The Psychedelic Society's events
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Creating A Relationship Ritual: Online Taster
Psychedelic Light Journey: Light and Sound Technology from roXiva®
An Introduction to Bohm Dialogue - A journey into collective consciousness
Speed Friending: Ladies Night
Members Psychedelic Sharing Circle ONLINE
Soulful Leadership: A Six Week Path to Authentic Power
leadership coaching
conscious leadership and social change
leadership development
authentic connection
Sacred Sexuality: 6-Week Course with Bibi Gratzer
Waterfall Retreat
Iboga in Ceremony, Initiation, and Therapy by Nzambe Divanga
Embracing Grief: Support Circle
Psychedelic Integration Circle Cornwall (Falmouth)
Members Psychedelic Integration Group
psychedelic therapy
psychedelic integration
psychedelic science
psychedelic science and mental health
members event
Spring Therapeutic Breathwork Circle: A space to breathe, explore and connect within, in a safe, healing environment
Psychedelic Light Journey: Light and Sound Technology from roXiva®
Buddhism, Emptiness & Idealism: A panel with Bernardo Kastrup, Dr. Karl Brunnhölzl, Michael R. Sheehy, Andrew Holecek
Wild Woman Camp Out: Nature Immersion and Beltane Sit Out
Fool Expression BRISTOL: Discover and Learn How To Express the Different Parts in You