Serpent Goddess Rising: Beltane Circle: Free Online Event

kundalini women dream herbs mystery shamanism somatic movement somatic practices retreat eros womb plant spirit ceremony plant consciousness sacred plant initiation womb blessing womens work rose dreaming animism women circle mystical experiences pilgrimage embodiment plant spirit kundalini activation meditation dance self love womens circle plant medicine
Hosted by Womb Mystery
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Serpent Goddess Rising:

Beltane Circle



An evening celebrating & honouring in circle ~ Beltane & the Gaian feminine mysteries. 

This workshop is an opportunity to dip your toes into the inky waters of the feminine, whilst exploring soul & body nourishing practices such as Kundalini Bodywork, Plant Spirit Communication & Shamanic ~ Quantum Womb Practices. 

Together we will bathe in the frequency of the Rose, and the  untameable Wild Mother ~ as we immerse ourselves in some of the magic set to unfold in the upcoming quest to Peru in Serpent Goddess Rising over the Summer Solstice.

Whether  or not you are planning to join the full length programme this time around ~ you are welcome to join us in entering the mystery school of the body ~ inviting the Serpent Goddess to rise ~ unfurling and flowering as our prayers unite in devotion to life, earth and the feminine rising.



Quantum Womb Healing

Rose ~ Plant Spirit Communication

Shamanic Womb Activation

Cultivating Kundalini Life Force Energy 

Ascension skills

Elemental Embodiment


In this experiential session, you will discover methods for direct revelation, a fundamental principle in shamanic practice, whilst awakening your capacity to listen and receive the pulse of aliveness: remembering relationships of reciprocity with natural lore.

It is open to all women and womb folk who are curious & looking to experience deeper connection and pleasure in their life.

There will be a Q&A  and sharing at the end for any questions or comments.


This event will be recorded and made available to anyone who signs up - but if you join live you will gain access to a special offer from Bryony & Harley.



What is Beltane?


Beltane is one of the 4 fire festivals in the Wheel of the Year, or Wheel of Life that rest between the Solstices & Equinoxes ~ marking the midway point between the Spring Equinox & Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.

 In the olden days it was most often celebrated on the full moon, as this is when the fertile energies in the Earth (&in women) are at their fullest ~ these days it is usually the night from the 30th of April to the 1st of May.

In the Wheel of the Year ~ Beltane is right opposite its Autumnal equivalent  ~ Samhain. And like Samhain (sometimes known as Halloween) it is the second night of the year where the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest. Magic and mystery are abound on this night.

 This springtime festival is all about the energies of abundance, life, love, passion, vitality, joy, fertility and conception.

In the Celtic tradition ~ this was seen as the marriage between the Green Man (the Sun) and the May Queen (the awakening Earth)  ~ who would join together in sacred celebration ~ honouring the rising fertility of the Earth after the long Winter. On this night couples would enact the ritual marriage of the God and Goddess ~ of the Earth & Sky.

In our circle ~ on this sacred day, we will honour the awakening feminine current within us. How our bodies, and lives are mirrors of the Earth ~ and her seasonal shifts can create a map for the spiralling rhythms of life.



Harley Rose Healing



“Bryony is an extraordinary guide and led us on much needed, beautiful and deep journeys into our heart and womb spaces with the rose. I didn’t want to come back!”



"Harley is truly exceptional, and I would suggest her to anyone wanting to heal, especially spiritually, as she will help you realize and tap into your limitless potential for your own awakening.”



“Beautiful and powerful circle gathering guided by Bryony. The Taster touched on key concepts and connections with nature. The guided meditations offered different methods of connection, and often first meeting, with the womb. The language used was very inclusive. It was overall a superb moment, and would highly recommend it to any womb folks.”


Photo Taken by @theferalwonder at Voice of the Womb Retreat



The Invitation:

Serpent Goddess Rising ~ Peru 


Full download on the webpage here




The Intention


Deep in the depths of the rainforest, lies the heart of the Serpent Goddess - the Wild Mother and Lover to the elemental forces of nature.

And in the centre of every woman, is a primal longing to be reunited with her untamable, wild essence - and to lead her life trusting and embodying the current of aliveness as it dares to flow and flower through her.

During our 7 day voyage into the heart of the Amazon, we will meet Body and Earth as one - unfurling like the petals of the rose as we listen deep to the primal voice of nature, knowing that the answers which we seek exist within Earth herself - as the Wild Mother weaves her way through us like a river carving through rock, our breathe unlocking the hidden gifts of our body and soul.

In this potent underworld journey we tap into and expand the coiled serpentine energy held within each of us. Through practices in Kundalini Bodywork, Womb Yoga, Shamanic Embodiment, Plant Spirit Communication, Earth & Body-Based Rituals - you will discover tools and undergo ceremonies to somatically release and liberate your physical, energetic and emotional body, whilst increasing your capacity to be in expanded and blissful states, with a deeper connection to yourself, your sovereignty and the creative space of your womb. In balance with deep feminine embodiment you will recalibrate to new, higher frequencies with the help of flower spirit allies, and attuning to the current of the divine.

With our bare hearts and feet, we invite an embodied feminine encounter with the living mysteries of the jungle, and our own inner wild woman. Revealing the interconnection between Matter & Spirit, Earth Mother & Sky Mother, as we actively participate in the Mystery as it is being lived through us - unveiling the Serpent Goddess with remembrance that all is holy & whole, held in the Sacred Web of Life.

Through this immersion, we will take you on a journey of deep unwinding, from Body to Earth, and back again. Unlocking and unleashing the dormant programmes and patterns within - a dynamic process of deconstructing old paradigms so that we can reconstruct in greater alignment with your soul's true path.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to dance to the beat of the feminine heart of the Amazon, in deep honour of idigenous wisdom, in co-creative partnership with the flowers, the Earth & Each other.


For the full brochure, view via this link


Book a 30 Minute Discovery Call Here


Harley Rose at the thermal river, during Viaje del Corazón: October 2023 Retreat at Inti Yacu


Serpent Goddess Rising


The time has come to activate your inner Serpent Goddess: the feminine consciousness of your awakened Shakti. 

We ignite the fire of your Kundalini energy, creating a bridge between heaven and earth - allowing our serpentine life force to rise, forming a ladder for consciousness to climb and ascend. 

Welcome to the new paradigm of sensual aliveness in embodied, awakened form, your deepening intimacy with earth reflecting your evolving connection to  body and soul.

Kundalini means “sacred force” and it initiates a rise of energy that clears the chakras and raises consciousness. In fact, Mother Earth has her very own Kundalini energy system.

Every 13,000 years the Earth’s Kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core and moves like a snake across the surface of our world spurring spiritual evolution.

According to ancient history, it began its journey in Lemuria, before moving to Atlantis, then to the Himalayan mountains of India and Tibet. This time, the Serpent has moved to the magnetic lands of Peru, which is why we have chosen to guide this initiation in this potent, energetically significant location.

This transition is ushering in a new era of feminine consciousness, unrestricted by the limitations of previous patterns as it links us with cosmic energy, eternal wisdom, magnetic force and boundless inspiration.





Your Guides



Bryony Bee


Website:  womb 

Instagram:  @womb.nectar

She is a facilitator at both Psychedelic Society and True Nature.


Harley Rose





Instagram:  @harley.rose.healing




Practical Info


For enquiries please email Bryony at:


Instagram: womb.nectar



REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. 

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email Bryony directly to discuss. 


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This event started 3 months ago

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Thank you for your contribution!
We look forward to seeing you soon!

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Bryony Darbon, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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