Breaking Our Patterns of Attachment (10 weeks online) with Boe Huntress

  • Mon 18th Mar 2024, 1pm – Mon 10th Jun 2024, 1:30pm EDT (UTC -04:00)
  • Online
online relationships intimacy identity and connection featured conscious connection attachment connection theory
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Intimacy, Identity & Connection
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Breaking Our Patterns of Attachment:

Online programme with Boe Huntress

Do you wonder why you struggle in relationships?
Do you desire to change your attachment style?
Are you looking to transform painful relationship dynamics?
Do you wish to break the patterns in which you feel stuck?

This is for you if you are:

  • Curious about your relationship dynamics and want to delve deeper into their root causes
  • Want the support and witness of other people to work through your challenges
  • Ready to bring change to areas of stuckness in your life
  • Interested in taking relationship issues out of the private arena and into a more collective or community arena

What you will get:

  • Insight into your deepest patterns and dynamics
  • Exploration of the origin of your woundings
  • Experience of your projections and seeing beneath them
  • Witness and presence from others


Why practise attachment in an Experiential Group?

Many of us are wounded in the area of relationships, starting with our earliest attachment wounds, re-enacted by our romantic and sexual experiences, and compounded by our disconnected society. For many of us the goal is to create a secure attachment style, but how do we do this? They say that wounds that are created in relationship are most effectively healed in and through relationship.

In 1-2-1 therapy we may be able to internalise the secure attachment with our therapist, but this is just one specific kind of dynamic.

Dr Stan Tatkin's work (couple's therapist), promotes a 'Secure Functioning Relationship' with a partner where you create a 'couple bubble.' However, many of us are not equipped to make such a commitment, and/or we may seek wider forms of inter-dependency.

The purpose of an experiential group is to discover who we are in relationships by experiencing ourselves amongst many 'others'. The space will be a held container where we can dare to be honest about what is really happening for us in relation to the others in the group. We may experience a strong charge with one person, or with many; we may see ourselves reflected in others; we may feel rejection, envy or any number of strong emotions, which we can explore in a container with people who are all participating with presence and curiosity. The group itself creates a form of secure attachment, in that it is a committed and regular space with clearly defined boundaries. We get to explore many different kinds of dynamics, and to use the space to grow, to experiment and to discover more freedom relationally.

About the course

The group will meet weekly for 1.5hrs for ten sessions. After 10 weeks, the group will open up for people to leave or join, and you'll have the option to continue if you'd like to. This gives people the option to be on this journey for an extended period of time, with some change in membership to further challenge and expand. There is so much value and magic to be found in the consistency of a group over a long period of time!

Sessions will take place online via Zoom on a Monday from 5pm-6.30pm. 

Location: online (please make sure you have Zoom installed and setup)

Dates: (please make sure you can attend at least 8 of these 10 sessions. If you cannot you will need to wait till the next round to join)

18th March 2024

25th March 2024

[Easter break]

15th April 2024

22nd April 2024

29th April 2024

[Break for Bank Holiday]

13th May 2024

20th May 2024

27th May 2024

3rd June 2024

10th June 2024

Ideally you won’t have personal relationships with anyone else in the group. If you’re aware of knowing someone else who wants to sign up we suggest that you each pick a different group (one online, one in-person) and/or let Boe know if you both want to sign up to the same group. If you do know someone in the group we can put some boundaries in place to make this as safe as possible but please do let Boe know:


About the facilitator:

The group will be held by Boe Huntress, an experienced facilitator trained in Group Analysis with the Institute of Group Analysis. Boe will bring some light guidance to the group and hold the container. Boe has a diploma in Group Analysis and runs Experiential Groups at Roehampton University and City University London for Psychologists in Training. 

“My name is Boe Huntress, I have been a facilitator of groups for over ten years. I hold spaces to support others and myself to engage healthily with their emotions and with their soul life.”

Feedback from previous events with Boe:


"Boe is a one in a million facilitator." 


"Being in this group has been a powerful, transformative experience. I’ve always felt in safe hands, in complete trust and able to grow each time." 


"I feel blessed beyond words to have found this group. It can be SO hard to find the space to explore and meet one's spiritual needs in modern every day life, and what has been grown here is exceptional and unique. I have deep gratitude to Boe for providing this much needed and very rare space.” 


"To say that this group has been a life-changing experience would actually be an understatement. It has given me the most incredible support network, lifeline in hard times, and a sacred connection to others."


"This circle has single-handedly saved me from depression, by giving me life long tools. It has deeply empowered me, meaning I can overcome insecurity and fear in order to help others and make a positive impact on this planet. I have come from being lost, insecure and afraid, to feeling open to the world and excited by its possibilities." 


"It's hard to pry apart all of the incredibly positive ways this experience has affected my life. It's given me tools, and I feel firmly on a journey inwards which is broadening and opening up my outward perspectives. I think this has been the best thing I've ever done."


“Attending Boe's group has enabled me to find my spiritual core. It has changed my relationship with myself and with the world, and enabled me to live from a more authentic and loving place." 

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

For PSYCHEDELIC KNOWLEDGE AND RESOURCES please check out the Psychedelic Society website

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