Woodland Day Retreat with the Miller Family · Dandelion

Woodland Day Retreat with the Miller Family

ice bath ceremony and ritual sacred south west intimate glastonbury sauna plant spirit sound ceremony plant medicine soul connections cleansing
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Plant Spirit Sound
Local group South West
Enquiries to lukemillerpr@gmail.com
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Are you ready to listen to the silent whisper of your soul? 

Join us in our private Ancient Forest for a day of nature, soul connection and sacred ceremony.

During the day we will be walking with 3 questions:

Who am I?

Why am I here?

How can I give my gift to the world?

With the day being broken up into 2 sections:

4 Elements Cleansing and Purification 

Native Oak Tea Ceremony and Sound Healing

Elemental Purification 

The elements of Earth, Water, Air and Fire make our reality and are here as our allies, but did you know the alchemists saw these not only as physical elements, but ranges of vibration which can be used to alchemise lower states of being to higher ones.

The Earth is thought of as the Body, with Water connecting to our Emotions, Air is Thoughts, and Fire our Spirit. When we consciously connect to these physical elements it can energetically move any stagnancy in each of the areas they represent. Transforming a lower state into a higher one, and creating a sense of wholeness.

The experience will be held by the Earth, with plenty of opportunity to place your feet on the land amongst the countless number of trees, and share in her wisdom. This will be aided by Water with a cold immersion as we purify by plunging ourselves into an ice cold plunge. We use Air to navigate this experience using breathing techniques, before bringing ourselves to a hot sweat in the wood-burning sauna powered by Fire. There will also be a Sacred Fire burning throughout the day.

During the day there will be plenty of time to explore the 3 questions - Who am I?, Why am I here? And How can I give my gift to the world? This will be guided during the day, setting you up for moments of quiet contemplation on the questions in natural sitting spots in the woodland.

Did I Mention The Hammock Village?

There will be tears, laughter, breakthroughs and bonding, all surrounded by loving people to guide you through your experience. We also have a Hammock village in which you can unwind by the fire as you contemplate and relax!

Our project is called Heart Centred Living, and it is held in an 11 acre Woodland we have been nurturing for Heart centred experiences that connect us to Love, Truth and Remembrance of Self. 

Oak Ceremony 

While we have been blessed by the functional spiritual traditions of the East such as Yoga and Buddhism, and the Shamanic traditions of the Amazonian Rainforest, Native Americans and Aboriginals to name a few, these ceremonies are not native to this land. 

Most of our native ceremony, story and song remains hidden and shrouded in mystery, but we want to ignite the embers sitting in the ashes and re-awaken the traditions of this island. 

We will be ending the day with an Oak Tea Ceremony. This is a sacred tree from our land, known as a doorway to other realms. The very potent and painful truth is most of the Oak groves were burned by the Romans, and with this wisdom traditions lost. Oak groves would surround our stone circles and holy spaces and work as protectors of the space. This memory is what we will be resurrecting over the retreat as we drink Oak infused tea while we guide you through a sound healing journey. 

Our understanding is the Earth wants to share her secrets with us. The Oak, The Blackbird and The Moon ALL want to be honoured, and this retreat will give you the chance to listen! 

What many do not know about the Oak is it is a medicine, both in a shamanic sense and a medical one. ALL plants have a spirit and the Oak is one of strength, courage, perseverance and seeing the truth of who we are. Physically it can help heal issues with the gums, digestive issues and skin problems. It’s harvest feeding the flora and fauna, and traditionally feeding our ancestors as the acorns were harvested and ground down into flour. Have you ever tasted acorn bread?

The ceremony will be opened with prayer and intention, and then be led with sound healing using sacred instruments. We may even do the ceremony in the Hammock village (this is weather dependent). 

Some of what we do remains a mystery, and every activity is encouraged, but invitational. There will be plenty of time for sharing any intentions, feelings, prayers and commitments you wish to make as we drop in around the fire throughout the day.  


Hartland Wood is located in the Ancient Isle of Avalon, known as Glastonbury. The story goes that in 63 AD Joseph of Arimathea came to Glastonbury to set up the first Christian Church in England before Christianity was heavily altered by the Romans, Spaniards and British churches. During this time he was given 1440 acres of land to set up his spiritual centre and the first Christian church - a circular meditation hall surrounded by 12 meditation huts for his students. We discovered a map showing this 1440 acres and found our woodland is on the map. It is a quiet secluded area of ancient woodland away from all the hustle and bustle of city life. It is off grid, with cows in the next field and we get our water from a holy spring in the neighbouring land. It is a space in which we can collectively drown out the noise and be with the land for a sacred  day of healing.

If you are local to Somerset or thinking of coming for the day from London or another city it is worth the trip. Glastonbury is like no other town and has many sacred sites, wells and magical shops. We would be happy to help you find the local sites and accommodation close to the venue if you wanted to make a weekend of it. Camping or bringing your live-in van may be possible in the neighbouring field - please contact for more info on this. 


Please bring warm clothing suitable for cold, outdoors and potentially muddy ground. A water bottle, cup for tea, towel and shorts (optional) for the sauna and ice plunge. A notebook for any revelations during contemplative moments. Please please please rideshare from town if you can, parking is limited, and weather dependent - so during heavy rain there are only a few spaces. 

A meal will be provided, but please bring healthy snacks to have during the day if you would like them. There is also an option to fast during this retreat to dive deeper inward. If you can fast without creating too much mental distress, this will enhance the experience greatly. 

Schedule (This is an example, and can change on the day - expect the unexpected)

10am - Arrival 

10:30am - Fire ceremony and cleansing tea from land to open

11:15am - Ice and sauna

12:15 - Contemplative meditation in hammock village or individual sit spots? 

12:45 Light healthy organic lunch 

1:45pm Sharing circle around the fire

2:15pm Contemplative meditation in hammock village or individual sit spots? 

2:45pm Oak Tea Ceremony 

4pm - Closing

Please note: we are on Shamanic timing, so don’t make plans for 4:15 ;-) it may be best to keep the evening open. The above is just a guideline, it could be a completely different flow on the day.

About HCLProject


Heart Centred Living (HCL) is a family project led by Luke and Bhavinie Miller alongside their 5 children (3 human and 2 doggy). The project is intended to expand into a small tribal village where we can live off the land, grow our own food and live sustainably in harmony with the Earth.

The main aims for our project are to Restore the medicine wheel of our land, Restore the sacredness to the family unit and its place within a healthy community, and Restore the Health and Vitality of the Individual. 

As we grow we plan to acquire more land and create a multigenerational symbiotic and supportive community with song, dance, myth and ceremony at it epicentre. 

About Your Facilitators: 

Luke Miller has been working ceremonially with plants since 2014. After a 13 month soul initiation working with Ayahuasca in the Amazonian jungle, he travelled to India to integrate the experience and learn Yoga and Pranayama techniques - eventually landing in the UK and being initiated into a form of Kemetic (Egyptian) yoga called Smai Tawi (which means union of the lands). In the last years he has completed a 30 day diet with the Yawanawa tribe in the Amazonian forest in Brazil, learning traditional songs and working with Uni (Ayahuasca) and Hape, and journeyed again to South India to deepen his Hatha Yoga studies. Passionate about studying, he is now a student of the Chek academy learning a complete approach to health and wellbeing of the individual, whilst re-kindling his native yearning for understanding the medicines of our land, our myths and our ancestry. Luke now combines this life experience alongside intuitive sound healing to create ceremonial events of cross cultural healing modalities. A unique transcendental experience merging plants, movement and sound healing. 

Bhavinie Peace (Bhavinie Miller) - As a wild-birthing Mother of two and sacred ceremony holder, l believe that living through Love we can be led in our divine tasks through the voice of our heart’s grace. My medicine is expressed through Dance, Sound, Music and Motherhood - I hold space for you to discover your own. 

After years of surrendering to my soul’s path, and taking leap after leap of faith, I realise the abundance life has given me at every turn. There is a sacredness to life, and the silence behind the noise holds wisdom, if we can listen.

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