% of the revenue, with the remaining 80% going to the facilitator, put 0.2

Embedding event listings

Embed an iframe like this, replacing the-psychedelic-society with your organisation's slug: 

<iframe style="overflow: scroll; border: 0; width:100%; height: 100vh;" class="dandelion-auto-height"  src=""></iframe>

You can also experiment with the parameters hide_featured_title, no_search, no_listings and first_carousel_only  e.g. ?minimal=1&hide_featured_title=1&no_search=1&no_listings=1&first_carousel_only=1

Put this in your head to set the iframe to the correct height:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
$(function () {
  $('.dandelion-auto-height').iFrameResize({log: true, checkOrigin: false, heightCalculationMethod : 'taggedElement'})

Embedding ticket forms

Embed an iframe like this, replacing with your event URL:

<iframe style="overflow: scroll; border: 0; width:100%; height: 100vh" class="dandelion-auto-height" src=""></iframe>

Use the code in the second half of the previous section to set the iframe to the correct height.

Still need support? Email us or ask us on Telegram