Her Body as the Rose Temple: Womens Retreat Day
Breathwork for self compassion
BRISTOL - A Breathwork Journey: Navigating States with Jez Grattan-Kane
Cacao and Blue Lotus Journey
Holosomatic breathwork and connection workshop
Breathwork for self compassion
Bliss Breath - Concsious Connected Breathwork, Brighton
Ecstatic Dance Peterborough
Emotional Detox - Breathe and Release
emotional healing
embodiment expression and creativity
conscious connected breathwork
somatic exploration
BRISTOL - A Breathwork Journey: Navigating States with Jez Grattan-Kane
Mixed Shamanic Breathwork - Body, Mind & Soul Freedom!
shamanic journeying
shamanic breathwork
body mind soul connection
shamanic healing
breathwork journey
Sacred Roots - Balance and Renewel
Breathwork for self compassion
Waterfall Retreat
Breathwork for self compassion
Emotional Detox - Breathe and Release
somatic exploration
conscious connected breathwork
embodiment expression and creativity
emotional healing
Women's Shamanic Breathwork - Full Body Expression ✨
A Blossoming of Being, 5-11 May, Tulum, Mexico
Breathwork for self compassion