Breathwork for self compassion - On Line

breathwork wellness community online emotional healing embodiment and wellbeing growth mindfulness inner work grounding conscious connected breathing self compassion groupwork stress relief clarity guided journey
Hosted by Wellbeing Flow Expansion
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Join our  fortnightly Conscious Connected Breathwork group and explore the breath as a vehicle for the journey from the busy-ness of the head, to the wisdom and connection of heart and body.

This guided  journey is set to a curated playlist, and the invitation is to connect to your emotional inner world, release energetic blockages in the body and find peace in the present moment.


Preparing For Your Session

To ensure comfort during the session, participants are advised to avoid eating for at least 2 hours beforehand. Stay well-hydrated, and drink plenty of water throughout the day beforehand.

I suggest participants wear loose comfortable clothing with no tightness or restriction around the abdomen. 

When working online you will need 

  • A private space you can lie down in, away from pets, partners, family and friends.
  • Set this space up for a calm, safe relaxing session. It can be nice to use incense and a candle or two to enhance a sense of nurturing energy if this feels good to you.
  • A pillow, blanket, some water, and eye mask if available.
  • Headphones or a bluetooth speaker. I share music as part of the journey.

Please get in touch if there is anything you feel it would be useful or important to know ahead of the session.

Health Considerations

While breathwork can benefit many individuals, there are certain conditions where caution or avoidance may be necessary. Please be aware that the following conditions are contraindicated for Conscious Connected Breathing:

1. History of seizures or epilepsy
2. First Trimester of Pregnancy, and when trying to conceive 
3. Detached retina or any eye condition which can be adversely affected by changes in internal pressure.
4. Psychotic episodes.

By signing up for Breathwork sessions, you confirm you do not have any of the conditions mentioned above and release me from any liability related to your participation. My clients safety and well-being are my top priorities and if there are any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me in advance, or talk to me on the day.


Select tickets

This event started 5 months ago

Explore Breathwork as a vehicle for the journey from the head to the heart and the body.
love £10
Joy £12.50
Abundance £15
Add a donation to Wellbeing Flow Expansion

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Vaughan Dagnell, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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