The Fungal Evolution of our Planet - How Fungi continue to shape our Ecosystems with Jasper Degenaars · Dandelion

The Fungal Evolution of our Planet - How Fungi continue to shape our Ecosystems with Jasper Degenaars

mushrooms talks nature connection mycology
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Local group London
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Fungi are Elders on Earth; they have been around for billions of years, have survived every mass extinction event that we know of, and time and time again, have helped rebuild healthy, vibrant ecosystems from the ashes of near-total destruction.

Gather with us in London on Tuesday 17th September and meet Jasper Degenaars of Fungi Academy,  who will take you on an adventure through the eons.

Learn how Fungi paved the way for plants to take over the landmasses of our planet. We will go back to the times when giant fungi ruled the planet, when a fungus ate the world and we will learn how fungi manipulated ecosystems from the Proterozoic to the Anthropocene.

We will wrap up our Fungi journey through time by looking forward to ways humans can create symbiotic systems by working with Fungi to promote the biodiversity of all living things.


When and where?

LoveShack is a cool, cosy, candlelit patch of vegan paradise tucked under the railway arches of Cambridge Heath Station. Their mushroom focused menu and range of mushroomy drinks are the perfect combo for this event!

Come along, get yourself a Lion's Mane Cacao and get settled in for an evening of mushroom magic!

Tuesday 17th September /  7-9pm / LoveShack, 299 Cambridge Heath Rd, London E2 9HA

There'll be plenty of time to socialise after the event, so plan to stick around and meet some like-minded beings!



Jasper Degenaars

Jasper Degenaars is an ambassador to the Kindom of the Fungi and has dedicated his life to the sharing and growing of Fungal Wisdom. It all started over 13 years ago when he embarked on a journey to decipher the growing of Psilocybe mushrooms. Since 2019 he has committed his full time and awareness in service to nurturing the connection between people and the Fungal Kindom. 

Through radiating passion and inspiration evoked from his many years of traveling the world, Jasper has co-created 20+ educational experiences, online courses, and retreats that cultivated diverse communities of learners, empowering them to explore the symbiotic relationship between fungi, people, and their environments.


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